The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆The custom of killing relatives

The red-haired girl looked at Suza, who kept her smiling face and helped herself to the bedroom with a devilish look all the way.

Judy: "What the **** are you doing?"

Suza: "Send you off to the bedroom, Miss, maybe from now on I should be your personal maid?"

Judy: "Why do I want you to be my personal maid?"

Suza: "Well, Miss Judy must have figured it out for this and other reasons."

Judy: "Give me a reason not to tell my mother about your presumptuous behavior!"

Suza: "Your mother? Very powerful?"

Judy: "If you are twice as strong, mother can easily squeeze you to death."

Suza: "So powerful? She is also a dark elf?"

Judy: "Nonsense!"

Suza: "What **** does she believe in?"

Judy: "Rose, the queen of spiders."

Suza: "Wow, is she a priest?"

Judy: "Yeah, are you scared?"

Suza: "What level?"

Judy: "I'm attacking the seventh level. You have to know that you can directly contact the gods above the sixth level!"

Suza: "Wow, really? Then the monsters of Tier 6 and above can also contact the gods?"

Judy: "It's possible in theory, but they don't have gods."

Suza: "Isn't there someone called Nissos?"

Judy: "Your theology teacher must have died early... Nissos fell in the first battle of the gods!"

Suza: "Oh."

Judy: "Oh what! As long as I call my mother, you are dead!"

Suza: "Oh."

Judy: "...give me a reason not to tell my mother about your presumptuous behavior! Also, the fruit on the table is not for you!"

Suza nibbled at the apple and blinked at the red-haired girl: "Because you don't want to. How about this reason?"

Judy: "What..."

"Well, it's boring to pretend to be stupid."

"I didn't... well, when did you find out?"

"you guess?"

"..." Judy wanted to strangle the female demon to death. "Am I showing so many flaws?"

"Fortunately, although I think you exposed most of it deliberately." Suza threw the apple core on the table, picked up the grapes one by one and threw them into his mouth. "In the Colosseum, you didn't actually faint, did you?"

Judy stared at her for a long time, then nodded and asked, "How did you find out? I'm pretty confident that there was no flaw that time. I shouldn't even notice Nicholas."

"Female intuition!" Suza patted his chest.


The black-haired girl and the red-haired girl looked at each other for a long time, seeming to measure the depth of each other, and then the two voices broke the silence at the same time.

"you can…"


The two paused at the same time, and after a short pause, they said at the same time:

"What price can you offer?"

"What does Nicholas want you to do?"

They looked at each other for a long time again, and finally Judy waved his hand and said, "You can ask first."

"If you want me to help you, what price can you offer?"

"It depends on what you want."


(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ Oh the thigh hair of your queen! Judy raised the table angrily in her heart, still calmly saying: "I don’t have much money, and I am the weakest in the whole family. All I can give you is the news that you need to distinguish between the true and the false." She added: "About Nicholas, about my family, about Dark Love."

"You pay for this and want to change...?"

"Change your hand! You have to promise to do it for me at a critical moment!"

"Should I chop my hands?" Su Zha pretended to be stunned.

Judy finally couldn't hold it back, and patted over with a pillow. "Don't pretend to be stupid with me here, do you know how many daughters my mother gave birth to before me? Seven! Do you know why the eldest sister in the family is me now? Because I'm stupid enough!"

Suza is not sure why.

"Your genealogy teacher must have died too early... This is Dark Elf, you always know that the dark elves are a matriarchal race? Which daughter doesn't dream of killing her mother and becoming the mother of power? My sisters are all talented Smart, a few are especially popular with the queen of spiders, but so what? Didn’t I die one after another inexplicably? One by one, I can live to this day. One is because I’m young and I’m still not an adult; the other is Because I am the stupidest, my mother can easily grasp my mind; thirdly, because I am the least useful, I can't establish contact with even the lowest-level shadow demon under the spider's seat until now!"

Suza: "Really not?"

Judy: "Really can't! No matter how many sacrifices I offer, how pious the sacrificial heart is, no one under the spider's seat is willing to respond to me! My sister, only three years younger than me, has been with the spider queen. The second-level war messenger Nightmareya established a stable sacrificial channel!" The girl's voice trembled slightly: "Moreover, she has already shown signs of adult beastization! She is three years younger than me, and will soon be an adult!"

