The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 700】Genius Conference

The giant lizard demon king has just become a king. In this area, no demon beast dares to provoke him, and his character is rampant.

Several warriors had the delicious food on their lips. How could it be willing to give up? Although it also saw strong men teleporting in the distance, it had no idea of ​​retreating and continued to chase the four fleeing warriors.

Those above the king level have the ability to teleport. The untransformed demon king is also a king, so naturally it also has this ability. It is extremely confident and can escape even if it encounters a powerful human king.


In that cloud and mist, there was another ray of light that shot out. It was a long tongue that rolled towards a warrior in the late stage of the Heavenly Realm.

However, the long tongue had just stretched out less than two hundred meters, and the void in front of it suddenly broke.

call out----!

A ray of sword light suddenly shot out, poof -! Cut the long tongue that shot out into two pieces

More than five hundred meters in front of the clouds and mist, Xuantian's figure followed the sword light and walked out of the broken void. In his hand, he held a king-level sword.

A shrill scream came from the clouds. Not long after this giant lizard demon king became a king, he had no idea that there was such a big difference in the strength of the kings. Even if it became a king, for some powerful For people, it is still very fragile

However, what it doesn't know is that although the person who hurt him can teleport, in fact, he is not a king yet, and is only half a king's cultivation level.

The giant lizard demon king suddenly wanted to give up. He was able to become a demon king only because of luck after swallowing a ten-thousand-year spiritual fruit, which made it cherish its own life even more.

As soon as the clouds and mist receded, the giant lizard demon king wanted to tear apart the void and teleport away.

but--! It tragically discovered that the surrounding void had become as solid as iron, and the teleportation escape method it most relied on had lost its effect at this moment.

call out------!

At this time, Xuantian held a king-level sword, and a bright light flashed through the void. The reef was cut thousands of meters in an instant, like a huge heavenly sword suddenly falling from the sky, slashing at the giant lizard monster king.

Just the surging sword energy cut through the clouds, revealing the body of the giant lizard demon king

The eyes of the giant lizard demon king are full of fear. As a demon king, it can't teleport. It cannot understand because of its narrow vision. Its eyes are full of unknown fear.

In an instant, the reef that looked like a banana struck the body of the giant lizard demon king. It must be said that the body of the giant lizard demon king was still very strong and was not split open by the terrifying reef.

A spiritual body of the same strength is less than two meters long for a human but five to six hundred meters long for a monster. To split it requires hundreds of times the attack power to split an ordinary king.

However, the damage suffered by the giant lizard demon king was fatal. Its entire head was almost split in half, and its body was also split with a huge crack. Blood surged out like a river bursting its banks. Falling from the sky like a blood waterfall

With a wailing sound, the giant lizard demon king's whole body was trembling and twitching, like a mountain range, falling from the sky


The huge body fell to the ground, smashing the two mountain peaks into pieces.

The four warriors who escaped from death were overjoyed when they saw the giant lizard demon king was seriously injured and dying, falling to the ground. However, when they looked at Xuantian, their eyes were filled with horror.

When they arrived in Central Continent, Xuantian did not show off the overwhelming demonic energy he had absorbed from the major demon kings. When he made a move, although his combat power was unparalleled, his cultivation level was revealed. The four warriors still saw Xuantian's cultivation level—— Only half a step ahead of the king

He is not a king, but it is easy to kill a demon king!

The giant lizard demon king didn't even teleport, which really shocked the four warriors.

Especially the half-step king looked at Xuantian with even more disbelief in his eyes. He also had the cultivation level of a half-step king, but his combat power - why was there such a big difference?

Looking at Xuantian, the four of them didn't know what to call them. The three warriors at the late stage of Heaven Realm were all in their twenties, older than Xuantian. The half-step king was over thirty.

If Xuantian is the king, although he looks twenty-two or thirty years old, he may be forty or fifty years old. They can call him "Senior"

However, Xuantian is not a king. He looks twenty-two or three years old, but he is only twenty-two or three years old, which is younger than them. How can the seniors shout out?

Call me swordsman? The four of them were too embarrassed to speak out. They were obviously not on the same level as Xuantian.

Before the four of them spoke, Xuantian had already sheathed his sword and greeted them, saying, "Four swordsmen, is this the Xixuan Territory?"

Seeing Xuantian's gentle expression, the four of them relaxed a lot and nodded in unison.

Xuantian then asked: "Excuse me, in which direction is the largest city in the West Xuan Territory and how far is it from here?"

The half-step king pointed to the southeast and said: "Three hundred thousand miles away, we will reach Sunset City, the largest city in the Western Xuan Territory. Young Master, are you going to Sunset City to attend the Genius Conference?"

"Genius Conference?" Xuan Tian shook his head and said, "What is a Genius Conference?"

The Genius Conference is a recent grand event in the West Xuan Territory. Seeing that Xuantian didn’t even know about this, the four warriors showed surprise in their eyes.

