The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 882】 Temujin Magic Art

() Many demon emperors and demon kings raised their wine glasses and said in a voice: "Toast to Qi Shao, I hope Qi Shao catches up with the fugitive as soon as possible!"

Fan Shaoxiao raised his wine glass, and said: "This young master was ordered by the seven demons to hunt down a young man named Xuantian. He is a top-notch king. The two emperors of Zongzong, one of them is the second-level emperor, friends of the Yaozu, if you have any news about Xuantian, please let me know, and the Demon Sect will definitely thank you."

After saying that, Fan Shaoxiao drank it down in one gulp.

However, as soon as Fan Shaoxiao said this, many demon emperors and demon kings immediately looked at Xuantian.

As for the strong men of the demon sect, because they didn't have the idea of ​​Xuantian being here at all, even though Xuantian was only tens of meters away, they really didn't pay attention.

"The top peak king, beheading the emperor, this person's combat power is so terrifying...!" A sighing voice sounded, it was the Qingpeng Yaohuang, his eyes shot at Xuantian, and he continued: "There is also a king here The top peak king is also very powerful in battle, and he can smash the quasi-emperor with a single swipe, and his strength should not be inferior to that of a first-level emperor." . .

Xuantian's heart skipped a beat!

Qingpeng Yaohuang deliberately brought the topic to him, and it would be difficult for him not to be discovered by the powerful Demon Sect.

Although they are both in the hall, sooner or later they will be recognized by the powerful demon sect, but Xuantian still felt angry when Qingpeng Yaohuang deliberately said it.

It's one thing to be recognized, another thing to be pointed out on purpose.

"Oh...! Who is it?" Sure enough, Fan Shaoxiao's eyes lit up, very interested in this.

Qingpeng Yaohuang didn't speak. But their eyes were fixed on Xuantian, Fan Shaoxiao and all the strong men of the Demon Sect looked at Xuantian in unison.

Xuan Tian's expression was calm. Put down the hand holding the wine glass to cover the face.

Immediately, there were several exclamations from the strong man of the Demon Sect.

"It's him……!"

"It's Xuantian!"

"He's actually here!"



"Hahahaha...!" Fan Shaoxiao, the Seventh Young Master of the Demon Sect, laughed even more, and suddenly burst into momentum, stood up, staring at Xuantian with his eyes like swords. Said: "How do you say a word? There is no place to find if you break through the iron boots, and it takes no effort to get it! Xuantian, although your combat power is strong, but your luck is so pitifully weak, you will become one of the Seven Demons Under the hunting order, the person who is hunted down in the shortest time, hahahaha...!"

Huang Tian is Xuan Tian?

Although many people had this idea in mind just now. but. It really became a fact, and all the powerhouses of the monster clan were still shocked and dumbfounded.

The corner of Qingpeng Yaohuang's mouth curled up, showing a hint of a smile.

But the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor accepted Xuantian's benefits, but his face was embarrassed, he glanced at Xuantian, and motioned him to leave quickly.

There is a large array of mountain guards in Tianwuling. Once opened, it is enough to trap and kill a third-level emperor. Even the fourth-level emperors have to suffer. Tianwuling held a birthday banquet today to entertain guests from all over the world.

However, once there was a conflict, Fan Shaoxiao asked Tianwuling to use a large formation to trap and kill Xuantian. Facing the huge pressure from the Demon Sect, Tianwuling could only do as he wanted.

The strength of the Yaozu is far from that of the Demon Sect. If it is the upper-class Yaozu royal forces, they don't need to pay attention to the Seven Sects of the Demon Sect, but Tian Centiling can only be regarded as the best among the lower-rank forces.

Only when the emperors above level 4 are in charge, can they be regarded as a middle-ranking imperial power, and if there are emperors above level 7 sitting in the town, they can be regarded as high-grade imperial forces.

The top imperial forces must have at least a ninth-level emperor, or even a quasi-emperor.

Only the Seventh Young Master Fan Shaoxiao came to the Demon Sect, plus a first-level emperor, and several quasi-emperors and kings.

Xuan Tian still pays attention to Fan Shaoxiao and the first-level emperor, and ignores the rest of the people. The Demon Sect only relies on these people to capture him, it's just a dream.

Xuan Tian didn't run away immediately, he had already exposed his identity, so he could only face the reality calmly.

He smiled slightly, leaned back on the back of the chair, glanced at the powerful men of the Demon Sect, and then fixed on Seventh Young Master Fan Shaoxiao, saying: "Don't laugh so early, maybe it's your anger." Luck is pitifully weak!"

"Huh?" Fan Shaoxiao's smile paused.

In the entire hall, the expressions of the Demon King and Demon Emperor were shocked.

The Seventh Young Master of the Demon Sect is famous in Yunzhou. Whether it is the forces of the righteous way or the forces of the demon clan, who doesn't know the prestige of the Seventh Young Master of the Demon Sect?

Each of them is a monster against the sky, with extremely strong combat power, and the weakest can fight beyond two realms.

Although Fan Shaoxiao is only ranked seventh and at the bottom, he is a first-level emperor, but no one dares to underestimate his strength. Even the third-level emperors of the older generation have no confidence in being able to win. Fan Shaoxiao.

However, judging from what Xuantian said, it seemed that he was not afraid of Fan Shaoxiao at all.

Xuan Tiancai was the top king, and in the eyes of all the powerhouses of the Yaozu, he was no match for Fan Shaoxiao. It was really surprising that he didn't run away, but met Fan Shaoxiao.

