The Sweetest Thing In the World

Chapter 103: Extra one

In the second year after their marriage, under the pressure of Jiang Hui to give birth, Xu Mai and Min Yue finally put the big event of having a baby on the agenda. Several family meetings were held, very grand, with a large lineup of participants, except for the two parties, Min Yue's parents, Xu Boyu, and Min Yue's grandmother, an obstetrician and gynecologist who has retired for many years but has not lost her professional skills.

Who was born, how was it born, who is responsible for bringing it after birth, which brand of milk powder to eat, which manufacturer to give vaccines, at what age does preschool education start, where to queue up for kindergarten registration, which primary school to attend, what is the average price of housing in the school district, and what to learn in the future What kind of talent... and so on and so on, and so on, all the details, Min Yue's eyes are full of stars.

Xu Mai showed consistent patience and professionalism, listened carefully, and took notes. After the meeting, he pondered for a while, collected a large amount of materials on the Internet, printed them out, and sent a copy to each person at the next meeting.

While comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each, everyone expressed their opinions, and finally reached an agreement after the sixth round of meeting. Xu Mai's age belongs to the advanced maternal age, a bit risky, and very busy with work, even if she wants to give birth, it is best to go abroad to find a surrogate. Min Yue is young, has good physical fitness, and has not yet been promoted to attending physician. The time is relatively loose, so it is decided that she will give birth to a baby and come out to play.

Min Yue couldn't get in the middle of the conversation, and finally heard Jiang Hui say this, the corner of her mouth twitched, and suddenly felt in their hearts that she was not a great mother, but a toy manufacturer.

From the physical examination to artificial insemination, plus going through various procedures, it took a total of three months. From the beginning to the end, Min Yue had no sense of reality. Since the one-time success rate is about 15%, the whole family was mentally prepared for a long battle, so she didn't take it seriously, went to work and went to the operating room as usual, until two weeks later, Xu Mai realized that she was incapacitated. too right.

Two days ago, there was an emergency patient who needed to be rescued. After the operation in the early morning, she looked very tired. She didn't go home and slept directly in the lounge. Afterwards, she became sluggish, as if she couldn't wake up. For example, now, when she was sitting and writing a case, she fell asleep holding the pen.

Xu Mai patted her arm lightly, waking her up: "Min Yue."

Min Yue jerked violently, straightened her hunched body, raised her eyelids with difficulty, and responded dimly: "Master, what's wrong?"

The tutoring phase was over, so Min Yue no longer had to follow Xu Mai, and moved to sit at the table next door to Chen Sitian and Deng Sang, but she got used to calling "Master", so she didn't change her words.

"You fell asleep." Xu Mai said.

"Ah..." Min Yue put down the pen, rubbed her face, tried to get rid of the drowsiness, stood up again and did chest expansion exercises, and said weakly: "I feel so tired after not doing anything recently, am I getting old? "

Xu Mai observed her and felt that something was wrong. It stands to reason that she was so tired and her complexion should be dull, but her skin was translucent and shiny, her pupils were watery, and her whole body seemed to be enveloped by a layer of gentle warm light, which was more intense than usual. Beautiful and moving, but also reveals an indescribable charm.

Like...the radiance of motherhood.

Xu Mai's heart skipped a beat, he passed by a pharmacy near the hospital after get off work, and went to buy a few boxes of pregnancy test sticks. When Min Yue got home, she didn't want to eat, so she lay down on the sofa and fell asleep again in less than half a minute.

After being sterilized, Fatty gained weight again, jumped onto the sofa awkwardly, sniffed at her, then suddenly stretched his neck, and meowed several times in a row.

Xu Mai squatted down and touched its big head. Animals have a keen sense of smell, and can even distinguish between cancer patients and healthy people's urine samples by smell. Fatty's abnormal reaction deepened Xu Mai's guess.

Early the next morning, Min Yue's alarm clock rang, Xu Mai stretched his arms over her, grabbed the cell phone next to the bed, pressed it off, and then called her to get up.

Min Yue got up in a daze, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, stepped into the slippers, and suddenly something was stuffed into the palm of her hand. Min Yue was startled, and looked down, it was a pregnancy test stick.

"Go and test it." Xu Mai said.

