The Survival of Scum Readers

: Relics of Ancient Gods (All)

A passerby in the original work of the relics of the ancient gods

I have to say that Nicholas is a person who is good at seeing through people's hearts, and the temptation he puts in front of Suza is something she can't resist.

In this world, Suza doesn't want much, one is to live as comfortable as possible, and the other is to find a way to go home.

Getting rid of plot control is obviously a major prerequisite for a comfortable life.

So knowing that Nicholas must have something for herself, she still accepted Nicholas's proposal.

Nicholas gave her a set of exercises that are said to inspire and enhance animality. Suza tried it for a period of time, and there is no immediate effect yet, but her body appears to be the first other than the silver light energy and silver wire species. Three sets of energy circuits, maybe this is the way of training the monsters on this continent. Another discovery is that the silver wire species can also draw external forces through this energy loop.

"This set of exercises is said to have been given by the legendary **** Nissos. In the battle of the gods in the ancient times, the followers of Nissos used this method to fight for their gods." Nicholas said, like It is self-deprecating, but also seems to miss: "I have cultivated it since I was very young—don’t look at me like this. Ten years ago, I was also the first knight of Dark Elf and the chief of King Dark. The Royal Guard."

"and after?"

"Later, when I became an adult, I realized that Nissos is not only a dark god, he is also a deity of beasts. This exercise is indeed very effective, but it strengthens the'beast', not the'human being'. '. I woke up as a'human' in my nine deaths, but it has also become what I am now-a body that is inferior to a few-year-old."

Even if he talked about the events of the year after many years, Nicholas still showed obvious anger and pain. Suza patted him comfortingly on the shoulder. The ugly elf awoke from the immersion in the past, and then said: "But you are different. You are the awakened'beast' yourself. This practice is simply appropriate."

"Does it have any other side effects?"

"Except for the part that suppresses the'person'? There is only one." The elf pointed to his face: "I think back then, my knight title used to be'Hundred Flowers'."

Hundred Flowers Knight? Suza was very impressed with this. In the original book, King Ridak’s Elf Guardian was a knight named Hundred Flowers. The book specifically mentioned that the title of “Hundred Flowers” ​​was only given to the most handsome knight, and focused on the chief guard, the sun god. Like beauty.

Nicholas' current appearance...

Su Zha touched his face, but laughed happily: "Okay!" Without the heroine of the plot, the face of the country and the city just lost a big trouble.

I have to say that the body given by the plot has great aptitude for energy perception and absorption and transformation. Suza’s practice is very fruitful, but unfortunately, all the energy absorbed into the body is sucked away by the bottomless hole of the silver silk seed. , It is unceremonious to eat the energy of the owner.

For several months of "no progress", Suza did nothing. Nicholas was in a hurry. He comforted Suza and said that the effect might be different due to different races, and then said that he would go to a friend to find a practice that is more suitable for Suza's physique. method.

As soon as Nicholas left for a long time, Suza used to live a happy day of eating, sleeping and feeding the silver seeds, but over time, Nicholas’ protection was neglected, and some people who had long been trying to trouble Suza finally Seized the opportunity.

Nicholas moved Suza out of the family mansion after the day of killing the cow with his bare hands, and secretly sent her to a private house. For months, Suza has been practicing with great concentration and never stepped out of the courtyard. The role of the guard arranged by Nicholas There has been no outsider bothering her.

The red-haired girl is Suza's first visitor.

What is this girl's name... Judy?

Judy came in with a burst of scolding, to the effect that you, a female slave from a humble background, dared to seduce the noble and great brother Nicholas, and even dared to spoil her!

I remember that this girl was scared and fainted last time. She recovered from her psychological trauma very quickly, and she found faults in a wild way. Suza smiled at Judy, showing eight white teeth.

The red-haired girl shivered subconsciously, then took a step back and shouted, "Haig, you idiot! Don't get out of here yet!"

More than a dozen people rushed in at once, filling the small courtyard. In addition to the dark elves, there were also powerful races such as tigers and leopards, and even a stone monster.

"Not bad." Suza commented.

Judy leaned out half of her head from behind the Elephant Man, surprised: "You... don't you kneel down?"

"Oh, this sentence is too ruining the image, I originally wanted to praise you and said that you don't have to worry about your IQ now!" Suzha secretly estimated the strength of himself and this group of people.

——Have you ever played?

It is estimated that it cannot be beaten.

——Can you escape?

Why are you running away for such an interesting thing?

Wait...Who is talking to me?

Suzha was stunned. The two questions just now seemed to come from her own thoughts, but they were also unspeakable.

Seeing Suza not speaking, Judy thought she was frightened, and immediately became triumphant, and ordered: "Catch that mean bitch, I will take it back slowly!"

The guards who had been silent as the Scarecrow stood up and stood in front of Suza. The leader was a thin dark elf. The elf took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "My lord has ordered that no one is allowed to endanger Miss Suza's safety."

"What Suza ‘Miss’? That guy is obviously a slave named Mary! And you can see with your eyes wide open, I am Nicholas’ sister! Miss Judy!"

