The Supreme Sword

Chapter 619: 】Attribute power

[Chapter 619] Attribute power (second more recommended votes)

Suddenly a half-step king appeared, even Xuan Tian was astonished, and his attack paused. ()

The First Young Master seized this opportunity and immediately escaped from Xuantian's hands. His figure was like electricity, rushing towards Zang Wanjue and the middle-aged man who claimed to be "Jian Xun".

Mo Qianji looked calm, looking at the middle-aged man who called himself ‘Jian X’, and said: "Your Excellency is from the heavenly continent!"

The middle-aged man looked slightly surprised, and said, ", the baby in the well, still knows Tianzhou, Xiajian Renchun, from the Tianzhou Sword Emperor family, the first king of swordsmanship ."

"Ban——Human——Chun?" Xiang Tian smiled in the distance, and suddenly said in a strange voice, spitting out the sword character very hard.

The word sword is homonymous with the word cheap, plus a word of benevolence, it is indeed not a normal match.

Xuantian could not help but smile when he understood Xiang Tianxiao's words.

Xiang Tian laughed so strangely that the strong audiences naturally heard it, but no one dared to laugh.

Jian Renchun is a half-step king, and it seems that he is stronger than the Tianxing Pavilion owner Zang Juedu. Those who watch the battle can only look up, who dares to laugh at him.

The voice of Xiang Tianxiao fell into Jian Renchun's ears, Jian Renchun's face was solemn, and his eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent: "Looking for death!"

Along with Jian Renchun's words, his figure suddenly rushed forward and disappeared in an instant, seeming to shuttle through the void and teleport.

Xiang Tianxiao suddenly felt a compelling chill!

"Be careful, Xiang Shao!" Xuantian's expression was startled. This Jian Renchun, who came from the heavens, must be like the Zhou family's strong heaven, and he carried the secret treasure refined by the supreme king. The strong underneath travels through the void.

A half-step king who can travel through the void and teleport, that is quite a terrifying existence!

To a certain extent, the teleportable half-step king, for Xiang Tianxiao, is not much different from the threat of the supreme king, and they are both irresistible.

At the moment Jian Renchun disappeared, Mo Qianji suddenly shot.

call out--!

The King Kong Sword suddenly cut out a bright sword gang, the sword gang also revealed a golden light, exuding a sky-shaking sword aura, even the strong in the distant Star City can feel the incomparable edge from the sword gang. The sharp breath seems to have a sharp blade resting on their necks.

What a terrible sword-everyone's eyes were attracted by this sword gang at this moment, and they took a breath of cold air.

That sword Gang's golden light was dazzling, and the speed was incredible, and the space was instantly cut through a terrifying crack that was thousands of meters long like tofu!


With a sound, Jian Renchun suddenly rushed out of the void.

The warriors who watched the war were shocked, and a sword cut out the people who were teleporting in the void. This... this method is beyond their cognition.

Xuantian was also shocked. Mo Qianji's golden sword beam made his heart palpitations. I am afraid that his double golden body would not be able to block that sword beam.

Jian Renchun originally wanted to teleport to the side of Xiang Tianxiao in the void, and behead Xiang Tianxiao. He is a strong man from the first force in Tianzhou. Even in Tianzhou, he is a distinguished status. The generation is the benevolent generation, and all the swordsmen of the benevolent generation are named with the benevolence character in the middle, and they are called Jianren XX...

No one in Tianzhou dared to laugh at their names, but in this place in Shenzhou, Xiang Tianxiao laughed at him as a bitch, how is Jian Renchun not angry!

I thought it would be easy to kill Xiang Tianxiao, but Mo Qianji's method was beyond Jian Renchun's expectation. At the moment when he teleported in the void, a sword slashed out. What kind of insight and strength would it take? ?

"You have reached the point where you are infinitely close to the king?" Jian Renchun's expression was startled, and said: "It seems that I still underestimated you just now, and even I can see my Void Teleport, then I will kill you first. Then go to kill the little thief who talks and talk...!"

Jian Renchun suddenly had a long sword with shining light in his hand. The sharp aura was even more powerful than the diamond sword, and it was also a king's magic weapon.

The king's magic weapon suddenly soared, Jian Renchun slashed out countless swords at Mo Qianji in an instant!

Suddenly, densely packed sword gangs appeared in the void. In these sword gangs, blue light was blooming, especially strong, and the sharp aura filled all directions. The warriors in Star City in the distance felt that their bodies were about to transform into A few pieces, just the aftermath of the sword energy, made people feel terrified.

This is not a simple Jian Gang, it contains the power of the attribute, and its power is more powerful than ordinary Jian Gang.

In the sky, the sword gangs blooming with blue light, densely packed, almost endless, overwhelming the sky, just one sword gang, you can kill a strong celestial rank, so many sword gangs, it is true It's horror...

Regardless of the over a thousand strong heavenly ranks in the Star City, if this Jian Renchun wanted to kill someone, he might be able to kill with a single stroke of swordsmanship.

Mo Qianji looked at the endless azure swords, his expression was slightly serious, but he did not back away. The diamond sword in his hand also suddenly accelerated, and the sword light appeared in Mo Qianji's four directions, almost formed A sword curtain.