Min Yue rubbed her eyes and yawned: "Master, you are so impatient, how can you be so fast."

When she walked into the bathroom with sloppy steps, Xu Mai also got up, changed her clothes, and took Min Yue's underwear out of the closet and put them beside the bed so that she could wear them later.

The bathroom door was suddenly pulled open, and the metal doorknob hit the tiled wall with a loud sound. Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a string of slippers hitting the floor, and there was a sense of impatience in the mess.

Xu Mai was keenly aware of the abnormality, his heart tightened, and he turned around abruptly.

Min Yue rushed into the bedroom holding the pregnancy test stick, blushing with anxiety: "Master! Wired! Wired!"

Xu Mai went up to meet her, held her trembling hand, and took a closer look. There were indeed two lines, but the horizontal line at T in the test area was lighter in color, not as red as the control line.

This means that there is a possibility of pregnancy, but it is not 100% sure, but the possibility is exciting enough.

Min Yue was impatient, and was about to call Jiang Hui immediately, but was stopped by Xu Mai: "Let's draw blood to make sure, so as not to let them rejoice in vain."

Min Yue thought for a while, suppressed her beating heart, and nodded.

Taking advantage of not being busy in the morning, Min Yue asked for leave for a while, got an ordinary account for outpatient gynecology, and issued a laboratory test order. An hour later, I got the result. After looking at the values ​​of HCG and progesterone, my heart beat soared and my blood pressure soared. Min Yue took pictures of the test results with trembling hands and sent them to the family group of five: 【I'm pregnant! ! 】

Jiang Hui has retired, she has nothing to do at home, holding her mobile phone every day, and has become a middle-aged and elderly person addicted to the Internet. Almost instantly, Min Yue received a call from her: "Yue Yue, you are so upbeat, you got pregnant right away! I'm going to be a grandmother! Hahahaha!"

Min Yue took the phone a little further away and rubbed her sore ears. Other children were praised because they were obedient and sensible, but she was different. The first time she was praised at such an age was because she was easy to conceive.

Xu Mai only had surgery at noon, and as soon as he came out of the isolation door, he saw Min Yue standing outside the door with a smile on his face.

Without asking, Xu Mai understood just by meeting his eyes. He strode forward and pulled Min Yue into his arms. The latter leaned tenderly on her shoulder and said in a dream, "Master, we are going to be mothers."

During the routine examination at the 12th week of pregnancy, I heard fetal heart sounds with Doppler for the first time. The ticking sound was much faster than the adult heartbeat, and it cheerfully and actively indicated the existence of life.

Until here, Min Yue finally had a real sense of having a little life in her stomach.

After the ultrasound examination, Xu Mai carefully wiped the gel on her belly, halfway through it, paused, and put his palm on it.

She has been in cardiac surgery for nine years, and has dealt with the heart every day. She has heard countless heartbeats, touched thousands of hearts, and experienced hundreds of dangerous operations. The shock was great.

Like a pool of spring water gushing out of the boundless desert, a small flower blooming in the vast ice field.

In the barren and cold life, Min Yue's appearance brought vitality and hope full of spring, and now, she gave herself the most precious fruit of autumn.

Xu Mai leaned over and kissed Min Yue's slightly swollen belly softly and passionately.

Thank you for coming into my life.

Since there were other people present, Min Yue covered her face in embarrassment, and the doctor in the imaging department turned her back considerately, pursed her lips and snickered, thinking to herself, Director Xu is not as scary as the rumors say, he is clearly gentle and affectionate, so A good lover can't be found with a lantern.

I don't know whether Min Yue's physique is too good or the fetus is too good. Except for the early morning sickness, Min Yue didn't suffer too much. At 28 weeks pregnant, she was able to go to the operating table with her sleeves rolled up.

It's just that her legs and feet were very swollen. Every time she finished a surgery, Xu Mai would help her soak her feet in hot water, then sit on the side of the bed in the rest room, pull her calf into her arms, and massage her carefully.

Chen Sitian and Deng Sang are also married people. Unlike Hu Yidao's single dog mentality, they are not abused when they watch their wives and wives show their affection up close.

