The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 699】 The Land of Central Continent

As soon as Xuantian came out of the space crack, he felt a huge pressure, and the space was also imprisoned here.

Xuantian looked around. It was an open space, square, about a hundred meters long and wide, but six to seven hundred meters high.

The spatial rift is located on a high platform of more than ten meters in the center of the ground. Xuantian is standing on the edge of the high platform at this moment.

In a corner of this space, there was an old man with white hair sitting, his eyes closed all the time. The moment Xuantian appeared, the old man with white hair suddenly opened his eyes and shot out two sword-like sword rays. His eyes were fixed on Xuan Tian.

This gaze was so sharp that Xuan Tian had the illusion that a sharp blade was about to penetrate his body. A chill ran down his back. After looking around, he instinctively focused on the source of the sharp gaze and saw the white-haired old man. .

The white-haired old man's aura was calm, and there was no trace of his cultivation, which made people feel unfathomable. Next to him, there was a long sword like white jade lying flat, which made Xuan Tian feel palpitated.

At this moment, the white-haired old man's eyes showed surprise, and he said: "Are you human?"

Obviously, the white-haired old man knew that the other side of the space rift was the demon world. It was really unbelievable that a human came from the demon world.

The white-haired old man has been guarding this space crack for many years, and has never encountered such a thing.

Xuantian nodded, knowing that this white-haired old man should be the guardian of the space rift, just like the Quasi-Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Sword in the Demon World. It seems that this white-haired old man is very likely to be a terrifying powerhouse at the Quasi-Sword Emperor level.

Xuantian cupped his fists at the white-haired old man and said: "My boy Xuantian, in order to destroy the passage between humans and demons, he entered the demon world in China and found this space crack in the demon world. Then he escaped. Senior, please give me your name. Where is this place?" "

"The passage between humans and demons?" The white-haired old man heard that Xuantian entered the demon world in order to destroy the passage between humans and demons, and his eyes became much softer. The passage between humans and demons is not like a crack in space. It can pass through many demon armies. The harm to the world is very great.

The white-haired old man said: "Old man Fengyun Sheng, this is the Zhongzhou Demon Suppression Tower. But I have never heard of it in China. My little friend can return to the sword world from the demon world, which really surprises me."

Xuan Tian said: "This is all thanks to the help of Mr. Shenji. He and I entered the demon world and left together. If it weren't for Mr. Shenji, this kid would have been buried in the demon world."

While talking. Another person rushed out of the space crack. It was Mr. Shenji. Like Feng Yunsheng, he was also a white-haired old man.

The two old men looked at each other, and Mr. Shenji said: "quasi-emperor?"

Feng Yunsheng nodded slowly and said, "Are you Mr. Shenji?"

Xuantian introduced: "Sir, this is Senior Fengyun Sheng, and this is the Zhongzhou Demon Suppression Tower."

Mr. Shenji nodded and said: "We have just arrived in Central Continent. Swordsman Fengyun, could you please introduce us to me. Where is this place located in Central Continent?"

Feng Yunsheng said: "The Soul-Calming Tower is located in the Hundred Thousand Mountains of the Xixuan Territory in the far west of Central Continent. The two of you can come to Central Continent from the Demon Realm. It is considered a fate. Central Continent is extremely vast, and the world is also suitable for cultivation. It is enough for you to explore. If the two of you can survive from the demon world in your life, you must be very powerful. However, there are strong men like clouds in Jianzhou and experts like rain in Jianzhou. You two should not cause trouble in Jianzhou. If you provoke some royal forces, it will be difficult to be kind. "

Xuan Tian said: "How many imperial forces are there?"

Even if it is called an imperial force, it must have the strength of an emperor-level powerhouse. The emperor-level is a much higher realm than the king. For Xuantian, it is still a being that he looks up to.

Feng Yunsheng said: "The big calculation is **10, the small calculation is five or six hundred."

Mr. Shenji said: "How to calculate the big calculation? How to calculate the small calculation?"

Fengyun Sheng said: "The big plan refers to the power that has at least three emperor-level powerhouses, and the small plan refers to the power that has at least one emperor-level powerhouse."

Xuantian took a breath of cold air. There was only one king in China in a thousand years, but there were hundreds or even thousands of kings in Zhongzhou. The gap between them was not measured by Taoism.

There are so many emperors, but what about the kings? Xuantian couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart. This was definitely a vast world.

Xuan Tian said: "How big is Zhongzhou?"

Fengyun Sheng said: "It's sixty-nine million miles from east to west, eighty-three million miles from north to south, and the surrounding sea is boundless. What I just pointed out just now refers to the forces on the land of Central Continent, and does not include the surrounding sea. The demon clan in the sea is strong. The strength is not inferior to that of the human race, you two, Central Continent has a wide range of influence, and there are many strong men, you can take care of yourself...!"

After saying this, Feng Yunsheng pressed a button on the wall next to him, and the door of the Demon Suppressing Tower slowly opened. Feng Yunsheng said: "You two, please!"

Through the tower door, Xuantian could see the barren mountains and ridges outside, and said: "Senior Fengyun, you are guarding this place alone. What if there is a demon attack?"

