The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 718】 The Theory of Luck

"What legend?" Xuanyao and Li Yifeng asked at the same time.

Yan Xixi said: "Legend... there is a set of emperor-level skills and swordsmanship on the tenth floor of Yaoxuan Sword Tower!"

"Emperor level?" Rao Shuoyao and Li Yifeng both looked moved.

Although Xuanyao has an immortal golden body and is at the super-god level, it is not a cultivation technique. It can strengthen Gang Yuan and improve defense. It can only be regarded as a combat technique to enhance strength, and it is incomplete.

His cultivation technique is still the top king-level technique 'Hua Lei Zun Jue'. The emperor-level technique is very tempting to him, not to mention a set of emperor-level swordsmanship.

Yan Xixi nodded and said: "It is indeed the emperor level, but this is just a legend. When the Yao family, an emperor level power, existed, it was still in the ancient times. It has been over ten thousand years. In these ten thousand years, no one has ever entered the Yaoxuan Sword Tower. The tenth level, less than thirty years old, has the strength to defeat the quasi-emperor just by cultivating his mind. This is too difficult. Even a monster with imperial qualifications who can become a top king before the age of thirty cannot do it. "

With the terrifying combat power of the five perverted monsters, it is certain to challenge the next level. After becoming the top king, he may not have the strength to fight against the quasi-emperor. However, this strength refers to the overall strength. If it is only the combat strength of the mind cultivation, Naturally, he cannot compete with the quasi-emperor.

Li Yifeng's excited expression slowly faded away, and he said: "Those five emperor-qualified monsters all became top kings before they were thirty years old. Even they can't enter the tenth level. Alas... I still have four years. , it would be great to become a Dacheng King before the age of thirty, but it seems there is no hope...!"

Emperor-level skills are only owned by the five major sword emperor families in the entire Central Continent. They are extremely precious. Even if you have emperor-level skills, you are not an emperor, but through hard work and some good luck, you still have the hope of becoming an emperor.

If you don't have emperor-level skills, even if you have the qualifications of an emperor, if you want to become an emperor with emperor-level skills, it will be difficult to achieve success. Unless you have a ninth-grade spiritual body, it may be possible to practice for hundreds of years.

Xuanyao is secretly planning in his heart. The Yaoxuan Sword Tower opens every three years. Now he is only twenty-two and a half years old. He still has seven years to go before he turns thirty. He has to enter the Yaoxuan Sword Tower at least twice. If the turn is good, he may have three chances to enter. He has the Chaos Holy Cauldron, and the condensed thought form is a higher soul than the soul... Xuanyao said: "When will the Yaoxuan Sword Tower be opened again? "

Yan Xixi said: "It's coming soon, it will be on the third day of March next year."

Xuanyao's eyes lit up. On the third day of March next year, he is not yet twenty-three years old. When the next opening is three years later, he is not yet twenty-sixth. In another three years, when Yaoxuan Sword Tower is opened, , he is not yet twenty-nine years old.

Before he turned thirty, he had three chances to enter the Yaoxuan Sword Tower, and it would be more than six years before he entered the Yaoxuan Sword Tower for the last time.

"Six years ago, I just entered the Earth Realm. Now, I can become a king at any time. In six years, what level will my cultivation reach? On the tenth floor of Yaoxuan Sword Tower, I must find out. Jing." Xuanyao thought secretly.

The eyes of Yan Xixi, Li Yifeng, Mr. Shenji, and Yanyuncheng all fell on Xuanyao. If anyone else could enter the tenth floor of Yaoxuan Sword Tower before the age of thirty, then this person , none other than Xuanyao.

Xuanyao's combat power is more outstanding than the five perverted monsters in the same realm, which proves that his potential is better than the five perverted monsters. However, Xuanyao's current age is less than twenty-three years old, and he has entered three times. Although the overall combat power of Yaoxuan Sword Tower may not be equal to the combat power of mind cultivation, this is always a hope.

This hope only exists in Xuanyao.

Yan Xixi said: "The Yaoxuan Sword Tower has a great effect on the understanding of mysteries. Every time it is opened, all kings under the age of thirty will come, and many new kings will appear. By then, the sword tower's The ranking will be an important basis for the ranking of the new kings.”

Li Yifeng said: "It seems that we will have to come here again on the third day of March next year."

Yan Xixi nodded and said: "That's right, now we'd better go to the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden first. If Xuanyao wants to build a good spiritual body and break through to the king's realm as soon as possible, this trip to the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden will depend on it."

Wu Ru left the Yaoxuan Sword Tower and teleported to the west. One day later, he arrived at the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden.

However, the Dan Emperor Medicine Garden is very large, with a radius of one million miles. The distance to the east from the Yaoxuan Sword Tower is only about two million miles, but to the west, it is more than three million miles away.

The imperial forces in the entire Central Continent will send their descendants Yaocai to enter the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden, and they will enter in large numbers, tens of thousands.

The directions for forces in different regions to enter the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden are different. Basically, they are determined based on the original directions of each region. The Xixuan Territory is located in the far west of Central Continent, so the location of entering the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden is also On the west side.

It took more than half a day for the five people to circle around the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden from the east to the west.