Suza remembers that "adult animalization" was mentioned in the original book. Little orcs will begin their first adult animalization when they grow up to a certain level. , Adult animalization is the first time that beasts have taken off their human form and turned into "beasts". Transforming beasts is a difficult and dangerous process. Each orc takes a different amount of time. Some are as short as a few hours or even as long as several months. During the process of "adult beastization", not only the body gradually metamorphoses into a beast, but also the psychology. Will move closer to the beast, wild instinct suppresses reason, until it becomes a complete beast.

This is the highest tide of adult animalization, and it can even be said that life and death are in this act. Those who can suppress the animal's nature and regain humanity and restore the human body will be regarded as a real orc from now on, and those who can't recall humanity and only restore part of the human body...all kinds of losers can no longer be called orcs, and they retain part of the human form. They are called "half beasts", and those that are completely in the form of beasts are called "beast species." Generally, they will die soon.

Suza comforted Judy: "Your sister may not be able to successfully survive adult animalization."

"No! You don't understand the character of my sister! She never fights insecure battles! She worships the war messenger Nightmare Tooth! In order to increase combat effectiveness, various methods are often used on the battlefield to urge warriors to beast, and Nightmare Tooth is the most This is what she's good at!" Judy grabbed Suza in fear: "Do you know what it means if she succeeds? Dark elves can have underage daughters, but there will never be underage eldest daughters!"

Suza patted her on the shoulder and asked, "Does your mother know about this?"

"I don't know... Mother is someone who won't let others see what she thinks... I really don't know..."

Suza: "Then how did you find out? Your sister's maid or slave told you?"

Judy: "How is it possible! Julie is a really smart person. People in her own circle are run by her without leaking. How could it be heard by a stupid sister like me. I rely on this." She said Put your finger on your lips and whistle silently.

A rustling sound came from the corner, and a gray mouse drilled a hidden hole and climbed along the gorgeous blanket to Judy's feet.


"Xiao Hui said that Julie just left the house alone and went to Cobweb Corner-Cobweb Corner is the name of an alley, it is very chaotic, there are all kinds of people in it, and anyone who wants to make an unseen deal will go there. "

The red-haired girl pinched her lips and made a sound that Suza couldn't hear, and the gray mouse jumped off her palm and left the same way. Judy stared straight at the small hole covered by the carpet that the gray mouse had drilled out, and didn't say a word for a long time.

Until Suza ate all the fruits on the table, the carpet moved again, this time it was not the first gray mouse that got out, but a thin and small black mouse with half of its ears missing, the rat drum. While screaming silently against the cheeks for a while, Judy put her hand on top of the mouse's head, and her white and slender fingertips went straight into it!

What is even more strange is that there is no scar or blood on the top of the mouse's head, as if the finger that was pierced in is not a physical entity but a phantom!

Suza didn't know what news the mouse had brought, and she could only judge by Judy's reaction: the red-haired girl closed her eyes slightly, her eyebrows became more frowning, and she finally covered her mouth, suddenly losing her color!

"Julie...she bought Sprite Ash!"

Sprite's Ash? Suza asked strangely: "What is that?"

"It is the main component of a catalytic agent, which can force the body to reach the highest level of life in a short period of time! Julie, obviously, has not grown up to the point where her body can be transformed into an adult. Why should she risk forcing it? There is only a 70% chance that the Ashes of the Night will be effective. Coupled with the failure rate of forced beastization ahead of time, Julie’s best chance of success is only half—why did she do this? Obviously, even if it is a step-by-step adulthood, I It is absolutely impossible to be stronger than the servants of Nightmare Tooth!"

Of course Suza is even less likely to know something that Judy doesn't know, but she can analyze it.

"There are only two possibilities for a smart person to take odd risks: one is that the rewards are great, and the other is that the consequences of not doing it are even more terrible. In other words, either Judy is in urgent need of great benefits, or she is in In great danger. Which one do you think?"

Judy: "Benefits... What Julie wants most is the position of mistress. Obviously this is impossible even if she succeeds in beasting, then..."

"So, what danger has Julie encountered that makes her rather gamble on the 50% rate of transforming the beast in advance?"

"Could it be that something went wrong with the family? Nicholas also left in a hurry..."

What Nicholas and Julie did was not the same thing, but Suza didn't plan to tell Judy that she hadn't figured out whether the girl could be trusted, and she didn't know if Nicholas had stopped by to do something else.

However, the situation in his family is really complicated...

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