The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 701】 Sunset City

The largest force in the West Xuan Territory is the Sunset Tower. Its owner, Yan Gucheng, is a powerful Sword Emperor who has conquered several areas and is invincible. Even in the entire Central Continent, he is still a powerful figure.

Sunset City is the city where Sunset Tower is located. The warriors from the Western Xuan Territory are trying their best to become Sunset Tower’s disciples every year. Every year, a large number of warriors come here.

Over time, more and more people came to and from Sunset City, and it gradually became the largest city in the Xixuan Territory. It has been over a hundred years.

The Sword Emperor Yan Gucheng, known as Yi Jian Xi Lai, participated in the creation of nature, and was famous all over the world. He was proficient in swordsmanship all his life. It was not until he was over a hundred years old that he married and gave birth to a daughter, Yan Xixi.

Yan Xixi has grown up in the spotlight since she was a child, and is a bright pearl.

And she also inherited her father Yan Gucheng's qualifications and did not disappoint anyone. She was smart and smart since she was a child. Moreover, Yan Gucheng's wife was also a famous beauty in the Xixuan Territory. Yan Xixi not only inherited her father's swordsmanship qualifications, She also inherited her mother's beauty, and she is better than her predecessors.

When she was young, she was very cute. By childhood, she already had a beautiful child, and by the time she was a girl, she was beginning to show her beauty.

At such a young age, she became famous due to her extremely high qualifications and stunning appearance. Coupled with her profound background, she won the title of the most beautiful woman in the Western Xuan Territory early on.

The most beautiful woman in the West Xuan Territory may have been placed on her head, but Yan Xixi fought for the most young talent and the top master in the West Xuan Territory herself. Among the warriors of her generation, Yan Xixi's strength can be described in two words - invincible.

The number one sick person, the number one young talent, the number one master, and behind him is the number one force and the number one strongest man in the Xixuan Territory. With so many auras surrounding Yan Xixi, she can't help but be famous all over the world. possible.

Yaocai, the younger generation of Xixuan Territory, all men regard Yan Xixi as a goddess, and everyone is crazy about her. However, she is so unattainable that no one can touch her heart.

Women also envy and admire Yan Xixi more than they are jealous, because Yan Xixi is famous not only for her beauty, but also for her qualifications and strength. The latter two points make her unable to be jealous. .

Yan Xixi is not only invincible in Xixuan Territory, but even in the nearby Upper Ten Territories, there are countless young talents who are crazy about her. I don’t know how many imperial forces and emperor-level powerful people from outside the realm personally come to Sunset Tower to help them. Bai Shao's descendants came to Yan Gucheng to propose marriage, but Yan Xixi rejected all of them.

She is too perfect and superior. No matter whether it is the Western Xuan Territory or the younger generation Yaocai from the Outer Territory, no man has made her heart beat so far.

Such a goddess-like woman issued a summons to the younger generations of Yaocai in the West Xuan Region to attend the Yaocai Conference in Sunset City. As long as they were the younger generation warriors who thought they were somewhat famous, they would be like those wild bees and butterflies that have seen the nectar. , everyone rushed towards Sunset City.

From the edge of Shiwan Mountain to Sunset City, which is about 300,000 miles away, it only took more than an hour for Xuanyao and Mr. Shenji to teleport there.

Sunset City may not be as huge as the cities I saw in the demon world, because the rooms of the demons are much larger than those of the demons. They stand like a mountain in the city. Naturally, the city covers a larger area, but it is larger than the demons. The clan’s city is much more prosperous.

Sunset City is over a hundred miles long and wide. In terms of the number of entrances, it is only a lot more than the big cities of the Demon Clan. There is a constant flow of people coming in and out of the streets, and people entering and leaving the city.

In the sky, there are still streaks of flying light, gathering towards Sunset City.

However, the flying light, even if it teleported, did not enter the direct flight city, but fell in a corner of the city. In the four corners of Sunset City's northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest, there is a high platform responsible for reception. The flying warrior.

But above Sunset City, there is a faint light shield that seals the void. Even kings cannot teleport within it. It is said that only emperor-level experts are qualified to pass through the light shield and teleport into it. Sunset in the city.

Sunset City is the base camp of the imperial force Sunset Tower, so its defensive power is naturally very strong. Although warriors are a profession of fighting and killing, and the world of martial arts is also a dangerous world, it is very safe in Sunset City. This city It is forbidden to commit murder. Even if there is hatred, it must be resolved after leaving the city. It is considered a pure land in the world of martial arts.

Xuanyao and Mr. Shenji landed on a high platform in the northwest of Sunset City. On the high platform, there were Yao-level warriors standing guard, among them there was a half-step king. There was a small room next to it. The door opened, and the two kings sat down. Playing chess in the house, he should be the leader of the sentry.

There are two kings sitting in just one corner of Sunset City. The entire defense of Sunset City can be described in four words: a copper wall and an iron wall, or watertight.

