The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆Chapter Transformation of Beasts-Chapter (1)

Suza allowed himself to be immersed in sadness and longing for only one night, and when she appeared in front of Judy the next morning, the girl recovered her former look.

" never feel afraid or hesitated?"

"Why do you ask?" Suza was strange.

"Because you always look confident, we are going to sabotage Julie's beastization ceremony today. It is very possible to fight directly with the nightmare teeth under the spider seat. Are you not nervous at all?"

"Will you give up taking action against Julie because you are nervous?"

"how is this possible!"

"So what are you nervous about?" Suza shrugged.

"At least don't behave like getting up early for a walk." Judy used babble to vent the pressure as usual.

"Actually I am very nervous and scared." Suza said suddenly.

"Really?" Judy suspiciously.

"Really, I cried all night in the room last night."

Judy's eyes immediately turned into an accusation of "You lied", saying: "I can't tell at all!-Does your eyes really have the function of crying?"

== "For Mao, I'll say it!"

"You've been killing cattle and people since the first meeting. You're so fierce, you're all bloody, sweaty, and not tearful, right?"

Suzha smiled and opened his arms: "Yes, the master is a true man with iron and blood, do you want Xiao Niangpi to come into your master's arms?"

Judy puffed up his bun's face.

The two young girls walked towards the courtyard where Julie lived and walked through a small garden. Judy stopped and frowned and looked forward. It was shrouded in a thick black mist. The black mist rolled and changed shape like life. In fact, if you stared at the black mist for a moment, you would find that many faces appeared inside, joyous, Painful, sad, angry...

Suza said: "The scope of the enchantment has expanded again."

"Yes." Judy replied: "Mother's sacrifice doesn't seem to go well. We have to speed up. The opportunity to destroy Julie's adult animalization is not easy to find, but don't wait until the mother's sacrifice is over and never find a chance. , That would be miserable."

"Huh? Why?"

"You are not from Daklov, and you don’t understand what it means for the sacrifice of our sacrifice here... Failure of the sacrifice means that the **** will be dissatisfied with the La Sophie family. The best sacrifice to please God is the direct blood of the family. You say mother Who is the more suitable sacrifice in my heart? I am worthless, or Julie, who is clever and favored by God?"

Obviously, this is a multiple-choice question that requires no thought at all.

Julie’s yard is full of barriers, but she is young after all, and her strength is not very strong. Suza quickly and silently sucked out a small gap in the barrier with the only silver wire. , It’s impossible to send in individuals, but sending a few mice in is definitely not a problem. The mice found Julie in the basement.

There is also a huge altar in the basement. The altar is slightly high on all sides and shaped like a shallow bowl. Several men and women of all ages were bound and lying on the altar. Some of them had hairy ears and some had tails. Obviously, they were not dark elves, but orcs.

"Julie really lost money." Judy said.

"How to say?"

"The sacrifices she chose are the favorite races of Nightmare Tooth. It is not easy to find them in Dark Eve, and have you seen the figures of these sacrifices? They are only available for purebreds. Body proportions, I am afraid that they are not royals or high-ranking nobles in their respective countries. The youngest girl—the blond, do you see the flame pattern on her eyebrows? That is unique to the Neumann family of the Red Dragon City A sign, it is said that they are descendants of ancient dragons. Judging from her age, she is very likely to be the third princess of the king... How did Julie get her?"

Through Judy's mouse eyes, Suza saw for the first time the process of adult beastization of dark elves—according to Judy, the process of orcs is similar. The red-haired girl Julie was naked and curvy, with metal rings or chains wrapped around her hands, feet, neck, and waist, with bells and other objects hanging on it. Proudly's body was painted with black and crimson lines. Based on his hard work in the past few days, Suzha recognized that it was a symbol of nightmare teeth.

Julie raised her hands, chanting a strangely pronounced language, sometimes protruding, sometimes standing up and dancing. The bells entwined around her body clashed rhythmically with the metal chain. Suza felt that the movements were a bit like a great dancer. ...But in the process of "jumping the gods", Julie's body gradually changed. Her skin became pale and gradually became almost transparent. Something faintly revealed under the skin, and the girl's smooth oval face also Changed, the chin is pointed, the big round eyes are elongated, and the forehead becomes wider...