The half-step king was obviously the leader of the team, so he said: "The Genius Conference is the most beautiful woman in the West Xuan Territory, Yan Xixi, who has issued a summons to invite young talents under the age of thirty in the entire West Xuan Territory to participate. A grand event, this is a rare opportunity to see Yan Xixi up close. Almost all the talented young people with some reputation in Xixuan Territory rushed to Sunset City."

Xuan Tian frowned: "Yan Xixi? The most beautiful woman in the West Xuan Territory?"

Seeing Xuantian's reaction, the four warriors were even more surprised and said in unison: "Do you think you don't even know who Yan Xixi is?"

Xuantian shrugged and said: "I have just traveled around the world, and I only know that this is the Xixuan Territory of Central Continent."

A young genius with such unparalleled strength has just begun to walk around the world?

The four warriors felt an inexplicable sense of relief in their hearts. It seemed that there was a piece of unparalleled beauty that no one in the world knew about, but they were the first to discover it.

Xuantian, with such a piece of unparalleled jade, has reached the level of a half-step king at the age of twenty-two and a half. This is also the standard for a first-class genius in the land of Central Continent, and Xuantian's combat power is far beyond With his cultivation level, he can easily kill even the Demon King.

The four warriors could almost predict that if Xuantian participated in the Genius Conference, he would definitely shock the four people from obscurity.

This feeling of foreseeing the future made the four warriors feel super happy.

The half-step king said: "Young Master has just walked in the world. I am not talented, so I will help you introduce the West Xuan Territory. That Yan Xixi is not only the most beautiful woman in the West Xuan Territory, but also the first genius and the top master of the younger generation. She has entered the realm of kings at the age of twenty-four. She is only twenty-five years old this year. I heard that she has reached the realm of the Xiaocheng King, and her combat power is even more powerful. It is said that she can even reach the limit of the Xiaocheng King. No one who is strong is an opponent.”

"Moreover, Yan Xixi also has a great background. She comes from the Xiyang Tower, the number one force in Xixuan City. Her father, Yan Gucheng, is the owner of the Sunset Tower. He is also the strongest person in the Xixuan Territory. He is a Sword King. When he was young, , who cultivated in the realm of kings and conquered the world, traveled across several domains, and was invincible. Because Xixuan Domain is located in the far west of Central Continent, Yan Gucheng from Xixuan Domain to other domains all came from the west. Therefore, the warriors from several domains, They all call him 'One Sword Comes to the West'"

"Yan Xixi's qualifications are not inferior to those of her father. She will definitely become a powerful sword emperor in the future. In addition, she has a stunning appearance. She is well-deserved to be called the number one beauty in the West Xuan Region. Even in the ten nearby regions, it is difficult to find another one. A woman comparable to Yan Xixi"

The nine generations of kings in the land of China, except for the Immortal King, all broke through the realm of kings after the age of thirty, and some even broke through the realm of kings after the age of forty. Although the Immortal King was an extraordinary monster, he only entered martial arts at the age of fifteen, so , didn’t step into the realm of king until he was twenty-eight years old.

Such a comparison, Yan Xixi stepped into the realm of kings at the age of twenty-four, and became a minor king at the age of twenty-five. She is really a monster with qualifications.

However, Xuantian was surprised, not shocked. Although China had no precedent for such a monster as Yan Xixi, he himself was already a pervert. At only twenty-two and a half years old, he was already a half-step king, and, If it weren't for the purpose of forging a high-quality spiritual body, he would have already broken through to the realm of kings.

Moreover, there is another Long Ziyan in China, but she is one year younger than Xuantian. When Xuantian left the land of China, she was already at the peak of the eighth level of the Heavenly Realm, and there were signs of breaking through to the ninth level of the Heavenly Realm. , her qualifications are not inferior to those of Yan Xixi

Xuan Tian said: "Can all outstanding junior warriors from the Western Xuan Territory participate in this genius conference?"

The half-step king nodded excitedly and said: "Yes, young master, with your qualifications, if you participate in the Genius Conference, you will definitely soar into the sky and become a blockbuster."

Xuan Tian smiled slightly and said: "I am traveling around the world, and I am about to meet the geniuses from all over Central Continent. Let me first see how far the younger generations of geniuses in the West Xuan Region have reached. When will the Genius Conference be held? I will rush there now. You still have time?"

The half-step king said: "It is the twelfth day of the twelfth month. There is less than half a month left. With the speed of the young master's teleportation at 300,000 miles, it should not take half a day to arrive."

Xuantian cupped his fists towards the four warriors and said, "Thank you swordsmen for reminding me, Xuan went to Sunset City."

After saying that, Xuantian's body flashed and he teleported out of sight. He met Mr. Shenji in the distance. Then, he turned to Sunset City in the southeast and teleported away.

The four warriors glanced at the giant lizard demon king below, which was like a small mountain range. The demon king had expired. For heaven-level warriors, almost the whole body of the demon king's body was filled with treasures and was very valuable.

The value of the corpse of a demon king is equivalent to their income from two years of hard work on the edge of Shiwanda Mountain.


The sixth update is here!

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