The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 926) You must go to Turtle and Snake Island


spn Several days passed, Master Xuechan and a sixth-level demon king pursued him with all their strength, and ordered the demon clans from all sides to surround him, but they were unable to block Xuantian.

The flying speed of the Cicada Clan is already fast, and they also have the help of the bird-like demon clan, but Xuantian's speed is too fast.

He showed up somewhere yesterday, and by the next day, he might be six to seven million miles away.

Xuantian and Xiaohu traveled day and night, one person and one tiger, each resting for half a day and flying for half a day. Their physical strength was always maintained at more than half, and they were not greatly consumed by the rush.

But in one day and one night, he can cover a distance of eight million miles. [

As soon as Mr. Xue Chan got the news from Xuantian, he would immediately go to the island closest to Xuantian through the teleportation array, but when he rushed there, he still could not catch up with Xuantian.

Xuantian does not always fly in a straight line, he will change direction within the range, and stay away from the island, because there is likely to be a teleportation array on the island, and the pursuers of Blood Cicada Island can come as quickly as possible.

But flying far away from the island, even if it is coming through the teleportation array, will take some time. At the terrifying speed of Xuantian's full flight, he has already traveled hundreds of thousands of miles away in a few hundred breaths.

Therefore, even if Mr. Xue Chan chased him through the teleportation array, he still did not catch up with Xuantian's shadow. If he teleported directly to the island in front of Xuantian, he would be farther and farther away from Xuantian. Xuantian would not be able to follow a straight line at all. Fly and go to where Mr. Xue Chan expected.

"I lost my pursuit again!" Young Master Xue Chan smacked his palm angrily over the sea, and a blood-colored palm print the size of a thousand feet instantly fell into the sea with an explosion. The sea surface collapsed, causing huge waves hundreds of feet high in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The corpses of monsters in the sea, which were hundreds of meters long, floated up. I don't know how many monsters died because of the anger of Master Xuechan.

"A quasi-emperor and a fourth-level emperor, how could they be so fast? In the territory of the demon clan, I personally led people to hunt down, there was only a quasi-emperor and a fourth-level emperor. Even the silhouette of a human figure was gone. I can’t see that if this matter spreads out, it will definitely become a joke. The human race will definitely laugh at this young master!”

Mr. Xuechan looked angry, "No, we must find a way. I, Mr. Xuechan, can't afford to lose this face...!"

Thinking of being in the land of Middle-earth. He was hunted down by the powerful descendants of the human race. Feng Yun Di, Zhan Lang, and Lu Juechen all met each other and took action, and Young Master Xue Chan suffered a loss every time.

Especially that Lu Juechen, he was so fast. If it weren't for the teleportation talisman obtained from the Beihai Ancient Ruins, he would have died at the hands of Lu Juechen.

He, Young Master Xuechan, is famous all over the world. He was hunted down in the human territory and almost died.

Now. In the territory of the demon clan, he led a sixth-level demon emperor to chase down two human races. He was just an ordinary fourth-level emperor and a quasi-emperor, but he didn't even see a human figure.

Such a comparison made Master Xuechan extremely angry.

"Damnable humans...!"

Bang bang bang bang...

Young Master Xue Chan roared angrily and struck out with both palms. The thousand-foot-long palm prints as big as giant mountains were struck crazily towards the sea.

Huge waves surged into the sky, one after another, making the sea surface thousands of miles around rough.

I don't know how many shapeless monsters died under the hands of Mr. Xue Chan. Even giant beasts that were six to seven hundred meters long were unlucky enough to be shot by Mr. Cicada and died.

"Xue Fei, their speed is so fast. We are chasing behind them. It is impossible to catch up. We can only intercept them in front of them." said an old man in his sixties next to him. [

As a sixth-level demon king, he is also a high-ranking figure on Xuechan Island, and he is the elder of Mr. Xuechan. He can call Mr. Xuechan by his first name.

Cicada Xue Fei is the name of Mr. Xue Chan.

"We rushed ahead of them and intercepted them several times, but we never saw their figures once." Young Master Xuechan said angrily.

The sixth-level demon emperor said: "Although their direction has changed, their general route has not changed. They have been approaching Central Continent. Moreover, these two human races have inquired about the route to Central Continent at Huwei Mountain. According to the routes they have taken these days, Our route must be through Turtle Snake Island and take the fastest shortcut back to the human territory. If we go directly to Turtle Snake Island, we will be able to intercept the two of them."

Mr. Xue Chan's eyes lit up and he said: "Uncle Guangli, it is true that Jiang is still old and hot. However, Turtle Snake Island is extremely wide, and there are a large number of teleportation arrays on the island, extending in all directions. As long as we get to Turtle Snake Island, we will be able to To stop them, we just need more manpower."

The sixth-level demon emperor Chan Guangli said: "We have plenty of manpower. We will take ten thousand demon kings to Turtle Snake Island and distribute them everywhere. We also ask the demon clan on the island to pay attention and set up a dragnet on Turtle Snake Island. , as long as they arrive at Turtle Snake Island, they will definitely be intercepted by us."