It is already dusk on December 24th. One night later, the first ray of dawn in the east will appear, and the restriction of the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden will weaken for a period, and warriors under the age of thirty can enter it.

Wu Ru stopped on a hilltop outside the protective light barrier of the Alchemy Garden.

Yanyuncheng said: "The Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden is only opened every three hundred years, and the time it opens each time is only nine years old! But the warriors who enter the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden must be under thirty years old, every generation in Central Continent There are so many talented people in the world. I don’t know how many talented people will appear in three hundred years. However, 99% of them have no chance to enter the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden. It is conceivable that they will not be able to enter the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden. , how lucky you are, it means having great luck."

The last time the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden was opened was three hundred years ago. Many emperors and quasi-emperors who died today were not born at that time. For example, the Sword Emperor Yan Gucheng and the Quasi-Emperor Yanyun City all missed the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden. They are just two special cases among the talented young people like clouds and rain.

From this point of view, being able to enter the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden is indeed a lucky thing.

Yan Xixi said: "Every time a young talent enters the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden, there will be a quasi-emperor!"

The quasi-emperor has reached the limit of an emperor and has taken half a step towards becoming an emperor. The quasi-emperor is invincible below the emperor, and the quasi-emperor is invincible below the emperor. In Zhongzhou, where there is no emperor, the quasi-emperor, That is true supremacy.

Yanyuncheng said: "Three hundred years ago, the Dan Emperor Medicine Garden was opened. Among the young talents who entered the medicine garden, a young talent from the Huangfu family rose rapidly. Later, at the age of one hundred and seventy-three, he became a quasi-emperor. Six hundred years later, Some time ago, the Dan Emperor Medicine Garden was opened. Among the young talents who entered the medicine garden, a young talent from the Fengyun family quickly rose to become a quasi-emperor at the age of only 160 years old. Nine hundred years ago, a young talent from the Zhan family entered the medicine garden. Yaocai, one hundred and eighty-seven years old, became a quasi-emperor...Twelve hundred years ago, the Lu family...!"

Yan Yuncheng gave several examples in succession. When the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden was opened, one of the young talents who entered the medicine garden would always stand out and become a quasi-emperor at the age of less than two hundred years old.

It is almost a law that for every young talent that enters the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden, a quasi-Emperor will emerge.

In fact, over the past thousand years, five of the six emperors in Central Continent have entered the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden, but the Immortal Emperor from outside has not.

Over tens of thousands of years, generations of young talents have stood out from those who entered the Dan Emperor Medicine Garden. They have proved with ironclad evidence that the Dan Emperor Medicine Garden is a place of good luck. Every time they enter the Dan Emperor Medicine Garden, Among the young talents, there must be a person with great luck who will at least become a quasi-emperor or even... become an emperor in the future.

Li Yifeng wondered: "Since the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden represents luck, how come the five perverted monsters missed the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden? They are only in their thirties, compared to the one that opens every three hundred years. As far as Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden is concerned, this can be said to be a passing incident...!"

Yanyuncheng said: "The five perverted monsters all have the qualifications to be emperors. Compared with the five predecessors who became emperors in the past, their cultivation at the same age is more outstanding. Perhaps they have great luck. There is no need to enter the Alchemy Emperor’s Medicine Garden to prove that the quasi-emperors of Central Continent are not all young talents who have entered the Alchemy Emperor’s Medicine Garden.”

"However, the five emperors have all entered the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden!"

Along the way, Mr. Shenji, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "The reason why those five did not enter the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden may be due to another reason."

For this incomprehensible and unpredictable Mr. Shenji, even Yanyuncheng respected him very much and said: "I would like to hear your opinion, Mr. Wen!"

Xuanyao, Yan Xixi, and Li Yifeng all focused their attention on Mr. Shenji.

Mr. Shenji said: "Since the five emperors of Central Continent have all entered the Alchemy Emperor's Medicine Garden, it means that even if the Emperor's Medicine Garden does not have great luck in it, it is also a symbol of luck. None of the five perverted monsters can Those who did not enter the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden may be because some of the Yaocai who entered the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden this time have greater luck. Although there is no definite number of Yaodi Dao and destiny, there must be a general trend. I believe that among the Yaocai who enter the Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden this time, there will definitely be a monster that is more talented than the five perverted monsters. The future achievements will be something that no one in the entire Yaoxia can even imagine...! "

While speaking, Mr. Shenji's eyes fell on Xuanyao.

"Sir, are you talking about Xuanyao?" Yan Xixi's eyes flashed with inspiration.

Li Yifeng was shocked: "Everyone has never thought of it? Could it be that... Brother Xuanyao not only wants to become an emperor, but also wants to ascend to become a god?"

"Ascended to become a god————!" Even Yanyun City was amazed.

Even the emperors in ancient times had extravagant hopes for ascending to godhood. Becoming an emperor seems to be the end of the martial arts road and the final state that can be achieved in the mortal world. The emperor is the supreme being in the mortal world. .

As for ascending to godhood, it is a complete sublimation, a true rebirth and a change of destiny.

Even the emperor only has a lifespan of a thousand years. It is said that if you fly to become a god, you can live forever and live forever... That - - is the true yearning and pursuit of a warrior!

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