Although there were sentry guards, there was no interrogation and entry and exit into the city was very relaxed. Xuanyao walked down the steps leading from the high platform to the city and entered Sunset City.

On the streets, warriors from the Yaojie and Dijie realms were coming and going, and kings from the King realm could also be seen everywhere.

The city is bustling with spiritual herbs, weapons, puppets, secret books... and other items that are useful to warriors. There are a large number of shops in Sunset City, which are widely sold. For warriors in Central Continent, they are not too precious items. , however, any one of them obtained from China can be described as a treasure, such as a Yao-level sword, a Yao-level spiritual grass, a Yao-level secret book, and some large shops even have king-level treasures and spiritual treasures. Grass and tips for sale.

Xuanyao even saw several space ring specialty stores. There were many emperors in Central Continent, and the kings were like clouds and rain. As long as there were enough materials, space rings would naturally be available.

Basically, Yao-level and Earth-level warriors who go out for training all carry space rings, and some even carry several.

Compared with China, Zhongzhou is simply the paradise of warriors.

In addition to these various shops selling items, there are also various restaurants and inns in the city.

As long as there are spiritual stones absorbed, it is difficult for a warrior to starve to death when he reaches the earth level. However, the strong man's sense of eating fish has not diminished. Even a king will feel hungry.

The food cooked in restaurants and inns in Sunset City is not ordinary food, but the flesh and blood of various powerful monsters. The food made by monsters is not only delicious, but also full of energy and blood, especially for the monster king who has reached the realm of kings. It has a quick effect on the warriors to restore their energy and blood, and some even increase their strength a little.

Monster beasts feed on human warriors, and human warriors also feed on monster beasts. The two are predators and prey at the same time.

When they first arrived in Sunset City, Xuanyao and Mr. Shenji were walking in the city, looking around and feeling the customs of a foreign land.

"There are still more than ten days before the Yaocai Conference. There are quite a lot of young Yaocai warriors in Sunset City." Xuanyao said. He saw many half-step kings in their twenties. We even saw a few kings under the age of thirty.

In China, these are all unbelievable evildoers, but in Central Continent, they are just outstanding, not top-notch talents. Like Yan Xixi, who stepped into the realm of kings at the age of twenty-four and became a king at the age of twenty-five. Only those who have become a king at a young age can be regarded as a first-rate young talent. It is almost certain that they will become an emperor in the future.

Mr. Shenji said: "Compared with you, they are all far behind. Xuanyao, what are your plans? Participate in the Yaocai Conference, make a sensation at the conference, and make Yan Xixi look at you with admiration and her heart is secretly moved?" "


"Bah, bah, bah—!"

...The conversation between the two was not an exchange of souls, but a normal conversation. Although the words were chaotic on the street, there were still several warriors nearby who heard their voices.

Jingran wants Yan Xixi to look at him with new eyes, and her heart is secretly moved? How could these warriors be so unreasonable? Furthermore, they looked at Xuanyao and Mr. Shenji with very unfriendly eyes.

Although the warriors in the West Xuan Territory all think so and want Yan Xixi to be secretly attracted to him, but who dares to say it out loud? That would definitely make people angry.

"The toad wants to eat Yao's goose meat, so I'm going to poop--!" Youru even spit out his saliva at Xuanyao.

No matter how you look at it, Mr. Shenji is a white-haired old man, and Xuanyao is only twenty-two or three years old. Naturally, his anger is directed at Xuanyao.

Xuanyao dodged the mouth of saliva, and his terrifying strength showed a little bit, which immediately shocked the few warriors next to him and turned around and left.

He glanced at Mr. Shenji, shrugged and said, "If I do this, I'm afraid all the male warriors in the Xixuan Territory will want to chop me into pieces."

Mr. Shenji said: "Hey...! Are you still afraid of them?"

Xuanyao smiled slightly and said: "I still have five beautiful wives waiting for me at home, so how can I mess around with women outside... At this Yaocai Conference, I will go visit and see the true nature of Xixuan Territory The younger generation Yaocai, how about the competition? Maybe, make two friends and inquire about the specific situation in Zhongzhou and see if there is a way back to China, or you can go to Yaozhou."

Mr. Shenji said: "If an ordinary warrior has five wives in his life, that is quite a lot. However, you are different because your world is much broader than other warriors. You don't know what to do in your life. No matter how many places you have traveled, you don’t know how many beauties you need to know. With your style, no matter where you go, beauties will fall in love with you. Maybe you think that it is because you have traveled to too many places that you cannot stay, so You try to avoid those beauties for fear of delaying their happiness and fearing that they will be hurt by loneliness. But in fact, if they have you in their hearts and you dismiss them, it will hurt them even more. .”

"It's shameless...!" The two of them were talking on the street. Mr. Shenji's words were heard by the warrior next to him, and Xuanyao was immediately despised.

Xuanyao shrugged silently, he was really shot even while walking without talking.

Xuanyao said: "Why did you say this, sir?"

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