The girl shivered and softened to the ground, groaning aloud, obviously enduring great pain.

A male slave walked over to help Julie, and handed her a finger-long glass bottle with potion in it. Julie drank the potion in one gulp, and she settled for a moment, and then moaned more painfully.

Her body was stretched visibly to the naked eye, and what was originally only looming under the skin showed a vague outline, which looked like round spots as large as nails.

Julie propped her hands on the ground and shouted a divine word. The candles around the altar burned automatically at the same time, and black smoke escaped from the candle's heart, intertwined in the center of the altar, constantly changing shape. The red-haired girl twisted her body, and the bells and copper rings struck fierce music.

The male slave delivering the medicine walked up to the altar at the beat, and tied the first orc woman to the large-shaped shelf in the center of the altar. The shape of the shelf was very strange. With her legs wide open, her body was slightly reddish, with silvery liquid dripping from her hips.

The drug delivery male slave untied the rope of another round-eared man, wiped some liquid under his nose, and carried him onto the orc woman. The round-eared man seemed to have lost his mind, panting heavily and dragging the woman's waist into vigorous movements.

The scent of lewdness grew stronger. The entangled black smoke began to commotion, and a few strands of black smoke were drawn to the past and entangled the men and women who had **** with each other, a few strands teased on the sensitive points of the man and the woman, and more gathered in the two people's bodies. Poke in the place a little bit.

More and more black smoke overflowed from the candle. After a while, the black smoke condensed into a thick arm, and it pierced into the two hips of the man galloping wildly on the orc woman!

The man roared bitterly.

The frequency and intensity of black smoke puffing and penetration is obviously much stronger than that of the orc man. The man wailed and slipped from the woman, his abdomen bulged, as if every delivery of black smoke behind him had to burst his belly. , The terrible outline of the giant in the body is clearly visible on the wheat-colored skin.

The more urgent the ringtone. The black smoke throbbed like a piledriver in the sound of a shower of bells, and then the wave was drawn out. The man had already become a huge blood hole behind him, and the rough black smoke movement brought out a lot of meat. The intestines are connected to a string of organs.

A massive amount of blood spurted out of his brain, and the man was killed before he even made the last scream.

Black smoke pounced on the beast girl tied to the shelf. Perhaps it is more satisfied with the sacrifice, it separates a thin smoke cord wrapped around Julie's body, can not see whether this thin black smoke caused Julie more pain or relieved Julie The pain of the girl's proud body twisted and rolled on the ground, her body was incredibly soft, as if it had no bones.

The beast girl's endurance was much better than that of the round-eared man. She persisted for more than double the time, but in the end she died full of blood.

Suza moved.

Judy grasped her arm and said in her ear: "Wait, it's not time yet."

The drug-sending male slave **** two women on a large-shaped shelf one after another, and then the sacrifices were dragged up from under the altar. Among them were orcs, dark elves, and various beasts. The bowl-shaped altar soon became a sea of ​​blood. Julie was immersed in a pool of flesh and blood. The bells and chants continued to sound. The black smoke entangled on her body had increased to more than a dozen, and the girl's body became slender and long. , It doesn't look like a human at all.

The drug delivery male slave sent Julie a second bottle of potion, and **** several women who were originally tied to the altar.

Black smoke enveloped Julie's body, her slender body twisted frantically, and it was vaguely visible that the originally fair and smooth skin was covered with bluish-gray scars-or rather, scales? "Sure enough, he is also a Thai fairy." Judy murmured to herself.

"Thai fairy?" The more Suza looked at Julie's semi-animal shape, the more familiar he became, "It looks like a...snake, right?"

"Yes, Thai is the serpent that nurtured the world in ancient times."

"Wait! I thought you were elves?" Pointy ears or something.

"Yes indeed."

"Why do elves have animal forms?" Suza was surprised.

"Why not?" Judy looked more surprised than Suza.

"From the beginning, I felt something was wrong...If the elves also have the form of beasts, what is the difference between you and the orcs?"

"Orcs are orcs, we are elves!"

"What's the difference?" Suza was weak.

