The beds in the tertiary hospitals have been in short supply. Xu Boyu's follow-up rehabilitation will take half a year, and he cannot live in the ward all the time to occupy resources. Just now I learned about the situation with the doctor in charge, and learned from the other party that he is going to be discharged from the hospital next week and go to a nursing home.

After all, he is old, his legs and feet are inconvenient, no matter how proud he is, he has to obey his old age.

In his memory, he always had a straight face, slightly frowning, and stood as high as the sky. The students followed behind him obediently, not daring to raise their heads.

In front of him, he is like the lion king in his twilight years, no longer the leader of the lion group, dying and old, walking slowly and heavy steps, walking towards the edge of the desert, waiting for death alone.

If he hadn't met Min Yue, Xu Mai felt that forty or fifty years later, he would walk on the same path as him. But later, Min Yue gave her warmth and taught her to express love to those she cared about.

Her heart is no longer desolate, so she can't bear Xu Boyu living alone in the barren world. So she sent out an invitation, come with me, and go back to S City together.

Xu Boyu was slightly stunned, and a layer of water appeared in his slightly cloudy eyes. He closed his eyes, put his hands on top of Xu Mai's head, and said: "Okay."

The fragmented home finally ushered in a reunion in another city.

Xu Mai's car and ambulance drove into the First Affiliated Hospital of F University together. The news of Xu Boyu's hospitalization quickly spread throughout the hospital. The Dean and Director Zheng went to visit one after another. It goes without saying.

Within a week, even the people in the outer courtyard heard the rumors that Jiang Hui and Min Guangyang came to visit their patients and meet their in-laws by the way.

Min Guangyang was extremely happy. During the whole visit, he dragged the old man to talk about various things, and chatted happily about the difficult and miscellaneous diseases encountered in practice for many years.

After leaving, he was still in the excitement of meeting his opponent at chess and meeting his bosom friend in the mountains and rivers. While driving, he said to himself: "What a coincidence, Professor Xu turned out to be Xu Mai's grandfather, oh, it's so great, to be married to him, Great, great."

He lamented that it wasn't enough, and hoped that the people around him would agree with him. Min Guangyang turned his head and looked to the side: "You know Xu Mai's family situation, so there is nothing to worry about now, right?"

Jiang Hui folded her arms and looked ahead: "I don't know what to say about you. I'm just talking about your surgery. You don't care about such a big change in their family? You don't even say hello, really."

The night before, Min Yue told them about going to N City, and also told about the causes of Xu Mai's parents and grandma's death, and the reason why Xu Mai and Xu Boyu have been separated for many years.

Jiang Hui was really distressed. Her grandfather was too stubborn and stubborn, and he didn't know how to express himself. And Xu Mai is sensitive, thinking that being pushed away means being rejected. Although the misunderstanding has been resolved now, the thought of "I am a sinner" is still deeply rooted.

Until leaving N City, Xu Mai still did not go to worship her mother.

Xu Boyu's character, he has a lot in his heart, and he may not even say a bit. Jiang Hui didn't think he could completely resolve Xu Mai's knot. After all, a woman's mind is more delicate than a hair. If they don't understand it, they can't solve it.

Min Guangyang touched his earlobe, not quite understanding why he was scolded all of a sudden, so he drove honestly and didn't dare to speak anymore.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hui took out her phone and started editing text.

When people get along with each other face to face, they will unconsciously put on a mask and not release their true self. This is an instinctive self-protection. Through the Internet, the other party couldn't see his expression, so he dared to release that fragile self for a while, take off the disguise, and take a breath.

Jiang Hui carefully considered every word, deleted, deleted, and revised it until the evening. She wrote a long paragraph, but deleted it before sending it out, leaving only a few short sentences.

Xu Mai didn't bother to change clothes after work, and went directly to the orthopedic ward. When passing the nurse's desk, the pretty girls greeted her with smiles: "Director Xu is here."

Xu Mai nodded in greeting: "Yes."

The orthopedic nurses have always been familiar with good-looking people, and they dare to joke with each other after seeing them twice. Recently, Xu pulse came frequently, and in their eyes, they were as close as their own doctors. Moreover, she also has a well-matched girlfriend, and the relationship between the two has always attracted much attention, ranking among the top three in the hospital's gossip list.

It is rare to have the opportunity to eat melons at close range. Everyone knows how to seize the opportunity and take the initiative to find candy for themselves, adding: "Dr. Min is also here."

Sure enough, Xu Mai's indifferent expression changed, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and he smiled at them.

With her hands in the pockets of her white coat, her figure was tall and straight, with a straight line from her earlobes to her shoulders to her back.

The white coat is as clean as snow, and the eyes are as clear as spring water. He walks slowly from a distance like a crane.

The nurses held their faces in their hands, their eyes glued to her body, and they turned their necks as she walked, with their mouths slightly open, looking at her intoxicated. It wasn't until Xu Mai passed by them and walked into the corridor that he looked at her back and became nympho: "Director Xu is so pretty..."

The head nurse is already a mother of two children. She is self-cultivating, calm and stable, and knocks on their heads to remind them: "Don't look, there is someone who is famous!"

The young nurses remained unmoved and kept staring: "A flower with an owner is also a famous flower. Why don't we feast our eyes on it?"

"I really envy Dr. Min, they have met the elders of both sides, so is it still far from getting married?"

