The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆ Chapter love rival?

Do you want to eat the snake or me?

No matter how you look at it, you are more likely to want to eat Suza, and want to eat the snake? Even a greedy hyena can't be so whimsical.

The feeling called anger exploded in Suza's chest. She took off the longbow behind her, bent the bow and set an arrow. The sharp stone arrow carried the silver light and broke through the silver light on the head of the hyena without stopping, and shot through it. Body!

When the bow and arrow were bent, the dormant silver silk species in Suzha's spine suddenly awakened. A force of the same origin but different species with the moonlight silver awn poured into the arrow. When the long arrow pierced the hyena, the silver silk mesh was brazen. It exploded, and a head shrouded the entire hyena group that was scattered on all sides!

The flames were raging, the hyena group turned into fly ash in an instant, and at the same time, a stream of energy was thrown back into Suza's body along the invisible thread. The girl suddenly felt a sense of fullness that she could eat.

She subconsciously stroked her belly and burped, but raised her eyes, but she was facing a pair of silver-gray peach eyes that were raised on the corner of her eyes!

The snow-white fox stared at Suza and lifted his chin.

That fox with astonishing power and appearance in the fire!

Suza read a very clear contempt from its eyes, and the fox despised her: it actually needs someone else's protection! lame!

Xuehu jumped on the snake's head in three steps and two steps, and the beautiful silver-gray fox eyes gave her another scorn of contempt.

This is...provocation plus a declaration of territorial sovereignty?

Suza felt that his head was not enough.

By the way, I don’t remember this in the original book!

Since the last time, the law of the fire has become strange, sometimes there will be a long time between the two, and it will never stop at once. But frequent fire falls are not only bad. It makes the free energy in the forest more and more active. There were few animals in the forest that would absorb and use silver awn energy, but now it has increased. All the cubs learned how to use silver awns. I don't know if it was because the snake picked them up before sending them. The high concentration of Huoyu is a huge challenge to Suza, but to survive the challenge is to gain. Her progress during this period is simply rapid, and she steadily occupy the middle and upper reaches of the "disciples" cultivated by the snake. The fox can only hold his head and be beaten to the point where he can hold his head... and flee.

That’s right, Suzha found that the big snake has cultivated many "disciples". Almost half of the creatures in its field that can use silver light energy have been taken care of by it, and some are the objects it takes care of all the year round, such as the silver fox and Su tie. But according to the induction of the silver silk species in the spine, it seems that she is the only one with a silver silk species that is homologous and different from the silver awn, not even the silver fox.

Perhaps the snake looked at me differently because of this, not because of "estrus-estrus" or something? Plot... Maybe there are loopholes in the main storyline?

Silver Fox got out of nowhere, tilted his head and stared at her.

After being targeted by the silver fox for so long, Suzha has already seen the meaning of the silver fox. Moreover, this petite but perverted fox is still a arrogant fox. He always ignores the big snake, but only Once the big snake takes special care of Suza, it will definitely come to find fault after a few days.

Suza is depressed. I know you have special feelings for that snake. Go chase it. I won't stop it. I like to hear it, OK?

She unconsciously said her thoughts, and as a result something unexpected happened!

A voice quite like the Queen of the Royal Sister looked at her: Stupid fellow, my feelings are not understandable by your existence.

What, what is the situation? Suza was taken aback: "You, can you talk?"

"Stupid guy, don't you know how to connect? I really don't understand what Ashe looks at you." Tsundere's silver fox didn't even bother to reward her with his eyes.

What, what do you mean? Suza is dumbfounded, there is no such plot in the original book.

"Stupid human beings, they have cultivated for so long to reach the level of being able to withstand my psychic, really... stupid human beings!"

"Humans? Do you know humans? Where are humans?" Suza was anxious. In the original plot, the forest is only the first map. The heroine was discovered by a human knight after being rounded by various animals. , Which opened the second map. After staying here for so long, there is no one who can communicate normally. Suza has long wanted to start the next main storyline, but the heroine in the original book is the knight who met during the hurried escape, and the knight took her out through a magic circle. In this continent called "Warcraft Abyss", I don’t know if it’s because the plot to go hasn’t finished yet, Suza can’t find any shadow of the knight or magic circle anyway, and now I heard it from the silver fox. The word human, how can she not be so excited?

Yinhu squinted at her, and asked unhurriedly, "What caused you to have the illusion that I thought I would tell you?"

==||Tsao Jiao is not cute.

"In exchange, how about I help you chase your ‘Snake’?"

Tsundere Silver Fox didn't agree at first, but couldn't stand Suza's agitation again and again, and finally agreed to exchange terms. Next, Suza recalled the countless novels he had read before crossing, and tried to solve the problem. The attitude of the snake to the silver fox is still the same: the value of intimacy + MAX, the value of love is zero.

"A-she doesn't have that kind of affection for me." Yinhu sighed, "The object of his estrus is you."

Suza was crying.

The silver fox's two front paws rested on the girl's shoulders and looked at her closely. His eyes were both staring and the queen: "I really don't know how good you are."

"Yes, yes, I am a stupid human."

The silver fox's eyes were suddenly blurred, and he lowered his head to sniff at the side of Suzha's neck.

"Although you are a stupid and greedy human, your taste is really good, even me..."

The silver fox's eyes seemed to have the power to deceive people's hearts. Suza looked at it, his thoughts began to be confused, and subconsciously licked his lips and asked, "What are you even?"

"Ha! Weak humans!" Silver Fox pushed her away.

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