The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆Gifts of Zhang Da Snake

Suzha lived on the mountain where he woke up for more than half a year. The silver thread seeds in his body seemed to have absorbed enough energy to calm down. I wonder if the next stage of growth is brewing, and the silver light energy is also much stronger. Suzha It is estimated that I can fight a few tigers or a group of gorillas with my bare hands now. The big snake has been dormant since the silver silk seed in her body and has not stayed by her side from time to time. He will come every few days and bring her all kinds of things. Kind of small gifts: fruits, flowers, big beasts and small beasts with tender meat, bird eggs, feathers... etc. It also brought bugs, mud, tree roots, mice and the like at first, but when Suza didn't like it, he didn't continue to bring it-it shows that its brain is actually very smart.

Every time Orochi brings a gift, Suzha’s mouth is very bitter: male animals often bring gifts to their fancy spouse during the estrus-estrus period. It's very considerate, but no amount of gifts can conceal its purpose of mating and mating!

Suza refused Orochi's gift and never accepted it once. Every time a gift is rejected, Da Snake will show obvious frustration. Next time, he will desperately search for good things and send it. Various gifts are piled up outside the cave. Among them are beautiful metals such as gold and silver, brilliant diamonds, various gems, etc. . Suza couldn't help but YY if these treasures could be brought back to the earth world, would she suddenly become the richest woman in the world? Many gifts were so precious that she would not dare to look at them, for fear that she could not help throwing them under the waterfall.

That's right, Suzha threw these gifts down the waterfall in front of the big snake. Under the waterfall is a huge deep pool, and all the coveted good things have been buried deep in the bottom of the pool ever since.

But there are still some she can't bear to throw it down.

The big snake once brought a little leopard cub that was less than a month old. Suzha was cruel and cruel, and still couldn't get it off, but he couldn't hold it back into the hole, so he let it stay outside.

This is the first gift that Suza did not lose. Although she did not express the intention to accept it, the snake was still too happy. He stood up his long body, and swayed it directly with the tip of his tail. Yun Xiao's body danced for a while.

Then he performed a flying snake in the air.

Suza was dumbfounded.

Tasted the sweetness, the snake began to pass by to send off the cubs, small rabbits, kittens, small deer, small tigers, small hedgehogs... all kinds of cubs crowded together, it was very cute at first, and it took less than half a day to make trouble. There was a tragedy of mutual food.

Suzha was so distressed that when the snake came back, he would simply seal up the hole and not show his face.

The big snake seemed to realize that he had put an oolong, and I don’t know what method it used. In short, when Suza came out again, the cubs got along with each other, and the little chicken stood on top of the tiger’s head and chirping. Let Suza be embarrassing and cute.

However, not all low-end creatures in the food chain have the courage to approach high-end creatures. Except for this yellow chick and a small dog that barks at everyone like a Chihuahua, the boundaries between different groups are clear and they are used to living in groups. The herbivores are crowded together, and the carnivores are mostly lone rangers, each occupying a small area.

In the night, the little cubs were trembling from the cold, whether they were carnivores or herbivores, they all huddled together to keep warm, and even the immature snorts were weak. Suza still felt relented, and took the cubs into the cave one by one, lit a fire to keep them warm, and spent the night on the grass outside the cave. She looked at the three large and small moons above her head, habitually operating the power of the silver light, and the strength grew little by little, but she could not erase the confusion in her heart.

Am I accepting a gift? What might the big snake think? it…

The snake did not come the next day.

The fires were sparse for half a year before, but this time it exploded, as if all the fires accumulated were released in one breath, the offensive was extremely fierce, and it did not even stop in the daytime like never before!

The flames lasted for nearly ten days without stopping. The forest was riddled with holes, and even Suzha was clothed in battle. The totem god-like demon gods were also greatly injured. There are several totem spirits that are far away from the golden snake territory. When they fell, the forest they protected was instantly razed to scorched earth. Because they were so far apart, Suza couldn't see what kind of creature they were, and only vaguely distinguished the nearest one that seemed to be a four-hoofed creature.

The serpent and its neighbors also struggled extremely hard. Suza found that they also knew how to help each other. If one of them really couldn't hold it, they would take a rest. There were a few others in the territory to protect them. In addition, the little BOSSs in their respective territories have also appeared to share the pressure. Among them, the one that attracted Suza's attention most was an enchanting fox with white fur.

When the fire finally stopped, all the creatures in the forest breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and returned to their nests one after another to cultivate and rejuvenate. Several totem kings were no exception. The serpent barely managed to fly around on his territory to inspect the casualties. To this extent, Suza went back to the cave and fell asleep immediately after the fire fell.

When she woke up, she was surrounded by a large group of cubs. The rabbit squeaked and delivered the leaves to her. The cat proudly raised her chin and handed her a dead mouse. The little monkey held a bunch of sweet and juicy. The beasts, such as tiger cubs, lion cubs, lynx cubs, wolf cubs, all face the cave entrance in a defensive posture.

Suza's heart suddenly softened.

It's not in vain that I have tried my best to protect you these few days... She rubbed the heads of the cubs, scratched their stomachs, and pinched their tails. The cubs surrounded her one after another, and finally they were directly hugged by a tiger cub on their left leg, and a wolf cub on the right leg, but was slapped to the side by the Mao Tuanzi panda cub with a monkey cub on the waist. , With a leopard on his shoulders and a cat on his head, the whole animal world.

I don't know how long I slept, Suzha was very hungry in her belly, even if she ate up the pile of food that the cubs caringly brought to her mouth, she still felt extremely hungry. What should I do if my appetite increases again? _(:3」∠)_

Go for food.

The girl walked out of the cave with a bunch of cubs, and saw a huge golden snake head lying on the flat ground in front of the cave. The snake eyes were slightly closed, and it seemed to be asleep. A group of silver hyenas probed their brains around. Still afraid of the big snake and did not dare to continue to approach, Suza clearly read hunger and greed from their gazes towards him.

She didn't recognize these hyenas, although she felt that they also possessed silver awn energy and were not weak, but they never showed up from beginning to end in the battle to protect the forest. Only now, the purpose of picking peaches is obvious!

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