The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 883】 Immortal Lightning Sword

() Xuantian was still more than ten miles away from Fan Shaoxiao, and he already felt an overwhelming force coming over him.

The power of this punch is surging and vigorous.

The strength of the fist rushed out of the ripples of destruction, like a huge wave.

Chaos Sword Qi!

Xuantian held the imperial-level sword in both hands, and his whole body exuded a gray light. He used the secret of chaos to the limit, and cut it down with one sword.


Wherever the sword energy passed, the shock wave of destruction was broken layer by layer.

The sharpness of the Chaos Sword Qi is no small matter, and its attack power is the first among the Four Great Sword Qis.

However, after breaking through the shock wave, the sword energy of chaos collided with Fan Shaoxiao's fist, and the trend of overwhelming momentum was greatly reduced.

It took a full blink of an eye before the chaotic sword energy broke through the fist and struck Fan Shaoxiao's pitch-black fist. ..


The power of the chaotic sword energy has weakened, and it instantly shattered into pieces.

However, Fan Shaoxiao's fist did not slow down, smashing through the void again and again, and blasted towards Xuantian in an instant.

The imperial sword in Xuantian's hand swung across, and with a crisp clang, his fist hit the blade.

A terrifying force rushed over like an overwhelming mountain.


Xuantian's body, like a cannonball, flew backward for nearly ten miles in an instant.

Fan Shaoxiao's strength was terrifying, much stronger than the elder Guiyuezong who was burning Gangyuan.

As one of the Seven Young Masters of the Demon Sect, Fan Shaoxiao does have the strength to challenge two realms, his combat power. Compared with the general third-level emperor, he is only stronger but not weaker.

Xuantian's strength is slightly inferior to that of the third-level emperor, and compared to Fan Shaoxiao. It's even worse.

This head-on attack was naturally knocked back for a long time.

Even though Xuantian's indestructible golden body has strong defensive power, the internal organs in his body are shaking at this moment, as if the river is overwhelmed.

The only good news is that Xuantian was not injured.

His Gang Yuan is fifty or sixty times stronger, very thick, and has a great protective effect on the body.

Attack this time. Xuan Tian knew the general strength of Fan Shaoxiao, and had a rough judgment on his strength in his heart.

"Seventh Young Master, beat him up...!"

"Let him know how powerful the Demon Sect is, and cut him to pieces...!"


In the distance, at Tian Centurion Ridge, several strong men from the Demon Sect saw Xuan Tian being blown away by Fan Shaoxiao's punch. They all cheered excitedly.

All the demon kings and demon emperors also sighed. Although Xuantian's combat power is against the sky, there is indeed a big gap between him and Fan Shaoxiao.

After all, Xuantian is two realms away from Fan Shaoxiao. Strictly speaking, Zhunhuang can be regarded as half a realm, two and a half realms behind.

And Fan Shaoxiao is a heaven-defying evildoer who can challenge beyond two realms. His strength is stronger than that of a third-level emperor.

Xuan Tian and Fan Shaoxiao fought recklessly. Isn't that equivalent to crossing the four realms, which is the same as the third-level emperor recklessly.

nature. The powerhouses of the monster tribe are not optimistic about Xuantian, but there is no doubt that Xuantian is an unrivaled evildoer who is rarely seen in the ages. It would be a pity if he was killed by Fan Shaoxiao like this.

"Compared with your self-confidence, your strength is really far behind." Fan Shaoxiao smiled disdainfully, his body was like an arrow, and he rushed towards Xuantian again.

Temujin's magic art is a set of emperor-level exercises, which are extremely effective in body training, and close combat is Fan Shaoxiao's strength.

Of course, this is a demon cultivation method, which is most suitable for the Ironwood Demon Clan. Although the human race can also cultivate, the effect is not as powerful as the Ironwood Demon Clan, and it cannot exert the full power of the Emperor-level exercises. For human warriors In other words, it is similar to the top imperial-level exercises.

But it's also pretty powerful.

Fan Shaoxiao hadn't cultivated Temujin's magic skills to the highest level, but his body was already as strong as an imperial treasure.

Coupled with his surging power of star energy and profound power of profound truth, even imperial treasures can hardly hurt him.

Boom boom boom boom...

The void exploded.

Fan Shaoxiao is completely a destructive machine. Wherever he steps, the void splits open, and the cracks spread for hundreds of meters, like flowers growing on the soles of his feet.

In the distance, Xuantian's body stabilized. Although he was knocked back in the first round of the fight, there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

Fan Shaoxiao's strength is indeed stronger than that of ordinary third-level emperors.

However, if Xuantian were to choose between a third-level player and Fan Shaoxiao as his opponent, Xuantian would definitely choose Fan Shaoxiao.

Because the difference in cultivation between him and Fan Shaoxiao is only two realms, it can be said that it is two and a half realms. Although Fan Shaoxiao's combat power has reached the level of a third-level emperor, he will not be against Xuantian was suppressed by Dao.

As for the real third-level emperor, his cultivation actually surpassed the four realms of Xuantian. Once he made a move, he would be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

In that way, Xuantian will be suppressed by heaven and earth, and his display of strength will be greatly reduced.

There are only three things, and they are always applicable to all stages of warriors.


A three-legged ancient tripod appeared with a flash of thunder, covering Xuantian.

Fan Shaoxiao is stronger than Xuantian, if Xuantian wants to defeat the strong with the weak, he has to rely on the power of the Holy Cauldron.

Xuantian has the best defense in the holy cauldron, and can attack freely.

As soon as the Lightning Sacred Cauldron appeared, Xuantian disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the Thundering Sacred Cauldron did not retreat but advanced, rushing towards Fan Shaoxiao.

call out!