The guards were not moved by Judy's identity, and still stood silently.

"Are you determined to disobey me?" Judy yelled.

The leader of the guard asked back: "Are you going to be your enemy?"

The girl was discouraged at once. She just planned to take away the nasty slave girl while Nicholas was not here. She thought she could take it home with just a fright. Who knew that Nicholas sent his own personal guard to protect this dead woman? Where is she all right?

Judy stepped angrily on the grass on the ground. If it is an ordinary guard, she can still order the people she brought to cut off, but these are Nicholas's most valued henchmen, and my brother knows that he will be angry!

But it's so shameless to go back like this!

Judy was very depressed. Unexpectedly, he put an arm around her shoulder, and said affectionately: "What is the enemy and not the enemy, don't say so, Miss Judy and I are the best girlfriends, she just came to invite I'm going to relax, right?"

Judy raised her head brushingly, and narrowed her eyes with a smile at Suza.

"You... how are you..." What a fast speed! When did you come to me? No one of these trash can stop her?

It wasn't until Suza started to speak that the thugs brought by Judy reacted, shouting "Let go of the master" to surround them, and there was an IQ stone monster holding a mace that was thicker than the door. , Seems to want to smash Suza and Judy together.

Judy almost went mad and roared: "Stop! Idiot!" Unfortunately, the rock monster is slow in mind. It takes a while to figure out the mistress's command, but the mace in his hand is not slow at all.

The Leopard man rushed over to the Savior, and was stepped into the mud by the stone monster. The Tiger man rushed forward and hit a home run by the stone monster, and then the huge mace continued to hit Judy unswervingly. Judy wanted to run, Suza clamped her movement and forced her to watch a mace that was longer and thicker than her whole body, while holding her chin.

At the last moment, Suza flashed out with Judy, and the huge mace hit the ground, raising a lot of dust.

The stone monster was actually a reaction to Judy’s first order to "get her up", and the big urn said in a loud voice, "Master, I didn't catch it!"

Judy had just recovered from the tremendous excitement of surviving death, and fell flat when she heard that she was righteous. Suza couldn't help but smile, and asked Judy's ear: "Who introduced this guy to you? I suggest you go back and find him to settle the claim."

"I'm going to skin him! Damn—" The girl's crisp voice stopped abruptly, and her whole body trembled, inch by inch, turning her neck to Suza who was speaking in her ear.

"You..." Her voice was shaking.

"I miss you so much, dear Miss Judy, can we go now?"

Judy couldn't even speak.

The two boarded the carriage, Suza let go of Judy who was trembling, and the red-haired girl shrank to the corner of the carriage, screaming, "Devil!"

"The little beauty has a lovely voice. Would you like to try to be the bride of the devil?"

Judy squeezed two words from between her teeth: "Pervert!"

"Oh, oh, it's an honor to be praised by the beautiful lady."

"Why does my brother like you like this..."

"Yeah, yeah, why? I want to know too."


"Because I am taller than you?"

"..." Puff, an arrow hit the red heart.

"Because I am in better shape than you?"

"..." The second arrow.

"Because I look prettier than you?"

"..." Judy's heart was broken to pieces.

"Or because my character is gentler than you?" Suza stroked his cheek intoxicated.

"I think it's because you have a thick skin!" Judy finally recovered her language skills.

Suza smiled proudly.


The carriage stopped in front of the luxurious courtyard. Judy raised her head, straightened her clothes, and restored her appearance as a proud little peacock. She raised her chin and asked Suza, "Do you dare to follow me in?"

Go in... Suza lifted the curtain to look out at the gorgeous ancient European architecture, and was silent for a moment.

In fact, when Judy put the colored bull into the bullring, Suza remembered who Nicholas was. He was a passer-by who hadn't even shown his face in the original book. In the original book, King Dak was a moody and cruel person. The heroine was often bruised and bruised by his playing on the bed. The head of the bodyguard, who had a crush on the heroine, secretly applied medicine to the wound of the heroine on his back. King Dark found out. The king was furious. He sent various sm to the hostess in front of the captain of the bodyguard. When the hostess was dying, he ordered the hostess to be sold to the most inferior brothel. As a result, the ghost servant was bought by a nobleman, nobleman. She was dragged to the Colosseum by a jealous woman who hadn’t tasted it before. Although the king's chief guard was not allowed to approach the hostess, he still followed the hostess secretly and rescued her at a critical moment, and became angry. A certain woman and a certain nobleman who came after hearing the news pushed down the Colosseum one after another, and the two were trampled into flesh by a mad bull.

Nicholas and Judy are such props that promote the plot in the original book. The passerby who doesn't even have a name has the only meaning of existence is to create an opportunity for the chief guard to confess his true love.

Now Suza already knows that this world is huge, and the story described in the plot only occupies the tip of the iceberg. The characters outside the plot-the creatures all have their own lives. This is a real world, not the corner of a stage play.

Since deciding to cooperate with Nicholas, he must understand his relevant information, and the best entry point is his family.

The author has something to say: Uh, I'm going to enter V next Monday, well, thank you for being with me all the time!

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