
spn Successful!

Xuantian let out a long breath, his face full of joy. This Danyuan Sword Emperor has already ascended to godhood eighteen thousand years ago, which is really a long time ago.

Even the end of the ancient era was only ten thousand years ago, and when Danyuan Sword Emperor became a god, it was eight thousand years earlier than the end of the ancient era.

Danyuan Sword Emperor can be called an antique, and may be older than Tianchen's era.

After passing three levels, Xuantian was accepted as a disciple by Danyuan Sword Emperor. Now that Danyuan Sword Emperor had already gone to the God Realm, this Danyuan Emperor's Mansion should be regarded as Xuantian's property. [

In front of Xuantian is the three-story palace, each floor is about three feet high and six feet wide.

Above the gate, there is a one-foot-wide door flat with the four words "Danyuan Emperor's Palace" engraved on it. This three-story palace is the real Danyuan Emperor's Palace.

Xuantian stepped forward and soon came under the door. The door was closed.


Just as Xuantian walked to the door, the two-foot-high door suddenly opened.

"Welcome the new owner——!" A voice came from inside the door.


Xuantian was shocked!

Danyuan Sword Emperor has ascended for 18,000 years, and he is the first person to break through the three levels and enter the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion. If there is someone inside, wouldn't it be someone who was already there 18,000 years ago? ?

The Sword Emperor can only live for a thousand years.

A person from 18,000 years ago?

What's that?

Old monster?

Xuan Tianhan's hair exploded and he immediately jumped back more than ten meters.

"Who?" Xuan Tian said in a deep voice.

He is not timid. He was startled just now because it was too sudden and unexpected.

But when he reacted, he was no longer afraid. He has passed the test of Danyuan Sword Emperor and became the disciple of Danyuan Sword Emperor. He is the master here. The voice just now said, "Welcome the new master." The new master is obviously Xuantian. Someone is also his subordinate, Xuantian. Tian naturally stabilized the fluctuations in his heart.

As soon as Xuantian finished speaking, a dark-skinned young man in black clothes, about eleven or twelve years old, walked out of Emperor Danyuan's mansion.

The young man in black bowed to Xuantian. Said: "I am a precious boy."[

"Yibao boy?" Xuantian's eyes showed surprise again and said, "How come you have lived for eighteen thousand years?"

Yibao boy said: "Back to the new master, Yibao is just a puppet. As long as he has spiritual energy, he can live as long as he wants."

Xuan Tian carefully observed the face of the young man in black. Although he is exactly like a human being, he is unchanging, dull, and serious, and not at all like a normal teenager.

Just now Xuantian was completely shocked by the idea of ​​"living for eighteen thousand years", so he didn't observe carefully, given his eyesight. It's actually easy to see.

"When encountering things in the future, you have to stay calm and calm. Some incredible things actually have a simple reason. But once you panic, no matter how simple the reason is, you can't find it." Xuan Tian warned secretly.

Xuantian observed Yibao Boy carefully and realized that Yibao Boy's strength was unfathomable. Far above yourself.

Xuantian felt calm, but still felt surprised. It is the rarest thing to be able to make such a puppet in ancient times. It not only looks like a human but is also intelligent.

"I will call you Yibao from now on. Yibao, was it Danyuan Sword Emperor who made you?" Xuan Tian asked.

"New master, the old master is your master, you can't call him by his name, it's rude!" Yibao boy said.

Although he knew that he was a disciple of Danyuan Sword Emperor, Xuantian really didn't have the consciousness to regard Danyuan Sword Emperor as his master without going through the apprenticeship process. He was reminded by Yibao boy and smiled sarcastically.

Xuan Tian said: "Yibao, was it made by Master for you?"

Yibao boy shook his head and said: "No, I was made by the Puppet God Sect, but the old master ordered it. As soon as I made it, the old master refined my natal puppet stone. He wanted to ascend to god and asked me to receive him. His later disciple is you, the new master. I have been sleeping for these eighteen thousand years, and it was not until the new master passed three levels that I woke up."

Xuan Tian said: "I happen to know everything about this Danyuan Emperor's Mansion. Yibao, please introduce it to me!"

Yibao Boy nodded and said: "The Danyuan Emperor's Mansion is divided into three levels, and there are three talismans in total. You can only refine the talisman on the first level now, enter the first level, and then you can get the first volume of the "Danyuan Emperor Sutra" , which contains the first three rounds of cultivation methods of the Sword and Dan Art. When you practice the Sword and Dan Art to the third round, you can refine the second-level letter talisman and obtain the middle volume of the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra", which There is a third-level practice method for the art of sword and elixir. When you practice the art of sword and elixir to the sixth level, you can refine the third-level letter talisman and obtain the second volume of the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra", which contains the sword The last three training methods of Dan Art, new master, when you have completely refined the three talismans, you will completely master the Dan Yuan Emperor's Mansion. This is a cave that can be expanded and reduced to form its own space and can be carried with you."

"How comfortable is it to carry it with you?" Xuan Tian's eyes lit up and he said, "When you took the Danyuan Emperor's Palace with you, did you also take the formations outside with you?"

"Yes." Yibao boy nodded.

"Haha...!" Xuantian couldn't help but laugh, "I carry this cave with me everywhere. If there is danger, I will let it out. If I enter the cave, even the quasi-emperor can't get in."

