The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 717】 Tianxuan Sword Tower

The next day, Xuantian, Yan Xixi, and Li Yifeng set off from Xiyang Tower and headed to Tianxuan Domain - Emperor Dan Medicine Garden.

Accompanying him were Mr. Shenji and Yan Yuncheng, a quasi-emperor in Sunset Tower who was the younger brother of the Sword Emperor Yan Gucheng.

Yan Gucheng did not accompany him on this trip. Although in the past ten days, Xuantian has basically become famous in the western part of Central Continent, and even the forces in the entire Central Continent have heard about it. There may be geniuses who have murderous intentions towards Xuantian, but Xuantian has Yan It is enough for Yun Cheng to be by his side to protect him.

Central Continent is vast and vast, and among the trillions of people, there cannot be a single emperor-level expert. Every emperor-level expert is located in the clouds and looks down on the people. Their status is extremely noble. Although Xuantian is outstanding, he will only attract the attention of future generations of geniuses. Dissatisfaction can't arouse the murderous intention of an emperor-level powerhouse.

If Ling has the intention to kill because of the outstanding potential of the younger generation's genius, then how narrow-minded he must be. Becoming an emperor is not as good as becoming a king. Although it has nothing to do with his character, it is related to his broad-mindedness. A narrow-minded mind cannot tolerate the magnanimity of an emperor. .

Taking a step back, even if the emperor who has a grudge against Xiyang Tower has murderous intentions towards Xuantian because of Sunset Tower, it is impossible for him to take action against Xuantian. The emperor's status is respected and he is above the rest. I'm afraid there is no emperor. A person who puts himself so low would take action against a half-step king.

Therefore, with a quasi-emperor Yan Yuncheng leading him, even if someone of a lesser age is trying to harm Xuantian, it will still be safe. The quasi-emperor is the strongest person below the emperor level, who dares to offend?

The teleportation array leading to the Tianxuan Domain was not very far from Sunset City, and soon the five of them arrived.

There are many attics next to the teleportation array, and there is a branch in the Sunset Building, where they are permanently stationed to guard the teleportation array.

A teleportation array is a transportation hub and an important strategic location.

This teleportation array was engraved by the ancestors of the Sunset Tower. As for why the teleportation array was not engraved in the Sunset Tower, it was naturally to prevent enemies from suddenly entering the Sunset Tower from the teleportation array.

The land of Central Continent is vast and vast. All forces are intertwined with each other. Gratitude and resentment are the eternal themes in Jianghu. Where there are friends, there will naturally be enemies. No one can avoid it.

The five people entered the teleportation array, and instantly [Chapter 717] the Tianxuan Sword Tower shuttled through the void. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding void calmed down, and they had arrived thousands of miles away, in the eastern part of the Tianxuan Territory.

Xuantian stopped from traveling through the void, and his eyes instantly opened up.

The first thing that caught his eyes was a giant sword!

Xuantian had never seen such a huge sword. The huge sword was thrust upwards towards the sky, and the tip of the sword completely penetrated the clouds.

According to Xuantian's visual inspection, the giant sword may be three thousand meters high, and the giant sword itself stands on the top of a mountain more than a thousand meters high. Therefore, the height of the sword tip is at least four thousand meters above the ground. Basically, Two or three thousand meters above the ground, there are clouds floating, and at four thousand meters, they completely penetrate a layer of clouds.

The giant sword stood on a mountain peak ten miles away in front of the five people. You had to raise your head high to see the top of the giant sword.

Xuantian, Li Yifeng, and Mr. Shenji were all stunned when they saw the giant sword.

Yan Xixi saw this and said: "This is the Tianxuan Sword Tower that is famous throughout Central Continent. Although it looks like a sword from a distance, but if you look closely, you will find that this sword is divided into ten parts and has a total internal space. The tenth floor is the paradise for kings to practice mysteries."

"Ten-story Tianxuan Sword Tower?" Xuantian muttered. This Tianxuan Domain was exactly the same as his name reversed. Unexpectedly, there was also a Tianxuan Sword Tower, and the same was true.

Yan Xixi said: "The reason why Tianxuan Territory is named Tianxuan Territory is because of the relationship between Tianxuan Sword Tower and Tianxuan Sword Tower. It is said that Tianxuan Sword Tower and Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden are both from the ancient imperial family, Tianjia." 's industry, the ancient era ended, and the Tian Family disappeared. However, the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden and the Tianxuan Sword Pagoda remained. They would be opened every once in a while. The two have one thing in common. Only warriors under thirty years old can enter."

Although Li Yifeng is from Zhongzhou, he has only been out in the world for more than two months, and has been walking within the scope of Xixuan Territory. This is the first time he has heard about Tianxuan Sword Tower. Looking at the giant sword, he showed interest. With a ray of light, he said: "Anyway, we have enough time to go to the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden, why not go to the Tianxuan Sword Tower to take a look."

Xuantian also nodded.

"Just go and take a look!" Yan Yuncheng said.

The five people teleported and arrived at the mountain peak where Tianxuan Sword Tower was located.

When I looked at the top of the mountain peak, I realized that the peak was definitely more than a thousand meters long. Instead, it was cut off directly from the mountainside with a sword. Therefore, the top of the mountain peak was very flat, with a length and width of more than several hundred meters.

When we reached the top of the mountain, we could indeed see that the giant sword was not flat. There were joints every three hundred meters or so.

The hilt of the giant sword is invisible to the naked eye. It should be in the mountain peak. It starts from the sword body when it emerges from the ground.