Feng Yunsheng smiled slightly and said: "There are teleportation arrays in many places in Central Continent, which can go directly to the vicinity of the Demon Suppression Tower. If the demons attack, I will have my own way to notify the strong people in Central Continent. Those teleportation arrays are semi-directional teleportation arrays. If you want to leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you can only fly out by yourself."

Xuantian said: "I heard from the quasi-Demon Emperor guarding the space rift in the Demon Realm that this space rift will become larger in a few years. By then, it will be able to accommodate the grief of the emperor-level experts, and the Demon Realm will be led by the Demon Emperor to lead the army. Zhongzhou, Senior Fengyun, you must be more careful."

Fengyun Sheng was shocked and said: "This space crack has existed for thousands of years and has never changed. Is it going to change now?"

Xuantian said: "When I was in the demon world, I pretended to be the king of the demon world, and I heard what the quasi-demon emperor said with my own ears. He didn't know my identity at that time, so it should be true."

Fengyun Sheng's expression became much more serious, and he said: "After such a long period of peace, is there going to be another war? Little friend Xuantian, thank you for your message. I have nothing to repay, so I will give you a guest card from my Fengyun family. , with this guest card, you are a guest of the Fengyun family, and it should help you resolve a little trouble in Zhongzhou."

While speaking, Feng Yunsheng raised his palm, took out a wooden sign, and threw it towards Xuantian. This wooden sign was engraved with the word "Feng Yun" on one side and the word "Ke" on the other side. Just a piece of "Ke" sign could resolve the problem. Some troubles, it seems that the Fengyun family’s status in Central Continent is not low.

Xuantian put away the guest card and said, "Thank you very much. I'll take my leave!"

"Farewell!" Mr. Shenji also said hello to Feng Yunsheng, and the two left the Demon Suppression Tower.

As soon as he left the Demon Suppression Tower, his field of vision widened. Mr. Shenji took a deep breath and said: "This is the world I want to find... Although it is not the most ideal, it is enough to be promoted to the emperor level. Cultivation."

At the same time, Mr. Shenji was also happy in his heart: "This world is so vast, and strong people are like clouds. How strong is the luck? Stealing just a little bit is a hundred times better than working hard in China."

Xuantian looked around and said, "Sir, this is the far west of Central Continent. Let's go east. It's too general. How specific Central Continent is, we have to go and experience it in person."

Mr. Shenji nodded: "Let's go————!"

The two of them traveled eastward and teleported. From the mountains below, the roars of beasts often came out. The two of them often saw some huge monsters with a body length of more than a kilometer, appearing in the mountains.

Such monsters are no weaker than kings in strength, and even stronger ones are even better. \u003c\u0026\u0026 In appearance, Shouyuan is exactly the same as a strong human being.

However, there are also some monsters who choose to continue cultivating with their true bodies and are different from humans. These monsters have missed the stage of demon king transformation and basically maintain their beast form throughout their entire life. The longevity of these monsters is, Compared with the strong human beings of the same realm, it is longer.

Most of the demonic beasts in the Hundred Thousand Mountains choose to keep their true form and continue to practice.

Monsters that have reached the level of Demon King or above, even if they choose to practice their true form, have the ability to fly. Xuantian and Mr. Shenji teleport and fly in the extremely high sky to avoid close contact with these terrifying monsters. .

Sometimes, there are colorful clouds rolling in the sky, and there are bodies of giant beasts in the clouds, appearing and disappearing. That is the monster flying with its aura. Most of the monsters that dare to fly arrogantly in the sky are Both Xuantian and Mr. Shenji chose to avoid this extremely powerful existence.

In less than half an hour, Xuantian and Mr. Shenji flew to the edge of the Shiwan Mountain. There were very few demon beasts above the Demon King level here. The two lowered their flying altitude.

The two people's eyes were sharp and their vision was very far away. They could see that there were many human warriors on the edge of the Shiwan Mountain. They were killing monsters and beasts and gaining experience. Most of them were warriors of the Heavenly Realm, and the monsters on the edge were there. , mostly seventh-level and eighth-level monsters.

Suddenly, several screams came from somewhere. Xuantian looked and saw five figures rising into the sky from a huge canyon.

Below the four or five figures, a cloud of mist rose up at an extremely fast speed, but it was a giant python that was five to six hundred meters long, riding on the cloud and mist, chasing the five warriors.


The giant python opened its mouth, and a huge tongue stretched out hundreds of meters in an instant, entangled a flying warrior, brought it back to its mouth in an instant, and swallowed it in one gulp.

At this time, Xuantian saw clearly that there were legs below the giant python. It was not a giant python, but a huge lizard five to six hundred meters long.

Of the remaining four warriors, three are at the late stage of the Heavenly Realm, and one is a half-step king. This is a very powerful team on the edge of Shiwanda Mountain, but their luck is really bad. They unexpectedly encountered A monster that became a king.


"Save us—!"


The four fleeing warriors suddenly shouted when they saw Xuantian and Mr. Shenji teleporting towards them, only a few kilometers away from them.

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