After laughing a few times, Xuantian's enthusiasm cooled down and he said: "It's a pity that I can't refine all three talismans now. Otherwise, if I take the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion around the world, even if the Demon Sect has many quasi-emperors, it won't matter. Shit."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Xuantian's eyes and he said: "Yibao, what level is your strength roughly equivalent to?"

"Three-star Sword Emperor!" Yibao boy said.

"Three-Star Sword Emperor?" Xuan Tian's heart twitched. The strength of Yibao Boy was far beyond his imagination.

The divisions of emperors, emperors and kings are the same, divided into nine realms. [

But in order to distinguish it, when warriors talk about it, the cultivation level of the king is based on the regular levels, that is, the first-time king, the small-achieving king, the small-achieving ultimate king... etc., and the emperor, Then use level one, level two, level three... all the way to level nine.

As for the emperors, they are one-star, two-star, three-star... all the way up to nine-star. Those who practice swordsmanship are generally called sword emperors, and the rest are collectively called martial emperors.

The Three-Star Sword Emperor is the Xiaocheng Ultimate Sword Emperor. The Yibao boy is so powerful that he can easily sweep across Yunzhou and destroy the Yunzhou Demon Sect in a matter of minutes.

Xuantian couldn't help but think in his heart: "If I take Yi Bao out, damn, I'm still afraid of the Yunzhou Demon Sect. I will go directly to the seven iron demon sects to visit them one by one. Want to steal my holy cauldron? The quasi-emperor will kill him clean."

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Xuantian's face, he looked at Yibao boy and said, "Yibao, after I learn the first volume of "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra", you can follow me for a walk outside, okay?"

Yibao boy's face was as dull as ever, and he said: "New master, old master has an order. Before you completely refine the Dan Yuan Emperor's Palace, I cannot leave the Imperial Palace for even half a step."

Xuantian's idea of ​​destroying the Demon Sect was immediately poured with cold water.

When the Dan Yuan Emperor's Mansion is completely refined, the middle volume of the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra" must be completely completed, and the six-turn sword elixir can be cultivated. I don't know what monkey year and horse month it will be.

"I have such an opportunity. My master was a person who ascended to the divine realm 18,000 years ago. Relatively speaking, the Yunzhou Demon Sect is not a terrible force. As long as I practice seriously and improve my cultivation, I will be the emperor in the future. None of the powerful forces are opponents, so why place your hopes on others when dealing with the Yunzhou Demon Sect?"

Xuan Tian smiled self-deprecatingly and immediately strengthened his belief.

"Yibao, where is the letter talisman on the first level?" Xuan Tian said.

Yibao boy raised his palm, and a palm-sized token appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Xuantian.

This token is a cyan metal with only the word "一" on it.

Xuantian took it and immediately input Gang Yuan for refining, and the refining was successful soon.

Suddenly, a feeling arose in his heart, as if he had a close connection with the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion.

In addition to the second and third floors of the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, Xuantian still knew nothing about it. It seemed that Xuantian could clearly feel the formations outside the first floor and the island.

"Xiaohu, come in...!" Xuan Tian turned around, looked outside the triple courtyard, and shouted loudly.

After he refined the first-level letter talisman, all the restrictions in the third-level courtyard disappeared.

The disciples of Danyuan Sword Emperor have received it, and these tests have naturally been withdrawn. Moreover, the stone tablet is no longer a transmission channel, and all thirty-six transmission channels in the sword world have been destroyed.

In fact, nine of the thirty-six transmission channels were destroyed as early as ten thousand years ago. In the past ten thousand years, few people have mistakenly entered the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion.


Xiaohu responded, quickly rushing in and jumping on Xuan Tian's shoulders.

Yibao boy glanced at Xiaohu and ignored him. He was just a puppet with only a little wisdom and no thoughts.

"New master please!" Yibao boy walked to the door and pointed towards the palace of Emperor Danyuan.

Xiaohu glanced at Yibao Boy curiously and looked at the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion with excitement in his eyes.

Xuantian stepped forward, passed through the gate, and entered the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion.

What you see is a huge palace.

Five feet away in front, there is a scroll on the wall. The portrait is about one foot high. The figure in the painting has a sword on his back, wearing a green shirt and a jade belt around his waist. He is the model of Danyuan Sword Emperor.

Just from this portrait, Xuantian felt a terrifying will to swordsmanship.

"The new master, let's pay the apprenticeship ceremony to the old master first!" Yibao boy said.

"Emperor Dan Yuan Sutra" is obviously the creation of Dan Yuan Sword Emperor's lifetime effort. After 18,000 years, he wanted to ascend to godhood without finding a disciple. It took 18,000 years before he found a successor. Of course, he had to Accept him as a disciple.

Xuantian had no objection. After all, the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra" was originally created by Dan Yuan Sword Emperor. If you want to learn his martial arts, you must become his disciple. Of course Xuantian must follow this rule.

Xuantian walked ten meters in front of the portrait of Danyuan Sword Emperor, knelt down on his knees, kowtowed four times respectfully, and said: "Disciple Xuantian, pay homage to the master. Today I have received the master's inheritance, and I will definitely pass on the sword elixir in the future." Art, let it flourish." (To be continued) 8

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