The Supreme Sword

Chapter 618: 】Half-Step King

[Chapter 618] Half-step king (seeking a recommendation ticket first)

--The fingers are much better, it won’t hurt if you don’t touch them, especially the nails can’t be touched. This has some influence on the speed of codewords. In the morning, one chapter will be coded out. Hey, the nails are full of blood, I'm afraid they will fall off. That's it---brothers, there will be no less updates today. If you have a recommendation ticket, please give it to Jianni---

The immortal body is immortal in the same realm!

The immortal body is immortal in the same realm!

Unless it is a strong man with a cultivation base exceeding the four realms of the first son, there is a possibility of killing him if he is suppressed by the rules of the great road!

Of course, a strong person in the same realm may not necessarily be unable to kill the first son. If he has the ability to challenge the four realms and can break the rule of the big three, then he has the strength to kill the first son. ()

For example, Xuantian just released the terrifying blow of the power of thunder, and almost even the strongest of Tianshi can be smashed to death. The attack power absolutely broke the rule of no three, and it severely damaged the first son.

If there is no interruption from Zang Wanjue, if Xuantian can maintain that attack power and continue to attack, then it is natural to kill the first son!

It’s a pity that the power of thunder is only an external force after all. Xuantian’s internal storage is limited, and although the three hundred and sixty sword sword formations have terrifying offensive power, they can easily kill enemies across three realms, but they still cannot break the rule of no more than three. Therefore, it is fine to cut the scars of the first son, cut off his hands and feet, decapitate his head, but not!

Killing the enemy across four realms and breaking the rule of the big three. Although Shenzhou Dadi has never seen such a record, there is no record in ancient books, but there is a legend about the sword formation master...

Sword formation masters with more than ten thousand swords can break the rule of nothing but three!

Regarding the Ten Thousand Sword Sword Formation Master, the legend does not know where it started, but it is recorded in ancient books, that is also a legend.

Perhaps it was in the ancient times or maybe, but the ancient times are too far away. It was ten thousand years ago, and now there are basically no records of the ancient times.

The immortal body and the immortal golden body are the two supreme magical powers, each with its own characteristics, but before they are fully learned, they also have their own weaknesses.

The indestructible golden body has no attack to break. In battle, the golden body can crush all attacks. Fighting in the same realm is basically torture, not torture, but there are many weaknesses in the body. If hit, it may be severely injured. , It may be death.

The undead body has no attack to be injured. When fighting, the body can ignore all attacks, fighting between the same realm, in an invincible place, but when encountering the indestructible golden body, it is only for abuse.

The immortal golden body in the same realm fights with the immortal body. The immortal golden body will definitely have the upper hand, but it can't kill the undead. If it doesn't, it will be killed by the undead.

There is no absolutely invincible technique in the world!

Even though these two supreme supernatural powers are almost perfect, they are only perfect when they are fully cultivated. Before they are fully cultivated, they have weaknesses in each other.

Regarding the immortal golden body and the immortal body, which is stronger and weaker, only the benevolent will see the benevolence, and the wise will see the wisdom.

Xuantian's strength and strong spirit are far better than that of the first son. In close combat, the first son has no strength to fight back.

The only thing the first son can do is try to avoid the center of the eyebrows, the heart, the dantian... these vital points, although he has undead power in his body, even if these vital points are attacked, it will not kill him, but it can Let him damage his vitality.




Under Xuantian’s attack, the first young man retreated steadily. Sometimes his body was blasted back by Xuantian’s punch, sometimes he was slapped by Xuantian’s slap, and sometimes he was caught by Xuantian’s hands and feet. It fell to the ground, shaking the earth one after another huge gully...

Although the first son tightly guarded the critical spot, no matter how badly Xuantian beat him, he could not hurt him, but the scene shocked every martial artist who watched the battle.

Originally, the first young man had a dishevelled hair and had different lengths, and his clothes were full of holes, making him extremely embarrassed.

Now he was beaten up by Xuantian, and there was almost no place to fight back. From the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky, the first son was completely tyrannized by Xuantian, his body was full of mud, or the marks of fists.

The current first son is more than just a beggar, he is a hundred times more sloppy than a beggar...

Star City, the crowd who watched the battle, looked at the battle scene of the two, one by one was stunned!

When the first young man came, he had already beaten the gongs and drums to publicize before the battle. When he came out, he was sitting on a sedan chair carried by a strong man of heaven. His slogans were loud all the way, but now he was beaten so embarrassed. The violent abuse, this contrast between the first and the second, really made the first son a complete loss of dignity and face loss.

At this moment, the hearts of those strong people who supported the First Young Master had completely cooled down. Even the people of Tianxing Pavilion, seeing the First Young Master be beaten like this, their eyes gradually turned from anger to numbness.

The combat power of the two sides is not at the same level. Although the immortal body of the first son is indeed magical, and the vitality is terribly tenacious, no matter where he is beaten by Xuantian, he has not shed blood, but in the heart of the warrior, the first son The status of has plummeted.

