The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 194: 3rd dead

I ’m a Sword Fairy in Tokyo Chapter 194 The third deceased [1500 monthly ticket plus more] Audiobooks Listen online

Halfway, Kimura and Shuki released Chun Yang's hand. He stood up and said, "You don't have to practice anymore in these seven days. Take a good rest and recuperate. You can participate in the game.

He didn't say much information, but Chunyang nodded happily. She just had aching hands, and by this time she was much better. Thinking, she supported the bed with both hands and sat up. Xia Wei's three were stunned. Just let Chunyang move, the other side was alive and alive. I didn't expect to be able to sit up now.

Qiu Nai's eyes rolled slowly. She pulled Kimura and Shu's clothes and said, "Senior, what method did you just use to make Chunyang feel better?"

Taking a glance at Qiu Nai, Kimura and Shuji said lightly, "The power of friendship."


The three Xia Wei could not help laughing.

Although Chunyang was also smiling, her eyes were disappointed. In the mind of the senior, is he really just a friend? It seems that he still needs to work hard.

After that, Kimura and Shuki bid farewell to the sisters of Guqiao. He saw curiosity from Chunyang's eyes, but he didn't say much about things about evil spirits. When Chun Yang's strength arrives, if the other party still wants to know, he doesn't mind popularizing the other party.

As soon as Kimura and Shuki left the door, they saw Ito knocking on the door.

"Is there a problem"

Ito raised his mobile phone, and he whispered, "It's dead again, just now the Dazhu police department sent me information. Should we go to the Liming District to see?"

Kimura and Shuki were surprised, but did not expect that Otake Liang also notified Ito. But he didn't say much, nodded slightly.

Half an hour later, when the two came to Liming District, they soon came to Weiming District. As soon as they reached the ninth floor of the eighth building, the two of them saw the Dazhu police station standing outside the door, and seven men with ugly faces standing outside. The seven looked at each other from time to time, with inexplicable emotions inside.

Ito almost laughed when he saw the seven men. When I saw someone, I couldn't help but look right, and then looked at these people with pitying eyes. They were all spare tires. I didn't know who was the genuine boyfriend. It seems that Anyuan Yuanli has taken these seven as spare wheels.

Otake Ryomi saw Kimura and the tree come over, relieved. He put the hope of solving the case on Kimura and the tree, and now seeing each other over, as if to find the backbone.

No way, these two cases are too puzzling. He also found two famous detectives, but the two detectives found no clues in San Shangqin's home, so he was desperate for the detectives. I can hope Kimura and Shu can help oneself.

As for Ito Sei, he thought the other party was Kimura and Shuki's friends, so he notified them.

"I'll go and see."

"Okay." This time, Otake didn't let other police officers follow, but he followed.

When Kimura and Shu entered the house, they shook their noses slightly, frowned slightly, and there was no strange smell. Neither the home of Mikami Koto nor the home of Anyuan Lizi now has the unique flavor of evil spirits. Is it really the evil spirit who thinks about the realm here? Kimura and the tree are a little tricky.

Ito next to him was gossip. He asked the Dazhu police department, "Is that just the seven people who are Miss An An's boyfriend?"

"The deceased's name is Anyuan chestnut." Otake Liang emphasized it again, then nodded, "Yes, it's all Miss Anhara's boyfriend." He glanced at Ito, thinking of something, couldn't help teasing, "Relax, They are spare wheels like you, and you are equal. "

Ito's face turned black, but he was still curious, "This Miss Anhara has made seven boyfriends, and none have been exposed."

"No. Although this lady Anyuan is a white-collar worker, she will make time for a date every night, about one day a day. The two people who meet her on weekends and weekends are the two handsomest of the seven."

Ito Shige just wanted to say why these people are so stupid, this can't be found. However, he thought that he didn't seem to find another boyfriend of San Shangqin at the beginning, so he couldn't help but hold back the problem.

While walking in front of the wooden village and trees, he quickly came to the bedroom and looked at the outline of the human figure drawn by the white lines on the ground.

Was cut again.

"Are there any photos?" He asked Otake.

"Yes." Dazhuliang was ready, and ordered the next police officer to take the picture.

Soon after Kimura and Shuki took the photo, they saw a woman in the photo with a distorted face and eyes full of fear, as if she saw something terrifying. Although his face is distorted, it can be seen that the appearance of this Anyuan chestnut should be quite pretty.

Regardless of whether it is Mikami Koto or Anhara chestnut, they are all beautiful women.

The two deceased, both with beautiful faces, were beheaded.

Thinking, Kimura and Tree have a headache, and I regret it a bit. Why did n’t I learn a little more in previous life ~ ~ Otherwise, I do n’t need to use my brain at all, but I can use some special techniques directly to remove evil spirits. Find it, even if you are hiding in the Internet, don't even try to escape his palm. Now he still has to wait for the notice from the water purifying spirit to find the body of the evil spirit.

If the body of the evil spirit is destroyed, I am afraid that there is nothing to do even for the water purification spirit.

Otake Yura sees Kimura and Tree frowning, and when he just asks, he feels the cellphone in his pocket shakes. He takes out the cellphone and connects to the side.

But within a few seconds, his face became ugly, "What is dead again"

Although far away, Kimura and Shu's hearing were sensitive, and he looked at the Dazhu Police Department. At this moment, Dazhuliang also came over, looking at the iron road, "Anning District, another person died. He was also killed at home and killed at home."

"Go and see."

Soon, Dazhuliang took Kimura and Shushu and Yidong Shi to the police car and drove to Anning District. On the way, Dazhuliang also gradually received new news, and also told Kimura and Shuki about this information.

The deceased person was Gao Liuli, who was also a woman, twenty-six years old, and a sales lady. Gao Liuli's death photos were still received by her boyfriends. Gao Liuli had three boyfriends at the same time, also a scumbag.

Ito looked weird. "All the dead are scum girls." He just realized that something was wrong.

"Perhaps the murderer is a real feminist. I think men and women must be equal." Otake told a cold joke.

Soon, the three came to the scene of the crime.

As soon as Kimura and Shu entered the room, they smelled a strong **** smell and an inexplicable smell inside the **** smell.

This breath is very light.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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