The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 927) The consequences are serious


spn  Turtle Snake Island is a long island with a length of more than 300,000 miles and a width of more than 200,000 miles.

Xuantian came from the territory of the Monster Clan, which is just west of Turtle Snake Island. From west to east, it is the length of Turtle Snake Island. It is more than 300,000 miles. For Xuantian, he can fly across this island in about a thousand breaths.

"Coming, Xuantian is coming...!" Xuantian was still thousands of miles away from Turtle Snake Island, but he was already discovered by the demon king who was guarding everywhere.

In the west of Turtle Snake Island, from south to north, every thousand miles or so, there is a demon king standing guard to observe. Whether Xuantian flies directly over Turtle Snake Island or detours from the nearby sea, he will be caught by the demon king who has been waiting for a long time early in the morning. Wang found out.

Of course, if Xuantian went far away, he would definitely not be able to find it, but it was impossible for Xuantian to take risks and stay away from Turtle Snake Island. That would be to break into the territory of Ba Snake or Xuan Turtle, which is almost courting death. [

Because Turtle Snake Island is often attacked by monsters, there are many teleportation arrays on the island, with a radius of more than 300,000 miles, and hundreds of thousands of teleportation arrays. Even if Ba She and Black Turtle come in person, they can quickly leave through the teleportation arrays.

The news of Xuantian's arrival was already known to Master Xuechan in just a few breaths.

Young Master Xuechan, Chan Guangli, and several Demon Emperors immediately set out, rushing in front of Xuantian through the teleportation array, and lurked.

In the past, Young Master Xue Chan intercepted Xuantian in advance and could not even see Xuantian's figure. However, Turtle Snake Island is the only way to go through this, and there are Young Master Xue Chan's sentry posts everywhere. The demon clan has its own way of sending messages. Fa, as soon as Xuantian arrived at Turtle Snake Island, Master Xuechan knew his specific location.

Turtle Snake Island, a certain mountain.

A man all in black was sitting on the ground. He took out a medicine bottle, poured out a green pill, and drank it.

soon. The blackness receded and the man returned to normal.

Xin Wuxia escaped from Guanxing Peak and was chased by the Wei family. He was the leader of an imperial sect after all, and his ancestors had a glorious past, and he had a lot of healing and detoxifying elixirs on his body.

With these healing and detoxifying elixirs, Xin Wuxia escaped all the way.

But. The poison administered by Tuoba Chen was too strong. Although the pills on Xin Wuxia's body were all first-class miraculous medicines, they could not cure the poison. The toxicity can only be suppressed all the time.

The Wei family was too powerful in Central Continent, so Xin Wuxia had no choice but to flee to the far sea area. However, the Wei family still pursued him.

"We have arrived at Turtle and Snake Island. If we continue to flee, we will enter the territory of the demon clan. I am poisoned. If I enter the territory of the demon clan, I will die...!"

"The Wei family seems to be sensitive to the poison in my body. No matter where I escape, it won't be long before there will be strong men chasing me...!"

"Go forward, this is the territory of the demon clan, retreat. There are strong men from the Wei family chasing me. Could this Turtle Snake Island be my burial place?"

Xin Wuxia sighed!

The Star Sword Sect was once brilliant. Now that it has not fallen, Xin Wuxia has already sensed that the Star Sword Sect may be in disaster.

However, he did not expect that the disaster of the Star Sword Sect would come so quickly, and that the dignified deputy leader Tuoba Chen would betray the sect. [

"It's just that I was busy practicing and wanting to revitalize the Star Sword Sect, but for so many years I didn't realize that Tuoba Chen is a beast with a human face and a beast's heart...!"

Xin Wuxia sighed again, very bitterly. He looked at the medicine bottle in his hand and looked surprised, "The detoxification pill is gone. Was it the last one just now?"

A deathly gray color suddenly appeared on Xin Wuxia's face. He had reached the point where he was at the end of his rope and food.

The only thing that greeted him was death!

Even if he is not found by the strong men of the Wei family, he will be poisoned to death!

"No, I can't die like this...!"

Suddenly, Xin Wuxia's eyes burned with fighting spirit.

The deathly gray color receded instantly.

As a swordsman and a sword formation master, Xin Wuxia's heart is very determined.

Even in a desperate situation with no hope at all, his sword heart can still cut off all cowardice and fear, despair and cowardice.

He circulates the Gang Yuan to force out the toxins integrated into the blood and bone marrow one by one.

Although he tried several times, each time with little effect, he could not wait to die.

Even if you must die, you can't give up.

To give up hope and die, and to die holding on to one's beliefs, the results may seem yyng to many people, but in Xin Wuxia's view, this is definitely not yyng.

One kind of death is useless, and the other kind of death is heart-wrenching.

I will not give up!

Xuantian looked extremely cautious on Turtle Snake Island.

This is the last level for the Monster Clan. After passing Turtle Snake Island, there are no more dangerous places. He can walk in the sea area by himself.

He has flown on Turtle Snake Island for more than a hundred breaths, tens of thousands of miles deep, and is currently flying over a mountain range.

"Xuan Tian...!" Suddenly, a loud shout sounded from the front, "Today is your death day, and this is your burial place!"

The sound travels hundreds or thousands of miles. [

From the Qinghu Demon Emperor, the demon clan had already learned Xuantian's name.

Whoosh, a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of him, and a young man in blood-clothed clothes tore through the void and arrived.

With this drink, the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, and the heaven and earth shook.