"There are many differences. For example, we seldom die even if we fail to transform into a beast. Some extremely powerful dark elves who are favored by the spider queen can be directly promoted to low-level gods. Orcs have never been treated like this. Another example is ours. The average life expectancy is more than twice that of an orc." Judy blinked and smirked at Suza: "Guess how old am I this year?"

Suza looked at the decadent Gothic girl in front of her, and guessed: "Seventeen... Eighteen? It's impossible to be twenty, right?"

"Thirty-seven years old!" Judy smiled proudly: "Call sister Judy!"

"Cut, it's only eighteen to be an orc. What kind of sister, I..." Su Zagang wanted to say that I was running three times, but he looked down at his tender body and felt depressed. The heroine of the plot, Xu Wawa, seems to be only fifteen?

Who knows that Judy directly came up with a more powerful sentence: "Then I am much older than you! Little Mary, you're only twelve this year, right?"


46 Mutations!

"Nicholas has already sent someone to investigate you clearly. Snake's little princess Mary is only twelve years old this year... After this month, she will be thirteen, right? My sister will celebrate your birthday by then!" Judy was very happy and said to herself In terms of age, you can be Sister Suza quite proud: Who makes Suza always look like an older sister? Isn't it just a serious kid?

"Twelve..." Suza straightened his chest vigorously, and the proud E-cup came out of his clothes, asking in disbelief, "You believe it?"

"Your figure is growing a little bit earlier," actually taller than me... "But it's not that much. Queen Armand developed earlier than you, and gave birth to King Duck at the age of 9. I died before I was raised."

…I knew that the world set up by Ange and I was amazing…Suza orz for himself again, but: "Queen?"

"Wife of King Dak White."

Don't you remember this character in the original book? That cruel fellow of King Dark actually has a wife? Who can stand his nerves? Recalling those episodes in the original book where the heroine was still tortured to death with her powerful self-healing ability, Suza couldn't help asking: "Arman...Queen, she... is still alive?"

"I haven't seen it for a long time. It is said to be crazy. What a pity, Armand is a very gentle and simple sister."

"..." White is a tyrannical scum, and Suza mourns for the gentle and innocent Armand in the legend.

"In fact, Queen Armand ended up pretty well."


"Yes, she is a descendant of the former First Family, with the purest blood of the ancient light elves flowing in her body. The entire Daklove family is the only one who does not have any animal shapes, does not need to transform beasts, and does not sacrifice to the queen of spiders. She is now the only living direct descendant of the former First Family. If she were not the queen, many people would have held various sacrifices to please the spider queen."

While talking, Judy took out the bamboo basket she had held in her arms from the beginning.

"What's that? The secret weapon you prepared?" Suza wanted to ask for a long time.

"Guess?" Judy blinked her smoky makeup eyes.


"That's right! Susu, you really understand me!" Judy lifted the white cloth on the basket, revealing a variety of snacks and various delicacies cut into small pieces, and even two tender roasted milk. pigeon.

"..." Suza was a little speechless: "I thought we were here to destroy the sacrifice?"

"Yes, but the best time to destroy the ritual is near the completion. At that time, all the power of the Nightmare Tooth clone is absorbed into Julie's body, disconnected from the Nightmare Tooth itself, and anyone who wants to destroy the ritual before that We have to endure the anger from Nightmare Tooth, we can’t hold it. Judging by Julie’s current speed..." Judy estimated the time: "At least it’s evening, her progress is fairly fast, Nightmare Ya really favors my lovely sister." She handed Suza a small cheese sandwich.

This picnic was eaten from dawn to dusk. Julie on the altar can no longer see the appearance of a girl. The whole thing turned into a green snake with a beautiful face. The beautiful snake wandered on the altar, from a pair of pink A thin, bright red letter came out of his lips.

I don't know how many sacrifices were sacrificed on the altar. The sea of ​​flesh and blood submerged the entire basement, but the altar remained magically floating on the sea of ​​blood. Except for the sacrifices that the drug delivery male slaves did not know where to pull up the altar, from the very beginning, only one important sacrifice was tied to the center of the altar—the little princess of the Red Dragon City.

