The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 442】 Trace of the Undead King

"Young Master Tian, ​​don't worry, Wan is categorical and authentic. There is someone in \u003cGu who has achieved success in practicing the 'Wan Jian Zhen Jing', and he will definitely be a good helper when he returns to the Xuan Family of the Western Regions in the future.

"Young Master Tian, ​​there are rumors in the world that you died in the Qixuan Mountain Range, didn't you? The Qixuan Mountain Range is in the northeast of Shenzhou, this is the southwest, and it is nearly a million miles away. Why did you come here!" Mu Qingjie asked strangely.

"It's hard to say!" Xuantian sighed, "I traveled underground for two days, and unknowingly crossed the land of Shenzhou, and appeared in the volcanic lava cave that I met with you, and then I practiced there until I met with you. When you meet each other, you will know what will happen afterwards." \u003cExclaimed: "The world is really big, full of wonders, there are too many anecdotes and strange things in this world that we can't find the answer to."

"Young Master Tian! After you came to the Western Regions, you still don't know what happened in the land of Shenzhou recently?" Mu Qingchen asked.

Xuantian's expression changed, and he said, "What's new news? Has the falsehood created by the Xuan family in the northern part of the Western Regions been revealed?"

Mu Qingchen nodded, and said: "It's already gone, and your master Beichen Pavilion Master has already left the customs. He was very angry when he heard that you died, and he went to the Northeast Battlefield to look for it in the Qixuan Mountains. I searched it again, but I didn't find any results or clues, so all the warriors in China think you are dead."

Xuan Tian's expression was joyful, and a few traces of smiles appeared on his face. Said: "Has the master left the customs? It seems that I have to go back to the 'Beichen Pavilion'. Don't let the master worry." There is an ancient teleportation array in \u003cZhou, which can send you to the middle of the Central Territory, saving you money. A lot of distance. "\u003cThe ancient teleportation array of Zhou has returned to the middle of the Central Territory.

The central part of the central region is the site of the main pavilion of the 'Tianxing Pavilion'. The reputation of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' has reached the extreme here. All the major sects and families respect the 'Tianxing Pavilion'. The ancient teleportation array in \u003czhou is a one-way teleportation array, and Xuantian appeared in a barren mountain in the central region.

After identifying the direction, Xuantian flew to the north with his sword and returned to the 'Beichen Pavilion'.

This barren mountain range is extremely wide. Xuantian flew thousands of miles to the north, but he still hasn't flown out yet.

These peaks are not very high, the tallest is only more than 100 meters, and most of them are short peaks of tens of meters, but they are continuous. It is difficult for ordinary people to go out in the mountains, and the strong will not live in seclusion in these ordinary short mountains. Therefore, this barren mountain is completely no man's land, and even the number of monsters is very small, compared to the wild beasts that Xuantian has visited. , The Yinfeng Mountains are far behind.

In the endless low mountains. Suddenly a pinnacle of stone appeared.

These stone peaks are only tens of meters high. Although they are very close together, they are independent of each other, like stone pillars standing up one by one.

Compared with other low mountains that are covered with green plants, these pinnacles and the surrounding ground are barren of grass, and they stand out extremely.

Xuantian's eyes were naturally attracted by these Shifeng.

"En!" Xuantian's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

He has read the ancient secret book "Array", and he has certain attainments in formations. Although these stone peaks are all formed naturally, they vaguely resemble a formation.

Xuantian had never heard of the formation that formed naturally, so he immediately became interested and flew towards the Shifeng.

Flying closer, Xuan Tian understood that this area of ​​stone peaks should be very densely packed, but some of them were destroyed by people, so there are many rocks on the ground.

The person who destroyed Shifeng was a master of the formation. Originally, these stone peaks had nothing to do with the formation. However, when some Shifengs were destroyed, the remaining Shifeng happened to be in the shape of a formation, and they were arranged into a formation. Array.

The formation was supposed to use the natural power of the heavens and the earth, and the people who set up the formation borrowed the naturally existing stone peaks to set up the formation, which was naturally in harmony with the heaven and the earth, so the formation formed must have extraordinary power.

However, the formations that had been arranged had already lost their power with the passage of time, and only these stone peaks remained in the shape of formations.

Xuan Tian landed on top of one of the stone peaks, and when he took a closer look, he discovered that the stone peaks under his feet had many nicks or cracks, which were not natural, and seemed to have been struck by swords many times.

Xuantian looked at the other Shifeng and found that there were sword marks on almost every stone peak, and in many places, the sword marks were very dense, as if they were attacked by hundreds of thousands of swords in an instant.

"There was a very fierce battle here!" Xuan Tian made a judgment.