"Okay...! If we let them pass Turtle and Snake Island, which is close to Central Continent and the human race is strong, it will be difficult for us to chase them. Turtle and Snake Island is the only opportunity. There is no room for failure. I will bring more Demon Emperors. Go forward." Mr. Xuechan said coldly.

Another two days passed, and Xuantian was teleporting and flying over the vast ocean.

"It's been nearly two million miles since we left the last large island. Along the way, we saw quite a few small islands a thousand miles away, but not a single large island over a thousand miles away."

"There are no traces of the life of the transformed monsters on any of the islands. They are all filled with wild beasts."

"It seems that I have penetrated deep into the boundary line between the territories of the two old monsters, Ba Snake and Xuan Turtle. I have to go another two million miles to reach the only big island in this tens of millions of miles of sea, Turtle Snake. island."

Xuan Tian looked at Bian Dahai, feeling highly alert.

His Imperial Heavenly Eyes would open from time to time and look around.

Far ahead, a small island hundreds of miles away appeared, which made Xuan Tian smile. It seemed that he had not deviated from his direction.

In this huge sea area that is 9 million miles wide and 15 million miles long, there is only one Turtle Snake Island, located in the center. Then, along the Turtle Snake Island, every tens of thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands of miles, there are There are small islands with a radius of hundreds or thousands of miles.

If a person's gaze could see thousands of miles away, he would find that these small islands and Turtle Snake Island are connected in a line, dividing this huge sea area into two halves.

Except for some small islands along this line, there is no island in the sea area with a radius of tens of millions of miles. The great demons there are forbidden places and dangerous for both human race and transformed demon race. To the extreme.

Only flying along the small island on the dividing line is relatively safe. After all, it is the boundary between the territories of the two old monsters, Bashe and Xuangui. There are relatively few monsters above the emperor level.

But it is not absolutely safe. Monsters often cross the border, causing disputes between the two sides, leading to monster wars. At this time, the chance of emperor-level monsters appearing is very high.

And once these emperor-level monsters see humans or transformed monsters, they will definitely be killed. [


The sea water below Xuantian suddenly burst into flames, and huge waves were set off for hundreds of miles in radius.

A large silver-white shark suddenly rushed out of the sea.

This big shark was nearly a kilometer long, and its huge mouth was big enough to swallow a small mountain. It caught it directly in front and bit Xuantian in one bite.

This is a quasi-emperor-level demonic beast. The non-transformed demonic beasts are relatively large in size. It intercepts it in front, and Xuantian's method teleports through it.

This quasi-emperor shark regarded Xuantian as a delicious meal.

A demon beast that does not transform can fly after becoming a queen. Although the shark is a water demon beast, it does not affect him from flying in the sky at all. However, due to its nature, it prefers to stay in the water, so unless something happens , it will release water.

The Great Movement of the Ghost Moon...

Xuantian's body drew a trajectory in the void, directly bypassing the approaching quasi-emperor shark. Then, with one teleport, he arrived hundreds of miles away, and with another teleport, he was far away.

In normal times, Xuantian would have killed this quasi-emperor monster with one sword strike.

But here, no monster can be killed.

Kill a small one, and a big one will come; kill a big one, and a bigger one will come...

In short, there are even ninth-level monster kings in this sea area. As long as you kill one, unless you have a strength comparable to that of the ninth-level monster king, you may not be able to escape from this area that is 9 million miles wide and 1,500 miles long. Millions of miles of sea.

Along the way, Xuantian encountered countless quasi-emperor monsters that attacked him, but he avoided them all one by one.

Even some king-level monsters attacked Xuantian. These monsters had only a little intelligence. Some were afraid, but some were not afraid of anything.

There is no way, even if it is a king-level monster, Xuantian will hide...

In short, here, you must not kill anyone, as this will attract the truly powerful beings among the monsters.

After traveling for nearly three million miles, Xuantian was extremely unlucky and encountered an emperor-level demon beast, and it was a third-level demon king.


As soon as the sea water opened, a huge tentacle, a thousand meters long, rushed out from the sea and wrapped around Xuantian.

Hua Hua Hua Hua...

There were continuous sounds, the sea surface surged, and huge tentacles one thousand meters long rushed out of the water, all rushing towards Xuantian.

As soon as this huge tentacle came out, a force enveloped the void. Xuan Tian knew that there was space to confine it.

However, Xuantian can still break through the space confinement of the third-level demon emperor with a little force and teleport, but because he has to use force to break through the void, there will be a pause for breathing.

The tentacle arrived in front of Xuan Tian in half a breath, without even having time to teleport.

The Great Movement of the Ghost Moon...

Xuantian has a profound understanding of the mysteries. This escape technique is much stronger in the hands of Xuantian than in the hands of any emperor of Guiyue Sect.

A trace was imprinted in the void, and Xuantian rushed out more than ten miles in an instant.


It’s still the scope of the restricted void!

Xuantian was slightly shocked. The space confined by this third-level Demon King was really vast.

The Ghost Moon is moving!

The Ghost Moon is moving!

Xuantian used it twice in succession, and rushed out for more than twenty miles with two breaths. He finally left the confinement of the void, teleported hundreds of miles away, and continued to teleport away.

In the evening, a vast land finally appeared in front of us.

Turtle Snake Island has arrived. (To be continued...)

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