Huh, hoo, hoo...

Countless sword gangs centered on Mo Qianji, spreading in all directions, these sword gangs were all blooming with khaki light, it looked like that khaki sword gang was like a piece of earth fluctuating.

However, in the khaki sword gang, there is a sword gang that is exceptionally huge, revealing a shining golden light, and it splits more than 3,000 meters in an instant, cutting the sky-blue sword gang into a huge gap. In an instant, he cut to Jian Renchun.

"You not only comprehend the attributes of gold, but also the attributes of soil?" Jian Renchun exclaimed again, and Mo Qianji's methods once again exceeded his expectations.

The sky-filled azure sword gang smashed to the side of Mo Qian's body, and was blocked by the earthy yellow sword gang that resembled the wave of the earth, but Mo Qianji's golden light-blooming sword gang cut through everything and smashed the sword. spring.

While Jian Renchun was talking, the king's magic weapon in his hand instantly stood up and slashed on the golden sword beam.


With a loud bang, Jian Renchun's body instantly retreated a kilometer away. Although he was not injured, his eyes were even more shocked.

Although Mo Qianji has reached the stage of comprehending the attributes, Jian Renchun has also comprehended the attributes of wood and is quite accomplished. He came from Tianzhou and looked at the warriors in the Shenzhou area as natives, even though Mo Qianji was extremely outstanding. , He did not take it seriously.

However, Mo Qianji that he didn't pay attention to was stronger than him. Not only did he understand the attributes, but he also understood the two attributes of gold and earth.

The general half-step king, after comprehending one attribute, will develop as the main attribute. Until he becomes the king, he can comprehend two or more attributes as an auxiliary. In the half-step king stage, he can understand two attributes. They are usually extraordinary characters. After becoming a king, they will have two main attributes, which are much stronger than kings of the same realm.

Mo Qianji now realized two attributes, which were more than twice as powerful as Jian Renchun's combat power.

However, Jian Renchun is carrying the secret treasure refined by the top king, and can travel through the void. This is something that Mo Qianji is in the half-step king-level realm. No matter how strong it is, it is difficult to achieve it. Therefore, even if the combat power is not as good as Mo Qianji, but Jian Renchun was not afraid.

His body suddenly disappeared, traveling through the void to kill Mo Qianji.

Shuttle through the void, without a shadow, without a trace, killing the enemy in a flash, it is really impossible to guard against!

The reason why the king is powerful is not only that they have a strong power, but also has a major relationship with the shuttle and the teleportation!

Mo Qianji’s khaki sword gangs are like the waves of the earth. They are densely scattered in all directions, covering a radius of more than two thousand meters. No matter where Jian Renchun comes from, he must pass through this khaki swordgang area. Therefore, there is no way to sneak up on Mo Qianji's side instantly.

Moreover, Mo Qianji is strong and has strong eyesight. Based on the direction and speed of Jian Renchun's disappearance, Jian Renchun's trajectory through the void can also be inferred. Therefore, Jian Renchun teleported and attacked Mo Qianji several times in a row. , Was stopped by Mo Qianji midway.

Seeing that Mo Qianji was involved in Jian Renchun, Zangwan Jue looked at Xuantian, suddenly slammed, killing Nian, his body flashed, and he charged towards Xuantian.

Xuantian had already defeated the first son, it was his confidant, he wanted to take this opportunity to kill Xuantian.

However, in the midst of Zang Wanjue's movement, a dazzling golden sword of light suddenly cut through the air to the first young man.

When Mo Qianji was resisting Jian Renchun’s attack, he took the time to cut out a sword. The meaning was obvious. Zang Wanjue dared to move Xuantian, then he cut the first son. Although the first son has cultivated immortality , Xuantian can’t be killed no matter how he fights, but the sword Gang with the golden attribute, how terrible the attack power is, but it is a dream, even if the first son’s body is strong, I am afraid he will be instantly smashed. Die into two halves and die too hard!

Zang Wanjue immediately turned around, blocked the sword, flashed his body, and killed Mo Qianji, saying: "Mo Qianji, I first joined forces with Jian Renchun to kill you. If you die, see who will pay for it. Can cover...!"

In the battle between Mo Qianji and Jianrenchun, who was teleporting in the sky, he still had the upper hand, but if Zang absolutely joined, the two sides immediately became evenly matched.

The three half-step kings fought fiercely in the air. The terrifying sword gangs were cut out more than 3,000 meters away, one after another, terrifying, and the dense small sword gangs were always there. Flying shot, a warrior who is lower than a half-step king, can't get close to the battle group at all. Once they get close, I am afraid that they will die instantly.

I don't know if it is to avoid accidentally injuring others or what, the three half-step kings, the more they fought, the more they ascended to the sky, causing the sky to change color.


Suddenly, a blast of thunder sounded, and the weather seemed to change under the battle of the three and a half-step kings. The bright sky sounded thunder, and it rained in an instant.

Boom... boom boom boom...

One after another thunderbolt sounded, and suddenly one after another thunderbolt broke out in the sky.

Xuantian's gaze suddenly brightened: "Hidden Tiange! This is the sky to destroy you——!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian) and your support is me The greatest motivation.)


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