The little girl’s physique seems a bit special. The other men and women who served as sacrifices woke up from the coma after the drug-giving male slave put a potion under his nose, and could not maintain the sanity, completely indulged in the flesh and desire, only blonde hair The little girl woke up halfway through the ritual. She struggled, screamed, cried, and exhausted all her strength in the futile resistance, and finally curled up in silent tears, her hands tied up. The posture was put together, and the lips kept moving, thinking about something.

"She's chanting prayers." Judy sneered. "It looks like a pious Cassoron believer, the golden dragon...ha! Do you really think that the high gods will take special care of a little orc?"

"Didn't you just say that Nightmare Ya is very fond of your sister?" Isn't this a favor?

"Look at how many sacrifices Julie offered to Nightmare Tooth! Gods? A majestic, mysterious, great, and benevolent god? When did such a thing exist in the world? The so-called gods, one counts as one!" Judy Excitedly waving his hands, "But they are all evil dogs who ran over when they smelled the flesh and bones, and barked their teeth and walked away without profit!"


"Gods? They are just the most greedy group of creatures that exist on the earth! They are so powerful because of greed! They are so greedy that they swallow ancient gods and stand on their own in the clouds! But what about it? Look at the sky today, half of them belong to them. The seat of God? The dragon of gold? Ha! The biggest speculator in the battle of the gods! The traitor who turned back to bite his master first! Think it can save you because of your prayers? Stupid!"

This child must have been irritated... Suzha even coaxed the girl's mouth. "Judy! If you keep shouting, you don't want to destroy any sacrifices. You wash your neck and let the nightmare teeth gnaw away."

Judy flushed with excitement, trembling all over, gasping for breath.

Suza hugged the girl and stroked her back like a child until Judy's breathing eased.

The red-haired girl buried her face on the side of Suzha's neck and said dullly, "Suzha."

"Well, I am."

"Cassoron will not come to rescue her, no one will come to rescue her."

"Ok, I know."

"God won't come to save us, we can only rely on ourselves."

"Ok, I know."

On the altar, the drug delivery male slave tied the little blond girl to a large-shaped shelf. The shelf was stained with flesh and blood and organs, and the original color was no longer visible. The little girl closed her eyes and prayed, looking terrified.

Julie made a hissing sound, and the male slave walked towards the snake-shaped dark elf, taking off his clothes while walking, the beautiful snake softly wrapped around the naked-naked man, and the black smoke tumbling on the snake came from the male slave’s mouth. Nose, eyes, ears... Every gap in the body penetrated into the male slave's body, and the male slave stopped, and the skin of the body began to glow red and shiny. When the eyes were opened again, a pair of pupils turned into the shape of a beast.

He roared like a wild beast, and the giant stood high up in a hideous and terrifying shape.

The male slave hugged the snake-shaped Julie with his powerful arms, tore a **** skin from the green snake, and pierced the bold giant directly into the blood hole!


The beautiful snake raised her head in pain, desperately spit out a bright red snake letter.

The male slave's crotch-a huge and terrifying sex-penetrates the beauty of the snake's body, as if to split it in half. The green snake hissing with Julie's face, the pain far exceeds the pleasure.

"The adult beastization of the dark elves... is it all to be cop-coordinated?" Suza asked.

"Yes, how else is it called'adult'?"

"... All races are like this? Orcs?"

"This is not the case. Different races have their own ways of adult beastization, and different communities of the same race have their own differences. It is related to the gods they worship and the habits of their ethnic groups. At least half of the races' adult beastization includes sex. -Combination, most of the objects are with other adult orcs in the clan. After mating-combining, they can randomly obtain part of the adult orc's power attributes, and then they will be taken care of more or less. Directly interacting with the gods they believe in-not many, Basically, only priests who serve the gods for life, do not marry or marry.—This is the case of ordinary orcs. We are different. The dark elves sacrificed to the gods strictly ordered us not to interact with any other creatures in the ceremony, so each of us must be in As an adult, he offered the purest body to God to show the deepest piety."

Judy said this with deep irony from her tone to her expression.

"Where did you know these things?" Since coming to La Sophie's house, Judy has given Suza feel like a living encyclopedia, and almost any question can be answered from her.

