The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 894】 Emperor Danyuan Sutra


spn As soon as Xuantian finished speaking, a breath suddenly came from the front.

This is a vast and surging breath, but it is very gentle. It makes people feel no pressure at all, but feels relaxed.

I saw the portrait of Danyuan Sword Emperor on the wall in front of me, glowing with light at this moment.

"The world is still the same, things have changed, and there is another world, eight thousand years...! My sword and elixir skills finally have a descendant, hahaha...!" Suddenly, a voice came from the Danyuan Sword Emperor came out from the portrait.

What started as a sigh soon turned into laughter. [

"Greetings to the master!" Yibao boy immediately clasped his fists and bowed to the portrait of Danyuan Sword Emperor.

Xuantian was slightly surprised: "What's going on? Is this the Master's legacy of thoughts? Or is it the Master's current divine thoughts? Is it the divine voice coming to the world?"

Xuantian spent a lot of time with Tianji stick, and he had heard about the saying that the divine voice came to the world.

The strength of gods is too strong, and the law has come to the human world. However, some powerful gods can use their thoughts to penetrate the human and divine worlds. People are in the divine world, but their voices can be transmitted to the human world through their thoughts.

Of course, this requires a huge amount of divine power, and ordinary gods simply cannot do it. Moreover, even if it can be done, it cannot last for a long time.

"Yibao, it's been 18,000 years, and you are the only one who can live this long...!" Danyuan Sword Emperor's voice sounded, and the portrait seemed to have spirituality. His eyes turned and fell on the boy Yibao.

Soon, the portrait's eyes fell on Xuantian and said: "Eighteen thousand years, what a long time it is, my disciple, you are finally here...! Your name is Xuantian?"

"Yes, Master!" Xuan Tian nodded.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Danyuan Sword Emperor's voice was very pleased, and said: "Practice the art of sword elixir, which requires extremely high level of understanding. If you can pass three levels, it means that you have understood the true meaning of wind. , extremely high level of understanding.

I left such a cave in the human world, the most important of which is

On the cover of the book, there are four large characters Danyuan Emperor Sutra, and two small characters "Scroll Up" in the lower right corner.

"Thank you, Master!" Xuan Tian thanked him.

"The technique of the Nine-turn Sword Pill requires extremely high strength and profound understanding of the Gang Yuan. As a disciple, my disciple was at the third, sixth, and ninth levels of Sword Master, Sword Emperor, and Sword Emperor before he refined the Nine-turn Sword respectively. Every turn of the alchemy technique.

If your cultivation reaches another level, you can practice the first three turns, open the second level of the Imperial Mansion, and obtain the middle volume of the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra". Of course, if you are better than the blue, the strength of Gang Yuan and the understanding of mysteries will be better. As a teacher, maybe you can refine the Nine Transformations Golden Pill earlier than I am a teacher...

You have to remember that the stronger your Gang Yuan is, the more profound your understanding of mysteries is, the more powerful the condensed sword elixir will be, especially the first-turn sword elixir, which is the foundation of the nine-turn sword elixir. The stronger the first-turn sword elixir, the stronger the foundation. Stable, the sword elixir will become more powerful with each subsequent turn. "Danyuan Sword Emperor reminded.

"Disciple, remember this!" Xuan Tian nodded.

The light on the portrait gradually faded, and the voice of Danyuan Sword Emperor continued to sound, but became smaller and smaller: "The skills have been taught, how far you can go depends on your own efforts. If you can ascend to become a god, you can reach 'Dan Yuantian' has come to look for me as my disciple, my master is waiting for you in the God Realm...!"

"Farewell, Master!" Xuantian bowed to his disciple again.

It wasn't until the light on the portrait completely disappeared that Xuancai stood up and looked at the first volume of the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra" in his hand, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

The palace was very empty, but there were tables and chairs next to it. Xuantian walked to the side and sat down, opened the "Dan Yuan Emperor Sutra" and looked at it carefully.

Yibao Boy is a puppet, tireless, but he also sits aside, closes his eyes and rests to save energy consumption. For the puppet, energy is life.

"Condensing Gang Yuan and mysteries, forming a sword elixir in the dantian. The power of the sword elixir is the best in attack!"

The first page, which can be regarded as the general outline, points out that the Sword Pill is formed by condensing the power of Gangyuan and Mystery, and the Sword Pill has the highest attack power.

"The sword elixir is divided into nine levels: the first-level blue elixir, the second-level yellow elixir, the third-level green elixir, the fourth-level red elixir, the fifth-level red elixir, the sixth-level blue elixir, the seventh-level purple elixir, the eighth-level silver elixir, and the ninth-level elixir. The golden elixir, formed into the sword elixir, is equivalent to doubling the strength of the Gang Yuan, and then doubling it with each turn."