Chen Sitian sat at the end of his bed peeling apples, looked up from time to time, and said with a smile: "In the same bed, Master Mo was lying on his bed two years ago, and his legs were rubbed by Xiao Mingyue. My eyes have witnessed the changes of history."

After peeling the apples, I checked Weibo while gnawing on the apples. I happened to see an emotional blogger I followed sent a fan asking for help: [A friend of mine looks average, but her husband treats her very well. He undertakes all the housework and insists on picking her up from get off work every day. , All wages are handed in, and I will definitely buy gifts to bring back when I am on a business trip. So here comes the question, I am many times more beautiful than her, why can't I find a good man with twenty-four filial piety? 】

The comments are full of smog. Some people say that your friend must be very rich; others may say that the man gambles, gambles, prostitutes, and raises a mistress, and treats his wife well out of guilt.

Chen Sitian flipped through each item, and found that the answers with the highest likes were these kind of witty answers, or he secretly guessed that others were not doing well.

The keyboard man has a lot of critics, and the more he watched, the more speechless he became. Chen Sitian decided to save the three views of netizens and send a little pure warmth to their dark hearts.

"String your heart and my heart together" commented and forwarded that Weibo: [I admit that in this era, material things have a great influence on love, but what can be exchanged for sincerity is always another heart. 】

Chen Sitian raised his eyes to look at the opposite side, and commented under his Weibo: [I have two friends, they dote on each other, and they don't care who gives more. Because they are sincere to each other, while loving, they are also 100% loved. This is what love looks like at its best. 】

As the due date approached, Min Yue gradually reduced her workload and stopped going to the operating room. However, the symptoms of edema did not ease, and she occasionally felt dizzy. At first she didn't take it seriously and didn't tell anyone. It wasn't until one day that she almost stepped on the stairs and fell down that she realized something was wrong.

After the examination, it was diagnosed as gestational hypertension, which had developed to moderate. Min Yue's grandma was so angry that she dropped her crutches, saying that the whole family was all doctors, why no one cared, and took her blood pressure.

Hypertension is a common disease, which does not sound serious, but pregnancy-induced hypertension is different. The fetal mortality rate in utero is more than 20%, and it is even as high as 75% in severe cases. It is also the second leading cause of maternal death.

Min Yue's pregnancy-induced hypertension is already moderate. If it continues to worsen and develops into preeclampsia or even eclampsia, the pregnancy must be terminated.

Min Yue stopped all work and was hospitalized on maternity leave. The effect of antihypertensive treatment was obvious, and Min Yue's blood pressure dropped steadily, but Xu Mai and Xu Boyu still frowned. One day, taking advantage of Jiang Hui and Min Guangyang were also present, they frankly thought: "We have thought about it for a long time, and we think it is better to terminate the pregnancy. .”

Min Yue let go of her hand, and the half-eaten big apple plopped away. The Min family was also very surprised: "Yueyue's blood pressure is under control, there is no need to terminate the pregnancy, and there are only 7 weeks left to full term..."

Just thinking about it made Jiang Hui feel distressed, her eyes turned hot, she turned her face away, and said with a sob: "I can't bear it."

Both Min Yue and the fetus are in a stable condition, and they are ready to hold their grandson, but they suddenly say that they want to induce labor. Who can accept it?

Xu Boyu sat in a chair by the wall, put his hands on the crutches, and said deeply: "I understand your feelings, I also look forward to the birth of the child, but the first thing to consider is whether Min Yue is in danger."

After these words were finished, the ward fell silent. The Min family's parents wanted to go back and think about it, and Xu Boyu also went back to the nursing home. They were not present, and some things could be said frankly, so Min Yue took Xu Mai's hand and looked up at her: "Master, are you worried that I will be like your mother?"

At that time, Xu Boyu believed that the condition was controllable, so he didn't let Xu Mai's mother terminate the pregnancy, but no one expected that the condition would deteriorate so quickly.

Min Yue understands that Xu Mai and Xu Boyu have not walked out of the shadow of the family ruin, and they still have deep self-blame in their hearts. It is precisely because of the lessons learned from the past that they are so cautious on similar issues.

