The Survival of Scum Readers

: Fierce little beast

As Nicholas turned out the window, Suzha, who was buried in the pillows, opened his eyes suddenly. There was no sleepiness in those black and white eyes!

Suza has a strong vigilance like a beast, but she woke up after Nicholas’ soft kiss. Perhaps Nicholas’ movements were too light, or the sadness and longing anesthetized her nerves, making her immersed in another In the dream of the world’s parents reuniting.

Suza couldn't help crying in his dream, and at the same time, Nicholas couldn't help kissing the crying girl.

After awakening, Suzha was shocked for a moment.

Father, mother...

Nicholas...why did he...

The Sinner’s Prison that I witnessed the first half of the night gave Suza a great psychological shock. She has been educated in atheism since she was a child, but it does not mean that she resolutely does not believe in ghosts and gods, or to be precise, she does not think there are gods, but is very afraid of ghosts—everyone who listens to the ghost stories of the elders is long. Older children are like this. Ghosts, demons and gods, the cycle of heaven, karma... everything is deeply rooted in the heart of the Chinese people, so Su Zha's first thought after entering the world of fiction is karma.

In the dark, is there really a big hand manipulating everything behind?

Before crossing, Suzha didn't believe it, or said he didn't want to believe it, didn't dare to believe it.

After crossing, Suzha had to believe that there was really a force in the world that could not be resisted and could not escape.

Maybe this is God, right?

Tonight, the scene of the "sacrifice" of the **** of the dark elves in the Sinner's Prison makes Suza cold from his hair to his bones. It was the first time that she experienced creatures like "gods" up close, and they were by no means kind creatures.

Judy said many times: "God is watching everyone." Suza always smiled before, but now she really realized the true meaning of just a few words, shuddering from the deepest part of her soul.

Judy said, "No one can escape."

Judy said, "I wanted to escape a long time ago, but no one can escape."

Judy said: "I used to like to read all kinds of knight novels. When the beautiful heroines are in danger, there are always handsome knights who fall from the sky."

Judy said, "Now I don't read novels anymore."

Judy said: "Look, I understand the truth of the world. The difference between the real world and the novel is that no one will come to save me."

Judy said: "There will never be."

Judy said, "So, I have to save myself."

Judy said, "Suzha, you always behave indifferently, but in fact you want to run, and you want to leave here, right?"

Judy said, "I can't escape alone, and neither can you escape, so let's make an alliance."

Suza asked: "Can you escape by forming an alliance? Your sister Julie, your mother Thetia, Nicholas... and your god, are you sure?"

Judy said: "I don't have a god." Then she clenched her fists, her voice was full of desperation and desperation. She said, "I can't do it by sitting and waiting. I have tried at least once!"

Suza asked: "What if you fail? Do you do it again?"

Judy said: "Dark elves never have a second chance. Success is naturally to survive. If you fail-then die!"

It was at this moment that Suza truly resonated with the red-haired dark elf girl, not because of words, expressions, gestures, or other things, but because of the resonance between the same type of people and the same type of soul.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

On the surface, Suza is a gentle person who can be squeezed at will, but in fact, she has always been stubborn and fierce in her bones, like a little beast hiding in the dark, the little beast does not have the fangs of a hungry wolf. , There is no human bear’s claws, no cheetah’s speed, no tiger standing behind him, and only his little pride, little stiff, little fierceness.

Because I have nothing, I can only bet all of my own every time to fight for life and death!

For example, her fight with a leopard, Suza and a tiger, a group of orangutans, a lion, and the fire of a natural disaster.

But after a few years in the Abyss of Warcraft, she has never been so confused and afraid as she is now.

Suza is familiar with the plot. In the forest, no matter how many dangerous beasts and terrible natural disasters there are, there is always a creature willing to pay for the protection of the heroine-the serpent is a strong enough and gentle guardian, as long as it does not betray , It will never let the heroine suffer any harm.

But there is no such guardian in Dark Eve. In the original "Snake Nature", the king is tyrannical, the duke is cruel, and the nobility is greedy. Only the chief guard is sincere to the female lord, but he is only the king's chief guard, and he is loyal to Darius. King Ke is better than his own feelings, the only thing he can do is to comfort the heroine with words, at best it is just to apply wound medicine to the wound of the heroine. It was this trivial action that angered the king and caused the heroine to suffer even more terrible abuse.

Suza wants to leave Darklove-of course she wants to leave! But the silver thread was sleeping, and the silver light energy could not be used. There were too few people who could do it by herself, even Nicholas couldn't do it. She secretly tried to leave more than once, and every time she was forced back quietly by Nicholas or his men.

Nicholas may have a slight feeling for her, but he will not indulge her to do anything with Suza's wishes, and leaving is absolutely not allowed.

Nicholas had a plan for Suza, but the fruit he wanted was not yet ripe.