The second page introduces the Nine-turn Sword Pill and the power increase of each turn.

Xuantian's eyes suddenly lit up.

He cultivates the Immortal Golden Body, and the strength of the Gang Yuan can be said to be an enemy of the same realm. Unless he is also the inheritor of the Immortal Golden Body, the power of the Gang Yuan cannot be compared to him.

In this way, he is even more vigorous than his master Dan Yuan Sword Emperor Gang Yuan was when he was in the same realm.

The power of sword elixir is closely related to Gang Yuan.

One turn of the sword pill is equivalent to doubling the power of Gang Yuan. Now that Xuantian is running the immortal golden body, the power of Gang Yuan is fifty or sixty times that of the normal state. The doubling of one turn of the sword pill does not refer to the power of the basic Gang Yuan. Doubling refers to doubling the total Gang Yuan power, fifty or sixty times and doubling it again, which is hundreds of times the basic Gang Yuan power. [

The second-turn sword pill doubles the power of the first-turn sword pill, which is equivalent to more than two hundred times the basic Gang Yuan power.

That three-turn sword pill......

The power of the immortal golden body is doubled, and the basic power of the power is used as the standard.

The sword elixir's Gangyuan power is doubled, and the total Gangyuan power is used as the standard.

The first revolution is double the total, the second revolution is twice the total, the third revolution is four times the total, the fourth revolution is eight times the total..., and the ninth revolution is 256 times the total.

It is impossible to imagine how powerful the sword elixir is after mastering the Nine-turn Golden Pill. No wonder the Danyuan Sword Emperor said that after mastering the Nine-turn Golden Pill, the Nine-Star Sword Emperor can reverse the heavens and kill the gods.

Especially when Xuantian cultivates the Immortal Golden Body, Gang Yuan is the most profound, and then he practices the art of Nine Turns Sword Pill, which is the most suitable. It is even more suitable than the founder of Dan Yuan Sword Emperor. In the same realm, Xuantian's total Gang The power of Yuan is stronger than Dan Yuan Sword Emperor, and his strength is more terrifying.

Looking at the "Emperor Dan Yuan Sutra", Xuantian's lips showed a smile involuntarily. The sword elixir technique in his hands would be even more powerful than that of Emperor Dan Yuan Sword Emperor.

Turning to the third page, there is a reminder from the Danyuan Sword Emperor that the first sword pill is the most important. The stronger the first sword pill, the stronger the subsequent sword pills will be, and the first sword pill will be stronger. The strength of the Turning Sword Pill is directly related to the power of Gang Yuan and the power of mystery when forming the Turning Sword Pill.

The reason why the power of Gang Yuan can be doubled is because of the integration of the power of mystery.

This doubling is just a rough estimate. If the power of the secret is stronger, the power of the One-turn Sword Pill may be increased by more than 1 times, it may be 11, or 12, or even a higher multiple.

"It seems that the higher the level of cultivation is, the better when forming the first-turn sword elixir. Theoretically speaking, if one becomes the Nine-Star Sword Emperor, then the first-turn sword elixir will have the strongest foundation. Later, the nine-turn golden elixir will be the most powerful.

However, they have become the Nine-Star Sword Emperor, and their cultivation has reached the end of the human world. It is too late to practice the Nine-turn Sword Pill technique again.

Moreover, who is sure that he will be able to become the Nine-Star Sword Emperor in the future?

Therefore, when it is time to practice, I must practice and improve my strength. Now I should be able to practice to the third-turn sword elixir. With my current cultivation level, I should have a strong foundation with the first-turn sword elixir.

However, if my cultivation level breaks through again, I will become a quasi-emperor, my power of Gangyuan will be even stronger, my understanding of mysteries will be able to reach a higher level, and the one-turn sword pill I will form will be even more powerful! "

Xuantian thought for a while and decided to let his cultivation level break through first, and then practice the sword and elixir technique. The foundation would be better.

His cultivation has been consolidated, and what he needs is the accumulation of energy, and he has a large number of "medicine" kings, "medicine" antiques, and "medicine" essences. Some of the spiritual herbs in them are for healing, and some are for detoxification, but the effect is not good. 1. However, there are not a few spiritual herbs that can directly improve cultivation and be converted into energy, at least one-third.

Using those spiritual herbs that can be directly converted into energy, Xuantian can quickly achieve breakthroughs in cultivation.

And his profound understanding has already entered the realm of the emperor. Therefore, when the spiritual body reaches the limit of the third level, he is a quasi-emperor.

In the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, there is no need to be in a hurry when cultivators interrupt. Xuantian's current interest is in the "Danyuan Emperor Sutra" and he continues to watch, attracted by the mystery of the sword and elixir technique. (To be continued)

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