A spinning sword gang suddenly pierced out from the Holy Lightning Cauldron.

This fusion of sword, thunder and fire is exactly the sword move thunder and fire spiral stab of the fusion of profound meaning.

This sword technique involves the fusion of profound meanings, and its power is much stronger than the simple four major sword qi.

In the distance, the demon clan and the strong men of the Demon Sect on the Tianwu Ridge opened their eyes wide. This is the Holy Cauldron. Yunzhou also had a son of God who came, and they all knew the existence of the Holy Cauldron.

As for the Demon Sect, it is even more clear about the Holy Cauldron. It was under the order of Poluosha Mingzi that the twelve emperors were sent to Tianzhou to seize the tripod.

Now that Xuantian came to Yunzhou with the holy cauldron, the Demon Sect directly activated the Seven Devils Chasing and Killing Order to hunt him down.

In front of Xuantian, a huge vortex suddenly appeared. The vortex splashed in all directions, possessing an incomparably terrifying whipping force.

With this sword piercing, all the void in front of him was instantly pierced. Everything fell apart.

The shock ripples blasted by Tiemu Mingquan were instantly dissipated, even Fist Gang was no exception.

In an instant, the Leihuo Spiral Sword collided with Fan Shaoxiao's fist.

Bang bang bang bang!

It was difficult for the Leihuo Spiral Sword to penetrate any more, and they collapsed one after another, and all of them disappeared in an instant.


There was another loud bang. Fan Shaoxiao's fist hit the Lightning Holy Cauldron.

The Holy Cauldron of Thunder was instantly knocked back a kilometer.

In the void, a string of blood fell!

Fan Shaoxiao looked at his left hand in surprise. There was a scar.

The lightning fire spiral thorn, with such a powerful penetrating power, pierced his flesh.

It might not be flesh and blood on him, it was like dark old bark. Got stabbed in two pieces.

Although the Holy Cauldron of Thunder was blown away for a kilometer. But Xuantian's body was in the cauldron, and he didn't suffer any harm.


The Lightning Holy Cauldron's lightning light suddenly became intense, and it rushed towards Fan Shaoxiao again.

"Indestructible Thunder Sword!"

Xuan Tian shouted loudly from the Thunder Sacred Cauldron.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Four piercing sounds sounded, and four golden sword gangs suddenly split out from the Holy Thunder.

Each sword gang is condensed by violent thunder and lightning, but it blooms with bright golden light.

The golden thunder and lightning. This is completely against common sense, normal lightning does not have this color.

This was when Xuantian was in Shenzhou. The sword move that he comprehends is also a fusion of profound meanings, but it is the fusion of immortal divine power and the profound meaning of thunder.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, once Xuantian's fusion of profound truths has started, there will naturally be a follow-up.

After Xuantian left the Fire Dragon Cave, he stayed in Shenzhou for many days. During those days, he felt the most relaxed, the most joyful, and the smoothest in his thoughts, and he practiced with half the effort.

Not only did he comprehend the secrets of chaos to the limit of the fourth level, but he also comprehended the sword move of the "Immortal Thunder Sword".

He fused all the immortal sword energy with the profound meaning of thunder, and fused them into four immortal thunder swords.

The Immortal Thunder Sword possesses the berserk power of thunder and the characteristic of indestructible divine power, once fired, the attacks will be endless.

Xuan Tian was in the holy cauldron, occupying an invincible position, even if Fan Shaoxiao's strength was stronger than him, in such a situation, he would not be able to defeat him.

Seeing that the Holy Lightning Cauldron had just retreated a thousand meters, and then rushed towards him again, Fan Shaoxiao frowned. Obviously, Xuantian didn't seem to be affected by the terrifying shock force.

"You have the defense of the Holy Cauldron, so you can indeed withstand powerful attacks, but if this young master also enters the holy cauldron, let's see what else you can rely on to block this young master's attack!"

Fan Shaoxiao yelled loudly, and didn't care about Xuantian's 'Immortal Thunder Sword'. He clenched his fists and blasted towards the Immortal Thunder Sword. His body, like the wings of a roc, rushed towards the Holy Cauldron of Thunder. .

It is impossible for him to break the holy cauldron, so he has to directly enter the holy cauldron and kill Xuantian in the cauldron.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

There were four explosions, like the sound of metal colliding, and the four indestructible thunder swords were continuously impacted by fists. When the fists collapsed, they were knocked sideways.

However, when Fan Shaoxiao didn't pay attention, the four indestructible lightning sword's attack power was extremely frightening, and it couldn't be scattered. It just shook to the side, and within half an instant, it struck at him again, with a tricky angle.

Under the attack of the four indestructible thunder swords, his body-protecting stellar energy was useless, and it was broken in an instant.

Relying on his practice of Temujin's magic power, Fan Shaoxiao's body was incomparably strong, he did not block the Immortal Thunder Sword, but turned a blind eye to it, leaped to the sky above the Holy Lightning Cauldron in an instant, and charged into the Holy Lightning Cauldron.

break! break! break! break!

Four streaks of blood flashed, and the Inextinguishable Thunder Sword slashed at Fan Shaoxiao's body. Even the iron wood demon's body was cut with four streaks of sword marks and blood flowed out.

More importantly, the Immortal Thunder Sword did not dissipate, and continued to slash and kill Fan Shaoxiao.

call out!

call out!

At the same time, two sword lights pierced out from the Holy Cauldron of Thunder.

In an instant, a huge vortex appeared all around.

The Imperial Spirit Sword and the Imperial Treasure Sword unleashed the thunder-fire spiral thrust at the same time, stabbing at Fan Shaoxiao. (To be continued. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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