Regardless of the big snake in the original book, the original cannon fodder passerby, or the current Nicholas, their desire for monopoly and manipulation is unacceptable for Suza.

It is unrealistic to expect other people's salvation, even Judy recognizes this. The real world, the world of fiction, the Abyss of Warcraft, and Dark Elf...the only thing you can trust is your own ability and your own power. Perhaps Judy would be an ally to consider.

But what should the gods do? In the eyes of the aloof gods, no matter how hard Suza is, he can only pinch to death a trivial little bug, right?

Why did I come into this world? There is really a word of God, why would He choose me? If there is a supreme **** in the world of fiction, shouldn't it be the author?


A colorful centipede crawled over the wall, and Suzha watched the multi-legged insects turn over the windowsill and disappear into the dark night.

She thought of herself who had just come into this world, and then of herself who had not yet come into this world.

At the beginning, Suzha was also a delicate girl who would scream when she encountered a cockroach. After working for a few years and staying in various offices/apartments/dorms/hotels, she would still instinctively chill when she saw bugs. It can already react quickly to destroy it into scum. When I was a child, I thought that the most terrifying thing in the world was a bug, but slowly I realized that the most terrifying thing was actually the human heart.

After graduating from university, Suza is a small employee who started from scratch. When he first joined the company, he would be naive and unfounded. Almost anyone can bully her, anyone can calculate her, and some people plainly contempt her. , Look down on her, some people want to take advantage of her while contemptuous of her, look down on her.

"What about graduating from college? What about young Shui Ling? One has no backing, two has no qualifications, and the career line will not be crowded. Even if the face looks barely enough to be seen, then someone must be willing to ask for it!" Don't listen to what others are saying in person. When she first left school, she was working in a remote place far away from home, and she was crying behind her back. It was at that time that Suzha became obsessed with reading novels, such as Mary Su, goldfinger, stallion, harem, and domineering. As long as it is a cool text, she likes it. Look at the text. While the protagonist expresses various powers/is loved and loved, YY can also kill the Quartet and trample all the nasty guys under his feet.

Later, I spent more years in the society, with longer qualifications, and I switched jobs to a few companies. My career gradually began to rise. Many original habits and hobbies were changed, but the hobby of reading novels has been maintained, just dabbing. The range is much wider, and the taste is much heavier. I slowly developed a hobby of cultivating seedlings.

Maybe it’s because when I first entered the society, I really wanted to have a senior to take care of, but there was never such a person around me. I slowly came up with the idea: since I can’t ask for it, I just become like this. People are alright.

This is what Kilimanjaro embraced when she met Ange, a soft and cute author. Although she turned the little fresh scum into an unrecognizable bodily essay, she actually accompanied the young budding Ange sister. After the most difficult seedling period, in the first days, Ange said many times that he wanted to give up. It was Kilimanjaro who accompanied her all the way. At that time, Suza looked at the Ange sister through the Internet. It's like seeing who I used to be.

Now, even if Suzha is not in that world, even if "Kilimanjaro" no longer appears in Ange's text, the author who has grown from a soft cute girl to a black-bellied royal sister can definitely continue to update the text calmly, Ange In fact, you can write delicious and juicy essays without Kilimanjaro, so that readers can't stop at the same time.

The communication between Suza and Ange later changed from private messages to QQ, from QQ to telephone, and finally crossed most of the country's face base. They ate together, went shopping, watched movies, karaoke, and cried and laughed in the private room. Together. If they are not of the same sex, maybe they will have feelings beyond friendship, right?

Ange, Ange, Ange, how is she now?

Startled, Suza fell asleep again. In her dream, she vaguely saw her father proudly discussing her daughter’s work with a colleague. Her mother bought a matte nightdress at the mall and said with a smile: “My daughter is going home at the end of the month. Long-sleeved pajamas need to be changed. It’s time to change to a fresh and thin one. This fabric is easy to wash, and it will be clean as soon as you rub it in the water.

Dimly, she saw another green page on the computer screen. Someone left a message in the reader's comment area: "How come the author hasn't changed it for several days? I'm so anxious to wait!"

The author replied: "Sorry, I just got off the plane, and my best friend can't be contacted these days. I am a little worried. I bought a ticket and flew over to see what happened. If there is nothing wrong, I will update it when I come back."

The blue-eyed teenager Neil returned to the room and found that the girl curled up in the quilt had half of the pillow towel wet with tears, and a name was vaguely called in his mouth. He listened for a long time and only distinguished the word "Ann".

Have you dreamed of someone close to you?

Neil has seen the results of the investigation on Princess Mary. It seems that there is no close person with the word "安" in the name of the little princess. The only thing that must be said is Julian, the son of Dibolimavaka Volga from the Red Dragon City. Dibolimavaka Volga. It seems that Nicholas's love road is bumpy and tortuous!

The assassin of the shadow gnawed peaches with a smile, in a mood that is unique to young people, lest the world will not be chaotic.

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