The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆The story of the original chapter

The sea was dark and cold, and the water pressure was so great that Xu Wawa thought she would break. After filling her stomach with bitter sea water, she thought she was about to drown.

Something cold and sticky touched her lips, and then slammed open two rows of teeth and got in!

—The tentacles of the sea monster!

The tips of the tentacles stirred in Xu Wawa's mouth for a while, and then quickly penetrated her throat!

The thick and long hard object choked in her throat, and Xu Wawa reflexively wanted to vomit, but the thick and long tentacles of the sea monster filled her small mouth so that she could not even vomit. The tentacles squeezed into the throat and did not stop, and continued down the esophagus. The slippery disgusting mucus on the tentacles was also swallowed. However, in addition to the disgusting mucus, fresh oxygen was also entered into Xu Wawa's body. The external pressure was also swept away at the same time, and even her eyes could see things clearly. Xu Wa finally saw the full picture of the "sea monster", it turned out to be a surprisingly big, ugly giant octopus!

An octopus's tentacles penetrated into Xu Wawa’s mouth, pushing her beautiful cherry mouth to a large extent, and its tip continued to penetrate Xu Wawa’s body more deeply, but that was a sight Xu Wawa could not see, she could see It was the nightmarish sea monster, and the ugly sucker anxiously stretched out on the tentacles that hadn't entered her body, the inside of the sucker was actually covered with sharp teeth!

At the thought that such a terrible thing had already entered her body, Xu Wawa couldn't help shaking in fear. But slowly, her fearful tremor gradually turned into another kind of tremor and twisting. The smelly and greasy mucus in her mouth seemed to become sweet, and the churn of the tentacles in the body was no longer unbearable, but instead brought a sense of tremor. This kind of strange feeling... Xu Wa didn't know what happened, she instinctively felt that things didn't seem to be right.

The other tentacles of the giant octopus leaned over, and the densely packed suckers sucked the thin white gauze on Xu Wawa's body, and easily tore it to pieces, naked-revealing the beautiful snow-white body of the girl. The tip of the giant octopus's tentacles is the thickness of an adult's wrist. It swam a few times slowly in front of Xu Wawa. She instinctively felt fear. At the same time, she felt that the stick in her mouth was more hand-touched, and the amount of mucus flowing into her belly. It also increased, and a lot of the mucus secreted was too late to be swallowed, and it flowed out along her mouth that was pushed to the limit. The color of the mucus was not the same as that of the tentacles, but it was quite a bit dark. Strange rose red. The strange feeling in Xu Wawa's body became stronger, and the puffy pleasure flowed through her body like an electric shock. She twisted impatiently, bent a pair of slender legs, and began to yearn for something.

The tentacles swimming in front of Xu Wawa were stimulated. The large and small suction cups stretched faster. Right in front of Xu Wawa’s eyes, the suction cups began to secrete the rose-red mucus. The mucus did not dissolve in water and quickly clothed. Full of tentacles. Xu Wawa watched with horror as her tentacles wrapped around her body, wandering around and teasing on the snow-white jade body, sucking tightly on the delicate and fair skin, sucking and provoking the skin like a game, until she made a "bom" With a sound, the snow-white skin was stained with rose red mucus and separated from the sucker. Tentacles enjoy this "game", especially like playing with the amazingly **** and two tender red cherries. The rose-red mucus makes the girl's body sensitive to the limit. Every time the tentacle fiddles, Xu Wawa almost faints. For almost an instant, Xu Wawa was covered with giant octopus tentacles, and the rose-red mucus stained every inch of her skin. A certain part of her body was empty and uncomfortable, clamoring for something to fill herself up.

But the giant octopus, who was too anxious just now, did not make any further movements. It seemed that Xu Wawa's current appearance was pleasing enough for it. It just continued to let the tentacles slide on the girl's body without making the next move.

Several other tangled tentacles came around from the other side of the giant octopus and stretched out in front of Xu Wawa. The twisted tentacles opened, revealing the human form in them.

It's that knight!

The knight’s armor has long been stripped off by his tentacles, and he is now hung naked and naked on his tentacles. The original stiff mouth is also stretched to a large extent. Wandering and wandering on his beautifully muscular body, the powerful knight is also covered with rose-red mucus and is played by tentacles and suckers. His face is flushed, and his body twists intolerably, no different from that of a girl. The only thing is The difference is that the pillar of flesh between the knight's legs is "cared for" by a tiny tentacle spit out from the tip of the tentacle.

Xu Wawa looked at all this in surprise, her eyes widened. If it weren't for her mouth to be full, I believe she would have been Zhang Yuan by this time. The giant octopus didn't seem to be enough, I saw the two tentacles that were walking around the knight's body retreat, entangled the knight's two ankles one by one and pulled away!

Xu Wawa didn't know if the knights resisted. Under the weird power of the giant octopus, it seems that no matter how powerful human beings are, they are just insignificant ants. That point of resistance is not enough to even tickle the octopus.

The tentacles easily stretched the knight's legs wide and placed it in a "one" shape, and then held his waist and hips to bend forward. The knight's sturdy buttock and the intimate chrysanthemum buds between the knight's sturdy buttock and his hips can be seen clearly. The ground was unfolded in front of Xu Wawa.

The girl was so surprised that she couldn't help looking at the knight's face. The knight shook his head desperately and looked at the girl imploringly.

The meaning in his eyes is obvious: don't look!

But how could the giant octopus allow two tiny guys to defy their wishes, and their tentacles could easily fix the two dead bodies where they wanted.

Xu Wawa was forced to watch the knight’s legs stretched to the limit. Another tentacle swam from nowhere, swimming against the curve between the knight’s hip petals. The thin tip of its adult arm actually spit out a baby arm. Thick and thin tentacles, the head of the tiny tentacles has a strange shape, it looks like...

Xu Wa closed her eyes, too scared to look any more. But the giant octopus forced her to open her eyes, and saw that terrifyingly shaped tentacles whirled around the knight's shame, which should be extremely private, and stabbed in!

Xu Wa and the knight screamed silently together!

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