"Ah... I also want to marry someone like Director Xu."

"Wake up, first of all you have to be as smart, lively and cute as Dr. Min."

When he walked to the door of the ward, the phone in his pocket vibrated, Xu Mai took it out, opened WeChat, it was Jiang Hui's message.

【Whether to give birth or not to give birth is the mother's decision, and the starting point for her choice is all out of love for the child. Children don't have to have psychological pressure on this, just respect her choice and live happily, because mother wants you to be happy more than anyone else. 】

Xu Mai squeezed the phone, looked up and looked inside.

Beside the window, Xu Boyu was sitting in a wheelchair, and Min Yue was squatting beside him. He had a sketchbook on his lap, holding a pencil, and sketched. From a distance, the details cannot be seen clearly, only the outline of the heart can be seen.

The window panes were half opened for ventilation, and the light blue curtains fluttered gently in the summer evening breeze. The sun was setting, and the orange glow shone on their shoulders. Xu Mai stood outside the door, watching the scene quietly.

The girl turned her head suddenly, bent her eyes, and smiled sweetly at her. The old man with white temples turned his head and saw that it was her, his resolute eyes softened and he smiled.

If happiness has a shape, it must be similar to the painting in front of you.

Xu Mai held the doorknob and slowly pushed it open. The old man held up his sketchbook and said with a smile, "Off work? I was telling Min Yue about the aortic conversion operation that you will perform in a few days."

Xu Mai nodded slightly: "Well, I just got off work."

Happiness is just inside the door, within reach, waiting for you to walk towards it.

Min Yue waved and winked at her: "Master, my legs are numb, come and give me a hand."

"Okay." Xu Mai stepped forward, walked into the golden glow of the setting sun, held his lover's hand, and pulled her up. Min Yue's calf was weak, and he staggered a few steps and fell into her arms. Xu Boyu saw it and laughed out loud.

The same-sex marriage bill followed in the footsteps of Li Qiu, and Chen Sitian, on behalf of the gossip crowd in the hospital, issued the highest instruction to Min Yue: "I order you to get married immediately!"

Min Yue was concentrating on writing the medical records without raising her head: "What are you doing?"

Chen Sitian snatched her pen, clasped his hands together, and begged, "You get the certificate from Master Mo first, post a Weibo, and I'll forward it to stimulate my queen, maybe she will agree to my marriage proposal!"

Min Yue glanced at her: "Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you use your friend like this?"

Chen Sitian covered his chest and acted: "If I can't marry Queen Shen, I will probably die of heartache."

"Angina pectoris before the age of forty, Sister Tian, ​​I'm afraid you are prematurely aging, how is your hair volume?" While teasing her, she tapped on her phone, got up, and was about to call her family members over for a pre-operative talk.

Min Yue walked out without looking back, raised her phone, and left behind a back view that concealed her achievements and fame: "You're welcome."

Chen Sitian was stunned, opened Weibo, refreshed, "It's Xiao Mingyue" posted a new message a minute ago—

【Become a wife, err…@DR.XU】

The accompanying picture is a coded marriage certificate. The photo is firmly blocked by the fat pancake face. The second character of the certificate holder has been blurred out. Only the last name can be seen. One is "Xu" and the other is "Xu". One is "Min". The registration date is August 17, the day of Qixi Festival last week.

Chen Sitian reacted for a few seconds, he was enlightened, and shouted out, ran a few steps, opened the door of the duty room, and shouted at the person at the other end of the corridor: "You have already obtained a certificate from Master Mo?!"

The family members of the patients in each ward poked their heads out, and the young ladies at the nurse's desk were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear. The doctor who made the rounds pulled off the stethoscope, thinking that he was an auditory hallucination, and looked over for proof.

Min Yue stood facing them, twisting her cuffs with her hands, her big eyes flickering, and the corners of her mouth shyly pursed.

After Xu Mai underwent the operation, he walked out through the fire door leading to the operation building, walked behind Min Yue, stood side by side with her, held her hand, and answered instead of her: "Yes, we are married."

The audience was silent for a few seconds, and then screams and cheers erupted with joy. The family members gathered around to congratulate: "Director Xu, Dr. Min, congratulations! We will be united forever and grow old together!"

Nurses shouted in the distance: "We're going to have a wedding! When's the wedding?"

Deng Sang smiled and bumped the person next to him with his elbow: "I'm right, the next couple to get married is indeed Master Mo and Xiao Mingyue."

After reposting Weibo, Chen Sitian put away his phone and put his hands on his hips confidently: "The next couple will definitely be me and the queen!"

In order to stagger with the wedding party during the National Day, Xu Mai scheduled the wedding on the first weekend after November. According to Min Yue's aesthetic orientation, the wedding scene was decorated very romantically, satisfying all fantasies in a girl's dream.

In the sea of ​​pink flowers lay a flower road sprinkled with champagne roses. At both ends of the road, Xu Boyu dressed up like an aristocrat, leaning on crutches, leading Xu Mai to the stage; Min Yue showed up.

Their eyes met, separated by the dreamy flower rain, they read the same tenderness and affection in each other's eyes.

They took center stage in matching wedding dresses and rhinestone shoes. Snow-white lace veils flew from a distance, as light as goose feathers, and fell on them one by one.

Xu Mai turned her head and kissed her bride.

Happiness may go slowly and come late, but don't worry, she is there and will meet you eventually.

【End of text】

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