On a certain mountain, Xin Wuxia, who was expelling poison, suddenly opened his eyes: "Xuan Tian?"

The name of Xuantian is naturally unknown to the demon clan, but Xin Wuxia, as the head of the Star Sword Sect in Central Continent, the name of Xuantian spread throughout the land of Central Continent a few years ago.

Alchemy Emperor Medicine Garden, Tianxuan Sword Tower, and Star Sword Sect all have younger disciples entering.

Xuantian overcame the tribulation, broke through the restrictions of the Alchemy Garden, killed many quasi-emperors, entered the Tianxuan Sword Tower, and broke through ten floors in a row, breaking the record of ten thousand years since ancient times.

not to mention! Xuantian revealed the secret of carrying the Holy Cauldron in the Tianxuan Sword Tower, and many emperors saw it at that time.

Although it has not been widely discussed, privately, it has spread to every imperial power and even the powerful royal power.

A swordsman genius, an unparalleled monster...

Xuantian came and left in a hurry, which is also a legend among the people of Zhongzhou.

An old man in his sixties appeared at the same time as the young man in blood. However, this old man in his sixties teleported from behind Xuantian, forming a pincer attack.

On the left and right of Xuantian, demon kings appeared one after another hundreds of miles away.

What's even more deceptive is that there are thousands of demon kings appearing from all directions in the distance, teleporting towards this place.

Many demon kings held a large black flag in their hands. They were still seven or eight hundred miles away from Xuantian, so they planted the flag in the void.

A huge air-locking formation with a radius of more than a thousand miles was produced.


Xin Wuxia's eyes flashed, "I suffered the disaster of Chiyu, and they even surrounded me in the formation."

Xuantian looked at the demon emperors, demon kings, and formation flags around him, and frowned: Oh no.

These days, occasionally strong men from the demon clan discover Xuantian and pursue him, but they never catch up.

Xuantian did not expect that Xuechan Island had already laid a dragnet on Turtle and Snake Island.

As soon as he saw the young man in blood clothes in front of him, Xuan Tian knew that this man was Mr. Xue Chan.

Although he is only a third-level emperor, his combat power is so strong that he can easily kill a fifth-level emperor and can even compete with a sixth-level emperor.

According to the Demon Emperor Cicada, once Master Xuechan masters the Blood Cicada Magical Skill, he will not be afraid of even the sword formation, and can easily cross three realms to challenge him. Even the sixth-level emperor will not be his opponent.

Those who can fight across three realms in the Emperor Realm are considered to be top evil geniuses in any region.

Xuantian can sweep through the fourth-level emperor, but in the battle with the fifth-level emperor, he is still a little behind. After all, there is a long way to go in terms of physical body, but the opponent has a much more powerful Mr. Blood Chan than the fifth-level emperor, and There is also a sixth-level emperor, and there are four or five other emperors below level five.

There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

What's even more frightening is that this area of ​​more than a thousand miles is sealed by a large air-locking formation, which is a large formation set up by hundreds of demon kings.

The Demon King stood hundreds of miles away, while the Demon King came to Xuantian's side more than twenty miles away.

Now trapped in the formation, seeing that the demon tribe was not in a hurry to take action, Xuan Tian was wary, but his face was not surprised and anxious. He looked at the young man in blood in front of him and said, "Are you Young Master Xue Chan?"

"Exactly, it seems that you have heard of my name." Master Xuechan smiled slightly. Although he had been chasing Xuantian for many days, this was the first time he met him, and Xuantian knew his name.

Xuan Tian said: "Do you represent Blood Chan Island, or do you represent yourself? No matter what you represent, I would like to advise you that I don't want to be an enemy of anyone, but if someone becomes my enemy, the consequences will be serious and the end will be miserable. "

Young Master Xue Chan was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "It's really ridiculous, Xuan Tian, ​​do you know what situation you are in now? A dying person actually wexed me? Wexed me Young Master Xue Chan? Hahahaha... …I, Young Master Xue Chan, have traveled all over the world and have lived in Central Continent for many years. I can’t count the number of emperors I’ve killed on two hands. Even the geniuses of the younger generations of the five super families in Central Continent, even those five perverted monsters, I can’t count them with two hands. I will kill you without hesitation if I have the chance, Xuantian, who do you think you are? You dare to wexe me?"

In the eyes of Young Master Xuechan, Xuantian is already a dead person.

The demon kings nearby and many demon kings all laughed along with Xuantian.

From a distance, Xin Wuxia looked at this place.

"It has only been a few years. Last time Xuantian came to Central Continent, he was only half-step king. Now he is already a quasi-emperor. He should be less than thirty years old. At such a speed, even the five perverted monsters have It’s beyond your reach...!”

"Based on his former combat power, it should be no worse than the five perverted monsters when they were quasi-emperors. He may have the strength of a third-level emperor. The demon clan has Young Master Xuechan and a sixth-level demon emperor. In addition, there are five more The Demon King, coupled with the many demon kings who have set up large formations to imprison the void, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides!"

"However, he has a holy cauldron on his body, and he has cultivated an immortal golden body with Fengyun Enemy. His life-saving skills are top-notch. Although the demon clan is strong, they may not be able to kill him!"

"This is an opportunity...!"

"I can't hold on for long. Sooner or later, I will die. I won't be able to save my own life, let alone take revenge. Xuan Tian is in trouble now. If I help him out, it will be a big favor. Maybe, he can give me a promise to help me get revenge! "

Xin Wuxia stood up. (To be continued...)

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