"Reading, unlike my mother and Julie, the'badly qualified Judy' has a lot of time for this useless interest in reading. Did you know? The La Sophie family in the battle to destroy the first family? We have also contributed. We only get all the books of the First Family, so we have such a big library, which is bigger than the Sinner’s Prison, but most of the books have never been read—except Erotica ."

Suza felt that Judy had a strange expression when she said this, full of inexplicable emotions.

"Attention! The time is coming!" Judy quickly got rid of the strange feelings and grabbed Suza's arm and said, "Do you remember all the steps?"

"You are responsible for constructing the barrier that isolates the divine power. I will use this dagger to kill the male slave."

"The action must be fast! Never let the power of Nightmareya's clone-body leak out of the barrier! Otherwise, we will all die!"


"Part of the power of Nightmare Tooth has entered Julie. She has become confused now, but it's better to wait. It's not time yet!"

"When is the best time?"

"The climax of the Nightmare Tooth is not something that the young dark elves can bear, even if the ritual calls only the Nightmare Tooth." The last sacrifice is used to transfer the climax of the Nightmare Tooth. The dragons are famous for their physical toughness and redness. The little princess of the Dragon City seems to be able to withstand most of the strength of the nightmare tooth climax before death, and the remaining Julie is enough to carry it. The best moment for us to act is the death of the last sacrifice, the nightmare tooth-height -The moment before the tide!"

"What if it were a little earlier?" Suza asked.

"It won't matter. You can do it during the **** of Nightmare Tooth, but that moment is the best time. Why do you ask?" Judy was suddenly shocked: "You want to..."

Suza nodded.

"You really... your brain is stupid?"

"When my life is critical, I really hope someone can help me."

"What's the benefit? And you know if she will avenge her, idiot!"

"Just for peace of mind... Do you want to do it?"

Judy stared at her for a while, then reluctantly nodded. "Okay, but it's okay, if I fail, I will withdraw directly, regardless of whether you live or die."

Suza poked her forehead with a smile.

"Alright, alright! Go! Nosy fool!"

The little mouse led the way, Suza sneaked into the basement with a special black blade dagger, waist-deep blood brought great resistance to her actions, but fortunately, Julie and the male slave in the sacrifice are just like Judy said. She was in a state of absence, no one noticed her.

Suzha walked up to the altar step by step, the male slave's body had begun to emit black smoke, and the black smoke was winding like a wolf smelling the fragrance to the little **** the large-character torture frame.

The dagger rested on the male slave's throat.

The black smoke was only an inch away from the little girl's snow-white skin.


The male slave's neck was cut off, and the black smoke disappeared screaming. Julie slumped softly on the ground, her eyelids trembling rapidly, and she was about to wake up.

Suza ran to the blonde girl as quickly as possible, cut the rope and hugged the girl.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

47 One of God's Wrath

A huge darkness fell suddenly!

Suza seemed to be in the purest moonless night. He couldn't see anything in front of him, and couldn't hear any sound in his ears. Then, even the sense of touch was deprived.

what happened?

Was discovered by Nightmare Tooth?

No, it’s not right. Before coming to Suza, Judy made up for the characteristics of the queen of spider gods. The Nightmare Tooth may be very good at tearing the human body. Such a large-scale dark curtain cannot be killed by it, but it is more like It's...the handwriting of the spider queen Rose.

"The String of Yan Guang".

There is a magical technique that causes a similar effect by this name.

But in any case, it is not the turn of the spider queen to take action in person, right? It's like grabbing a piece of candy from an ant, and the mayor came to Xingshi to ask the question... Isn't it weird?

As a magical technique of the spider queen, Yan Guangzhixian is often used to punish the person who angers the spider queen. Its terrible thing is not only to deprive the five senses, but the main thing is behind: countless sharp thin lines will appear in the dark scene, and any object will be twisted into it. Fragments.

Suzha concentrating on guarding oneself, aroused the only sober silver thread in his body, and concentrated on dealing with the coming net.

And just as she awakened the silver thread, she heard a "poof", and a small orange-red flame ignited in front of her eyes.