Fan Shaoxiao's smile quickly recovered, and he continued to laugh: "Hehe...! I can't see that you are so confident. Sometimes you are too confident, which means blind arrogance. In other words, you are extremely stupid. Today, Do you think you're still alive?"

Xuan Tian also raised the corner of his mouth, showing a faint smile, and said: "You don't even have self-confidence, how can you be considered a strong man, Fan Shaoxiao, do you dare to fight with me alone, to the point of life and death!"

Fan Shaoxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, his murderous aura suddenly became fierce, the corners of his mouth curled up even more, and he said, "That's exactly what I mean, I will let you know what idiots mean by dreams, no matter how big the fantasy, no matter how big the dream is, You will wake up in the end, and this young master will destroy your confidence bit by bit until there is only despair in your eyes, then this young master will take your life, haha..."

"My Dao heart is unshakable, but you have already been affected, haha...!

Fan Shaoxiao, your name is too real, but that's all. How you want to kill me has nothing to do with me. You have shaken yourself, thinking you can also affect me.

I only have one word to kill you!

Kill as fast as possible!

Kill with the strongest attack!

Kill with the most ruthless means!

Fan Shaoxiao, you will definitely die in this battle! Hahaha…………! "

Xuantian stood up, his voice was like thunder, and he killed words a few times, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and he laughed together, feeling extremely comfortable in his heart.

While laughing loudly, Xuantian's body turned into a flash of lightning, rushed out of the hall, flew into the sky outside Tianwu Ridge, and shouted: "Fan Shaoxiao, come out and lead him to death!"

In the main hall, no matter whether it was the king, the quasi-emperor, or the emperor, they all showed shock, and Xuantian's murderous aura made them feel palpitations.

Although his cultivation level was two realms lower than Fan Shaoxiao's, Xuantian's aura was unshakable and indestructible, even stronger than Fan Shaoxiao's confidence.

Xuantian felt at ease, his murderous aura soared to the sky, Fan Shaoxiao seemed to be the strong side, but he was extremely angry in his heart, far less free and easy than Xuantian.

"Seventh Young Master...! Xuantian killed the second-level emperor, you must be careful!" the first-level emperor of the Demon Sect reminded.

"Huh!" Fan Shaoxiao snorted angrily, and shouted: "If this young master can't deal with a mere top-notch king, then he will be ashamed to become one of the seven young masters of the Demon Sect. You all watch from below. This young master is going to kill Xuantian!" Corpses to pieces!"

While speaking, Fan Shaoxiao also turned into an afterimage, rushed out of the hall, and flew towards Xuantian.

Xuantian was two hundred miles away from Tianwu Ridge, even if there is a large protective formation in Tianwu Ridge, there is still a range, it is impossible to cover here.

Here, Xuantian can fight Fan Shaoxiao freely, and if he loses, he can retreat at any time. Even if he is a fourth-level Dacheng Emperor, Xuantian has the confidence to escape, let alone a fight with Fan Shaoxiao up.

"Go and see...!"

In the main hall, all the demon kings, demon emperors, and demon powerhouses all rushed out of the hall.

At this time, the birthday banquet of the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor has become unimportant, the key is the battle between Xuantian and Fan Shaoxiao.

"Tiemuzhen's magic power!"

Fan Shaoxiao shouted loudly while he was in the air.

Following this drink, his body suddenly changed.

In an instant, his skin became pitch black, his body grew by more than fifty centimeters, and he turned into a giant of more than two meters.

Boom boom boom boom......

The void exploded, and Fan Shaoxiao stepped into the air, stepping out one vacuum hole after another in the sky.

His speed was extremely fast, as if a ray of light flashed across the sky, he rushed directly towards Xuantian.

Temujin Demon Kung Fu is the top emperor-level kung fu technique of Tiemu Demon Sect. After performing it, the whole person will be demonized, and the skin will no longer be human skin, but will become as strong as iron.

Temujin's magic art came from the Ironwood Demon Clan in the Demon Realm. The Ironwood Demon Clan practiced this technique, and their physique was extremely strong, invulnerable to swords and guns, and difficult to soak in water and fire. Compared with treasures of the same level, their firmness was not inferior .

What's more, Temujin's magic art also has supporting martial arts. When it is used, it is completely invincible with the strength of Temujin's body. It is simply a destructive machine.

call out!

Seeing Fan Shaoxiao rushing towards him, Xuan Tian immediately had an imperial sword in his hand. With one swing of the sword, a flaming sword energy instantly split the void in front of him in half, and cut towards Fan Shaoxiao.

Fan Shaoxiao turned a blind eye to the flame sword energy.

With five fingers, he grabbed directly forward and collided with the flame sword energy.

The incomparably sharp flame sword energy failed to pierce Fan Shaoxiao's pitch-black palm, even the fourth-order limit flame could not burn that pitch-black palm.

bang bang bang!

With several crisp sounds in a row, the flaming sword energy was blown into several fragments, splashed in all directions, and soon turned into nothingness.

"The attack power of this flaming sword energy is indeed powerful, even second-level emperors have to retreat, but for this young master, this is just tickling, Xuantian, let me see how you block me, haha..."

Although Fan Shaoxiao's body turned into a demon body, he still uttered words and laughed.


He punched Xuantian, and the void suddenly burst, sending out countless shocking ripples, forming a destructive shock wave, and rushing towards Xuantian crazily. (To be continued. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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