Experts in the audience now think that Xuantian is the first son in a complete victory, and there is almost no comparison between the two, but in Xuantian's heart, the spirit has always been highly vigilant, and he dare not relax at all!

His indestructible golden body covers only his arms, and his whole body can be hurt. In close combat, it seems that the first son was beaten inhumanly, but in reality, Xuantian is extremely dangerous. .

Xuantian needs to maintain a high degree of vigilance, and must guard against the counterattack of the first son at all times.

Thanks to Xuantian’s eyes and pupils, and what counter-attack methods were used by the first son, Xuantian could always easily see that he could resolve this in the fastest time. Therefore, the first son has been always caught The sky broke, and there was no chance to get out.

If Xuantian simply cultivated the immortal golden body and fought with the first son, it might be possible to blast the first son for a short period of time, but it would be extremely good if Xuantian had to blast the first son for a long time. Difficult, it is very likely that the first son will succeed in counterattack, ranging from serious injuries to serious death...

From Xuantian’s point of view, although Lord Ding and Lord Sword had both practiced advanced Wang-rank martial arts, both of them had nothing but death in the battle against the First Lord. The First Lord didn’t even have to work too hard to kill them. , Can be killed easily.

Xuantian killed Lord Ding and Lord Sword. The first son was still so confident. It was not just arrogance. It was true that his ability was by no means comparable to Lord Ding and Lord Sword. If he had not encountered a pervert like Xuantian, he would never end up. End like this...

The first son is a genius of evildoers, Xuantian is more perverted than him. He is the evildoer among the evildoers. Killing the first son is a bit difficult, but to abuse the first son, there is absolutely no discussion.

The battle between Xuantian and the first son was completely one-sided. It only depends on how long the first son can hold it. Watching the two warriors fighting, there is basically no change in the situation after seeing the battle, and the eyes are all looking towards the other side. The battle between the two half-step kings looked over.

Although Zang Wanjue was not as tragic as the First Young Master, under the attack of Mo Qianji, the situation was also very bad.

Mo Qianji’s diamond sword is really too sharp. The sword gang cut by the king’s magic weapon can’t be resisted by Zang Wanjue. In addition to dodge, or dodge, under Mo Qianji’s frantic attack, it flees like a dog from the family, extremely embarrassed .

"Zang Wanjue--! It's time for you to pay the price!" Mo Qianji's voice came from the sky far away.


Along with Mo Qianji's voice, the diamond sword in his hand exploded, and the attack became fiercer.


Zang Wanjue couldn't resist it, and was immediately struck by a sword gang, causing a burst of blood.

Although the first son has learned the immortal body, just like Xuantian could not teach the immortal golden body to Luo Xiaoye, the first son could not pass it on to Zang Wanjue. The words spoken and the words written, others simply read. Don't understand.

Zang Wanjue does not have the effect of instantaneous self-healing. He is injured and cannot be healed in a short time. Facing the attack of Mo Qianji, it is even more dangerous!

"Friend Sword-help!" The blood shot into the room, Zang Wanjue was in a critical situation and shouted.

call out--!

At this moment, a sword gang suddenly came from a distance.

So fast! Jian Gang was like a ray of light hitting in an instant!

That fierce sword aura broke through the air in an instant, all the strong spectators, even those who took the shot, didn't see clearly, they only saw a terrifying sword gang, which instantly shot in front of Mo Qianji from a distance.


Mo Qianji let out a horrified cry, as if he was a little surprised at the strength of the shooter!

However, for this terrifying sword gang, Mo Qianji was unavoidable, and the diamond sword was like a pinpoint to the wheat, but it pierced away.

In that sword gang, there was a sudden golden light, and sharp aura suddenly increased.


The Jian Gang that came from there was split in half in an instant.

Jian Gang broke open, and in the distance, a middle-aged man in his 30s appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The middle-aged man soon came to Zang Wanjue.

"Zang Your name as the number one master in the world really disappoints me!" The middle-aged man's gaze first glanced at Zang Wanjue, and then fell on Mo Qianji's. On his body, said: "It is really beyond Jian that a master like you can appear in this area of ​​Shenzhou. You have already begun to understand the attributes and move towards the king?"

How is this going?

All the spectators were stunned. The breath of this middle-aged man was stronger than Zang Wanjue. It turned out to be a half-step king, a half-step king in his 30s. This was too scary!

Hearing this middle-aged man's tone, it seemed that he was not from the Divine State, and the vision of the spectators was not as broad as Xuantian, and they thought this middle-aged man was an overseas powerhouse.

However, when Xuantian heard what this person said, he knew that this was another visitor from the outside world. The outside world that Xuantian currently knew was only Tianzhou, so he naturally guessed that this person was also from Tianzhou...

Presumably, this person came to the Shenzhou area for the same purpose as the Tianzhou powerhouse who lived in Zhou's family, to find the sacred pot in Shenzhou! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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