Hearing, sight, and touch returned to the girl’s soul at the same time. She saw the little girl open her eyes in her arms. The child’s clear big eyes were full of pious, childish voice and asked: "You... are Cassoron ? You heard my prayer?"

"I don't know if Cassoron heard your prayers, I'm Suza."

An orange-red flame ignited impressively on the girl's forehead, illuminating a small group of darkness around the two.

Following the route in his memory, Suza hugged the girl and walked back. She found that just a short while ago, the sea of ​​blood and the altar had all disappeared, and even the scum was not left.

Did Yan Guangzhixian's last spider web strangling begin or not? If it starts, why am I not injured at all? If it doesn't start... why are the blood pools and altars gone?

The blood pool is gone, but every step Suza takes is difficult. The darkness itself is extremely thick and heavy, and even makes Suza recall the feeling of being dragged into the deep sea by a giant octopus with Julian.

The flames on the girls' foreheads illuminated the darkness in front of them, and when they passed by, the heavy darkness closed behind them.

The girl asked: "Who are you?" The voice was very nice.


"Who is Suza? Is it also a god?"

"I am not a goddess."

"Then why do you hear my prayer?"

"I didn't hear your prayer."

"Then why did you come to save me?"

Every child is a hundred thousand why...

Suza replied: "I'm bored."


"If you talk any more, you will be thrown away."

The girl's silver-gray eyes fixedly stared at Suza for a while, stretched out her thin arms around the girl's neck, and buried her face in her arms.

Are you scared? Humph! ╭(╯^╰)╮

"You won't." The girl whispered in her ear.

Suza staggered and almost fell.

"Be careful! Are you hurt?" the girl asked worriedly.


Suza stumbled on something, she lowered her head and vaguely recognized that the soft thing seemed to be a cyan snake tail. Taking another step forward, the orange-red flames reflected the upper body of the beautiful snake. Julie's half-human and half-snake face looked a little scary, but it looked strangely beautiful after a closer look. She closed her eyes tightly, her face turned blue, and she completely lost consciousness, but she was still breathing, and Julie's snake body was entangled in the male slave, who was completely dead and could not die again.

Is this a success or a failure?

A hand stretched out from the darkness and placed it on Suza's hand.

"Judy?" Seeing the blue-gray zombie nails, Suza didn't have to think about who was here. "Why did you come in?"

"This is the string of Yan Guang from the queen of spiders." Judy walked forward again and entered the envelope of orange and red flames.

"Sure enough, it is Yan Guangzhixian? Then why don't you run, why come in? Are you looking for death?"

Judy rolled her eyes vigorously: "I just do my last duty to collect your body!"

"...You will die if you come in."

"Shut up! Otherwise, I'll really collect your corpse!"

"Hehehehe, just say you are worried about me?"

"Idiot! Who is worried about you!-go! Julie's beastization will definitely fail, and we must get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Judy, how did we get into the spider queen?"

"not us."


"It's not us who angered the Queen of Spiders—it's not you and me."

Why should it be emphasized that it is not the two of us? Suzha was a little puzzled, but she also sensitively sensed that the center of Yan Guangzhi's string was not in this basement, but in a place not too close but not too far away. There... there is the place where Mister Rasophie Thetia held the sacrifice!

"Judy, is it your mother?"


Yan Guangzhi's string covers a large area, not only covering most of the La Sophie Manor, but also some land outside the manor. After Suza and Judy left the dark curtain of Yan Guangzhixian, they found that they were the first people to come out of the dark curtain.

Or to be more precise, no one who is shrouded by Yan Guangzhi, whether it is a dark elf or a slave of another race, can get out of the dark by himself. The guards, servants and others in the La Sophie family who were lucky not to be within the envelope of Yan Guang's string were forming a circle from a distance, bowing down to the bowl-shaped dark curtain. Seeing Judy emerging from the dark curtain, everyone was stunned, and then swarmed over to ask this and that.

The red-haired girl steadily stood in the center of the crowd and gave orders, with careful thoughts and clear logic. Although she was in danger, she was very calm and unpredictable. It is hard to imagine that she is the useless eldest daughter of the La Sophie family who has been decadent and decadent for more than 30 years. .