There are often scenes like "keep the big or keep the young" in TV dramas. As a medical staff, Min Yue scoffs at this. The life safety of pregnant women and mothers is always the first priority. When the pregnancy will endanger the life of the pregnant woman, the fetus is not a natural person in the legal sense, and it will be abandoned.

From a professional point of view, obstetricians will advise pregnant women with PIH to terminate their pregnancy, but pregnant women and their families can choose to accept or refuse. In today's family meeting, Xu Mai and Xu Boyu were on the side of accepting, while Min Guangyang and Jiang Hui tended to refuse, two to two, a draw.

Of course, both doctors and relatives and friends can only give suggestions, and the final decision is the pregnant woman herself who has absolute sovereignty over her own health. So Min Yue's vote is very important.

But in fact, Min Yue never thought about what choice to make. She has always been very clear about what she wants and where the bottom line is—she wants Xu Mai to let go of her knots and never allow anything to happen to her.

Xu Mai's fingertips were slightly cold, as if ice and snow had melted into his blood. Min Yue took her hand, pulled it closer, and covered her high belly. "People can't live in the fear they imagined all the time, Master, let me break your demons, okay?"

When regretting, people always think over and over again, what will happen if they do it all over again. Time will not turn back, and there is no chance to do it again, so people will be trapped in the dead end of thinking and cannot get out.

But now, she has a chance, she wants to build a ladder for Xu Mai. She wanted to prove to them that if it happened again, Xu Mai's mother might not die, and Xu Mai would still be born safely. Her death was not anyone's fault, it was just an accident.

Xu Mai knew that she wanted to help him, but he was even more worried about her safety: "But what if you..."

"If it's really more serious, I will terminate the pregnancy." Min Yue interrupted her, her tone was firmer than ever, and smiled softly: "I won't put myself in danger, it's agreed, for the rest of my life, We’re all by each other’s side.”

The baby is impatient, screaming to come out before the due date. Min Yue chose a day for caesarean section, and an hour after entering the operating room, the nurse came out pushing the hospital bed and congratulated them with a smile.

Min Yue was lying flat, with the baby wrapped in a small quilt resting in his arms, his skin was wrinkled and furry, he looked like a bald monkey.

The whole family rushed to meet them and surrounded the hospital bed. Min Yue weakly raised his hand, and Xu Mai held it and held it tightly in his palm. The whole family's attention was focused on Min Yue's face, observing her state, seeing her frown, thinking that she was not feeling well, so they anxiously asked her health.

Min Yue didn't answer, she pursed her mouth unhappily, and only said quietly after returning to the ward: "He's so ugly, he doesn't look like me at all!"

Jiang Hui breathed a sigh of relief, looked at her grandson a few times, and explained: "Newborns are like this, and they look good when they grow up. Are you tired? Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Min Yue shook her head, as if thinking of something important, her eyes lit up, she looked at Xu Mai: "Master..."

Xu Mai leaned down, put his ear to her lips, and heard her say: "Happy birthday, Master."

Xu Mai was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that today is also her own birthday.

"Every anniversary of death in the future, let's take the baby and go back together, okay?" Min Yue took her hand and asked her to touch the sleeping baby.

The baby's head was not as big as Xu Mai's palm, and when he touched his nose with his fingertips, it was iced. He wrinkled his sparse eyebrows, and suddenly opened his mouth like a water scoop, crying loudly.

Min Yue lowered his head and kissed his ugly forehead like a peanut shell. He fluttered his nose aggrievedly, his big purple grape-like eyes hid tears, and turned around to look at Min Yue above. Looking in Xu Mai's direction again, he gradually stopped crying.

The newborn's eyesight is not well developed, and he can't see distant objects clearly, but at this moment Xu Mai feels that his soft sight is like a beam of light, shining into the bottom of his heart.

Looking at him in his infancy, Xu Mai suddenly understood that the love of parents for their children is wider than the sea and softer than clouds. Even if everyone in the world thinks her birth killed her mother, her blood-linked parents don't, never will.

It was an accident, and it was too late to dodge, but it would not affect their love for her in the slightest.

Xu Mai closed his eyes silently, and covered Min Yue's left hand in front of his eyes. Min Yue looked at her quietly, feeling the damp heat in her palms, and after a long time, she heard a response: "Okay, let's go back together."

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