Suza remembers that this story in the original book is a variety of people in various senses-beasts, everyone, BG, BL, all kinds of strange gravy meat, minced meat cauldron, tentacle PLAY, compulsory PLAY, shame PLAY all play in turns , By the way, there is a heavy taste scene of aliens giving birth.

What happened afterwards?

It seemed that the knight could not bear such humiliation at last, exploded with SEED and severely damaged the sea monster. He took the heroine out of the deep sea with one last breath, and apologized for being forced to invade the princess's body before he died.

================================================== =

The giant octopus pulls the two into the bottom of the sea. Suza gritted his teeth to prevent the tentacles from reaching his mouth. As a result, the plot took over the body again and began to stage a restricted-level scene with the giant octopus.

Suzha raised all his strength to awaken the silver awn power in his body, awaken the sleeping silver thread species in the spine. The silver awn power flowed into the snake beads on the chest bit by bit, while the sleeping silver thread species was in Suzha’s There are signs of awakening after hard work. The tentacles that had slipped on Suza froze. Some were afraid of such power. The octopus only left one tentacles to entangle Suza, and the others all rushed to the cooking knight.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to kill the chicken and the monkey, the giant octopus brought the naked knight in a strange posture by the tentacles to Suza, wantonly showing his power. Just before the tentacle was about to make an unforgivable and irreparable terrible move to the knight, the silver thread suddenly exploded!

The knight obviously thought that this was another sign of some more terrifying behavior of the giant octopus, and his tight body was almost convulsing.

Explosion-The silver thread that shoots out the silver thread is very excited, like a piranha smelling blood, rushing to plunge into the giant octopus's tentacles, and in a blink of an eye the tentacles that bind Suza are sucked into Dried octopus, it is still not satisfied, a small part of the silver wire is further extended, piercing the tentacles of the knight, and the other half of the silver wire arrogantly weaves into a large net before the giant octopus can react, and wears a hood. Past!

The dull giant octopus finally realized that it was not good, and waved the half-shrunken tentacles and started to counterattack. The sea was violently turbulent under the fight between the two giant beasts. The silver thread species protected Suza very well, but the knight was not in the protection range of the silver thread species. The octopus tentacles that had entangled him were sucked dry again, and the whole figure looked like a figure. The weak rag doll was swept away by the whirlpool, and was about to fall into the fighting arena of two giant beasts torn to pieces.

Suza hurriedly commanded Yinsizhong to rescue him. The knight didn't know that Suza's silver thread was another kind of existence. He thought it was the giant octopus who had figured out other ways to torture people. He struggled desperately, and his handsome face was distorted with fear. Suza had to let the silver silk seed leave his body, half-supporting and half hugging the knight.

The battle between the silver silk species and the sea monster continued. From a distance, it looks like a death fight between a giant octopus and a giant jellyfish. Suza's petite torso as a "jellyfish" looked from afar.

The silver silk species has a very powerful devouring instinct, but it is still a lot weaker than the giant octopus that has not survived for many years. In order to win this difficult battle, Suzha settled down to sink his will into his soul. The soul was concentrated at the root of the silver silk species on the spine, taking over the wild beast in an all-round way.

The battle lasted for a long time. At first, the silver silk species was at a disadvantage, but it could absorb the enemy’s energy for its own use. Coupled with Suza’s combat experience and wisdom, gradually, the "jellyfish" overwhelmed the octopus, but it became The octopus retreats every day. When the position is not defended, a large group of big and small octopuses besieged from all sides.

Have the children and grandchildren of octopus come to save the ancestors? Suza subconsciously thinks of the strange birth plot in the original book.

Countless little octopuses have brought some trouble to the silver thread species, but the end is nothing more than silver thread species eating more desserts after dinner. This comes from another continent, which promotes ordinary beasts to the totem demon-like king. The strange seeds are so powerful that even the deep sea monsters can't match it.

After absorbing the last octopus, Suzha read the satisfaction of "so full" from the simple emotions of the silver silk seed for the first time. The silver silk seed took her out of the deep sea and sent her and the knight to a small island. . It spreads all the silver filaments like giant jellyfish on the island. The silver filaments quickly wither in the sun and turn into dust, but a scorching sun-like energy enters the Soviet Union along with the silver filaments transforming into dust. Pierce the body.

The unprepared girl screamed in pain!

It was as if the back was inserted by a long sword that had just been cast from the furnace, and as if dozens of small suns suddenly rose in the spine. The indescribable high temperature made Suza simply mistakenly believe that he would be killed in the next moment. Burned into fly ash.

I said...what happened?

Immediately before losing consciousness, Suza released his hand and threw what he was holding into the deepest part of the sea.

The girl rolled and convulsed painfully, and her skin that could be broken by a bomb was rubbed against the gravel, shells, tree sap and other objects on the beach to reveal bloodstains. The knight who was rescued by her from the bottom of the sea was originally sluggish, and the girl's painful groans and screams gradually awakened his mind. He staggered to his feet, resisting the strange feeling in his body, and extended his arms to lift the girl who was tumbling in pain.

The naked, wheat-colored skin touched the smooth and white skin, the strong muscles of the male rubbed against the soft condensed fat of the young girl, and the knight trembled as if electrocuted, and a strange emotion arose from the deepest part of the body.

He waved away the outdated Chisi in his mind, and patted the **** the cheek in an attempt to wake her up. Suza didn't respond to the knight's call. In fact, her soul was completely trapped in the abnormal silver thread in the spine, and she couldn't hear the call from the outside at all.

The knight felt that the body of the girl in his arms was extremely strange, the front half was as cold as ice, and the back half was as hot as fire.

What happened? Also, the thing that killed the giant octopus just now... was it really released by this teenage snake-man girl?

The author has something to say: I was so busy before I left last week that I accidentally sent a wrong chapter and missed a chapter. I'm sorry.

By the way, I have been sitting in the car for a long time from the training school and come back to change... I want to leave a message.

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