"If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster." Suza stood by with emotion.

"Su...Zha?" the girl whispered.


"You, your mouse." The girl opened her palms that she had always closed, and inside lay a gray mouse, which was Judy's little gray.

"You put it away first, don't let others see it." Suza bit her ear at her.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded very well, the child's unique big eyes looked at Suza seriously, and she didn't want to leave for a moment. In the sun, Suza found that her golden eyes were slowly fading, turning into almost colorless silver.

"your eyes…"

"What's going on?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable with your eyes?"


Well, maybe they are a race whose eyes change color, there is no need to make a fuss, Suza thought.

"Su... Zha?"


"My name is Goliya. I, I like you!"


"Thank you for saving me!" The girl named Goliya left a soft kiss on Suzha's cheek, like a feather brushing a flower.

"Don't thank you, I was just bored after saying. Where is your home? I should send you back... Do you want to ask Nicholas..."

"Can I stay?"

"No, I'm not your mother."

Goliya looked at Suza with wet eyes, like a wounded deer.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't support you, and I don't know how long you have been away from home. Your parents are already worried to death."

"I will always remember you."


"I, I swear."


"From today, you are me, the daughter of Dennis Neumann, the descendant of Hilbert, the dragon of sunset, the seventh heir to the Red Dragon City, and the only true **** that Golia Neumann believes in in this life."

"...Stop it." Suza felt that his face must be full of "囧".

It was a few hours after Suza heard Yan Guangzhixian's explanation from Judy. She had just put Goliath to sleep when Judy walked in with a tired face.

"Everything is going well?" Suza asked.

Judy twitched the corner of her mouth, which was a smile.

"I really didn't see that you are so good, you hide it deeply." Even if you change to the boss of a big company, I am afraid you can't do better.

Judy was still pulling at the corners of her mouth, her eyes a little complicated.

"Yan Guangzhixian..."

"The string of Yan Guangzhi was not completed. It was interrupted. Presumably, the mother did something to dispel the anger of the spider queen. Otherwise, the complete string of Yan Guangzhi will not be able to stop you or me, even King White will not be able to stop it."

"White is great?"

"Of course, the dark elves are a matriarchal clan. Why do you think he is the ruler of the entire Dark Elf as a man in a society where women are respected? Even though he is only a nominal ruler most of the time."

That tyrannical person who only knew that the guy who tossed the heroine on the bed had such a powerful side?

"Is there no one out of the range covered by Yan Guangzhi's string?"

"No, the people inside are blocked with five senses, and the body has become an unconscious puppet and a prison for the soul. How could anyone still come out."

Suzha nodded his nose: "I'm out."

"You are an ally I personally selected, of course you need something special."

"You came out too." Suza relied on the flames on the forehead of the silver thread and Goliath, and what did Judy relied on to get rid of the five senses, and also accurately found Suza's position in the dark curtain?

"Of course I have something special, otherwise, how dare to form an alliance with you?"

Yes, the guy who is obviously on the opposite side of the gods should always have a way to fight against the magic.

The two girls each have their own little secrets, tacitly telling each other, no one will break the casserole and ask them to the end.

"The guards of the family are not enough, I have sent someone to buy slaves in the city..." Judy looked at the bowl-shaped dark curtain from the window, and said worriedly: "Yan Guangzhi didn't use the biggest killer move, but its area is gradually increasing. , Mother's..."

"Mother Rasophie needs to control the situation as soon as possible."

"Yeah, otherwise... La Sophie cannot withstand any family attack! Suza... Maybe it's time for you to go back to the small private house Nicholas bought for you. You are not a member of La Sophie, so there is no need to be with me. Stay here together and wait for the demise and final outcome of the family."

"It's okay, I'm not bored. I won't be too late to run when the situation is so critical." Suza casually sang a soft lullaby to the sleeping Golia.

48 Garan Kassapa

Neil was hiding in the shadows and staring at the girl singing for Goliath, with exploration and curiosity in his eyes. Neil followed the whole process of Julie's transformation of the beast, and the performance of Suzha surprised him again.

What he was surprised was not the girl's behavior or the girl's character, but the light on Goliath's forehead.

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