Xuantian moved from the top of one stone peak to the top of another, and soon reached the center of this stone peak. Suddenly, Xuantian saw a few lines of inscriptions on a stone peak in front:

If I don't die! Will kill all sword formation masters in the world!

don't die! don't die! Sword Array Master can't kill me! God can't destroy me! I will not die!

One day, I will punch the gods in the sky, step on the demons of the Nine Nethers, and be invincible in the world. No one can kill me, and no one can threaten my life. I want to live forever!


The engraved words are not too many, but Xuantian felt the incomparably powerful faith of the engraver from a few words, which is almost an immortal obsession, and the pursuit of life has reached an extreme. high.

"No-death-king!" Xuantian's voice was slightly startled, and he read word by word. From these words, it is not difficult to guess that these engraved characters are the most miraculous "undead" among the nine generations of kings in ancient times. King' stay.

It's just that when the 'Undead King' left these inscriptions, he was not yet the supreme king, and was being hunted down by the sword master.

It seems that the 'Undead King' was very annoyed by being hunted down. The sword formation master who chased him must be very powerful. The formation technique of the 'Undead King' is extremely high. Against the sword array.

Judging from the sword marks on these stone peaks, this battle is very dangerous. The sword formation master's attack power is boundless. Lose.

"I actually saw the footsteps of the 'Immortal King' Emperor Qinhuang!" Xuantian sighed slightly in his heart, and then his expression changed suddenly, and he thought to himself: "'King of King Kong', 'King of Wanhua', 'Earth Spirit' Wang', 'Wooden Sword King', the supreme kings passed on one after another, all have the same characteristic, that is, the relics they left behind or the footprints they walked must first appear, shouldn't it be, 'Immortal The king's inheritance is about to be born?"

'King of Wanhua', 'King of Yin Pluto', 'King of Wooden Sword', 'King of Water Dragon', 'King of Vajra', 'King of Skyfire', 'King of Earth Spirit', 'King of Longevity', 'King of Immortality'!

Among the nine generations of kings after ancient times, the "Undead King" is the one most familiar to Chinese warriors, because the era of the "Undead King" is the closest to the present, and it was the supreme king thousands of years ago. Numerous legends all know that he only stepped into the martial arts at the age of fifteen, but he became the supreme king before the age of thirty. He was once chased and killed by the sword masters all over the land of China, and then he became angry and wiped out all the sword masters in China , and the method of forging the spirit sword...

However, the 'Undead King' is also the most mysterious and magical.

The mystery is because the "Undead King"'s unique skill "The Body of Immortality" can heal itself with flesh and blood, and regenerate a broken limb, which is completely beyond the scope of martial arts and beyond common sense.

Other king-rank magical arts, some dissolve other people's martial arts, some absorb others' internal energy for their own use, and some have unparalleled attack power... No matter how powerful they are, they can all be understood, except for the 'immortal body', which is difficult to kill without being killed. Make people understand.

The magic is because of the life experience of the 'Undead King'. He entered martial arts at the age of fifteen, and became the supreme king when he was less than thirty years old. Moreover, after only a few years of becoming the supreme king, he proclaimed himself emperor, declaring that he has surpassed He lost any of the previous supreme kings, and then disappeared mysteriously. Overnight, there was no other legend about him in China.

The 'Undead King' is like a shooting star passing across the land of Shenzhou, extremely bright, but very short-lived, no one knows where the shooting star will burn to the ground, or passing through other skies.

Seeing the handwriting left by the 'Undead King', Xuantian couldn't calm his thoughts for a while. This is a legendary figure, but Xuantian doesn't like him, because he almost cut off the way for future generations of swordsmen to become sword array masters .

Suddenly, Xuantian came back to his senses, and looked far ahead. In the sky in the distance, there are more than ten strong men flying towards this stone peak quickly.

This group of people came very quickly, and it didn't take long for them to approach the outer Shifeng.

The age of this group of people is not very old, the oldest is only in his twenties, the youngest is about the same as Xuantian, but their cultivation is very high, the lowest is the middle stage of the earth stage, most of them are in the late stage of the earth stage , and even, there are existences at the tenth level of the Earth-level realm.

Such a young age, such a high level of cultivation, definitely does not come from ordinary top-rank forces.

This is the central part of the Central Territory, the territory directly under the main pavilion of the 'Tianxing Pavilion'. Xuantian guessed that there are ten people who are disciples of the main pavilion of the 'Tianxing Pavilion', and they are regarded as the same sect as him.

These people came from afar, they were very conspicuous flying in the air, Xuantian naturally saw them from a distance.

And Xuantian is among the stone peaks, there are dozens of hundreds of stone peaks here, most of Xuantian's body is blocked by rocks, until these people came near the Shifeng, no one has discovered Xuantian's existence.

"I found it, Senior Brother Fan! The footprints of the 'Undead King' that the young master mentioned should be here!" Someone cheered.

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