The sword is a hundred meters wide and about fifty meters thick. It stands on the edge of the mountain top. Xuantian and others stand in the center of the mountain.

There were two metal doors facing the five people on the first sword body. There was a sword engraved on each door. At this moment, the doors were closed.

In front of the sword tower, there is also a small sword tower. Of course, this small one is only compared to the huge sword tower. In fact, it is also a hundred meters high.

On the side of this small sword tower, there are four large characters engraved on it - Tianxuan Sword Tower. It seems that this name comes from ancient times, and was not named by Central Continent warriors later.

On the front of the small sword tower, starting from the fourth floor of the sword tower, there are many figures painted, each figure is lifelike and looks like a real person.

The number of people on the sword tower is the largest on the fourth floor, and gradually decreases as you go up. On the eighth floor, there are only three people, on the ninth floor, there are only two people, and on the tenth floor, there is no one.

The two figures on the ninth floor, one with fluttering white clothes and delicate eyebrows, gave the impression that they were like a gust of wind, while the other one was wearing fiery red clothes and had fiery red hair, like a raging flame. Like a fireman.

Among the three figures on the eighth floor, the first one is tall and has a look of arrogance in his eyes. It is a kind of self-centeredness in heaven and earth. Even the two figures on the ninth floor cannot hide his style. The second one seems to have no characteristics, but it cannot make people feel ordinary. You can remember it at a glance. It has a unique temperament. The third person is completely different. The whole person is tall and thin, like a sword. Generally speaking, it exudes sharpness.

Xuantian's eyes swept up the figures on the sword tower, and then stopped on the five figures on the eighth and ninth floors. Although the figures below the eighth floor had their own characteristics, they were not the same as these. Compared with the five people, they are all far behind.

The eyes of Mr. Shenji and Li Yifeng also stayed on the five figures on the eighth and ninth floors.

Yan Xixi said: "Those five people are the five most perverted monsters in the world today. The two on the ninth level are Lu Juechen who is as strong as the wind and has the fastest speed in the world. The one with red clothes and red hair is Zhan Lang, who is born with fire. Among the three spirits on the eighth level, the one who has a self-centered spirit in heaven and earth is Fengyun Wudi, the one who is like a sword and exudes sharpness is Wei Zhenyu, and the one who seems ordinary but is actually strange is Huangfu Yiyi."

No wonder these five people have different shapes, but they give people the impression that they are much higher than all the figures below the eighth floor. It turns out that these five people are the five perverted monsters with imperial qualifications.

Li Yifeng wondered: "Those five perverted monsters are all so perverted. Why are Lu Juechen and Zhan Lang ranked on the ninth level, while Feng Yun Wudi, Huangfu Yiyi, and Wei Zhenyu are one level lower? It's not that Feng Yun Wudi is The first of the five perverts?"

Xuan Tian also looked at Yan Xixi, obviously having this question as well.

Yan Xixi said: "The reason why Fengyun Wudi is the first of the five perverts is because his combat power is the most terrifying. His immortal golden body is indestructible and unstoppable. In the Xuantian Sword Tower, what matters is not physical strength, but Lu Juechen and Zhan Lang are the most outstanding in understanding the secrets of the wind. Lu Juechen's secrets of wind have reached an incredible level. One secret can defeat all methods. Zhan Lang is a fire spirit body and has the ability to understand the secrets of fire. , far better than ordinary people. Therefore, in terms of comprehensive combat power, the two of them are not better than the other three, but in terms of understanding the secrets, they are better. The other three can step into the eighth level and defeat all other geniuses. To throw away a large amount is enough to prove their profound understanding, and it is also extremely terrifying, but it is not as good as Lu Juechen and Zhan Lang, but it is still much stronger than other super geniuses."

Xuan Tian said: "I heard that Wei Zhenyu is a master of the Thousand Swords Sword Formation. Didn't he understand at least nine kinds of mysteries? How come he is still not as good as Lu Juechen and Zhan Lang in understanding the mysteries?"

Yan Xixi said: "Although Wei Zhenyu has understood a lot of mysteries, the intensity of his understanding is not as good as that of Lu Juechen and Zhan Lang."

Li Yifeng stood up in the air, looked at the figures carefully, and said, "Who painted this? There is no trace of the painting, and the characters are all lifelike, as if they are alive. How can the world be harmonious?" Are there any painters with such superb skills?”

Yan Xixi glanced at him and couldn't help but smile: "Who said this was painted on it? It was automatically imprinted on it by the Tianxuan Sword Tower. After entering the Tianxuan Sword Tower and rushing to the fourth floor, this small Tianxuan Sword Tower In the sword tower, the portrait will be imprinted on the corresponding level."

"No wonder...!" Li Yifeng touched his head and said: "When will the Tianxuan Sword Tower open? Let me also imprint the portrait on it. Hey, the tenth floor is empty. Has no one entered yet? Have you passed?"

Yan Xixi nodded and said: "Every three years, on the third day of March, the Tianxuan Sword Tower will be opened. In the Tianxuan Sword Tower, it talks about the combat power of mind cultivation. The ninth level is equivalent to the top limit of the king. , the tenth level is equivalent to a quasi-emperor. Only warriors under the age of thirty can enter the Tianxuan Sword Tower. Even those five perverts who have reached the cultivation level of the top kings under the age of thirty can only cultivate with their thoughts. Even the combat power cannot defeat the Quasi-Emperor. Regarding the tenth level, there has been a legend in Central Continent since ancient times..."

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