The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 195: This bait, let me be!

I am the bait of Sword Fairy Chapter 195 in Tokyo. I am here! Listen to audio novels online

Generally speaking, the stronger the evil spirit, the weaker the breath. When you reach the mortal realm, after the mortal fetus has faded away, life evolves once, unless you take the initiative, there will be no odor.

So when Kimura and the tree stepped into the room, they felt this inexplicable breath, and they felt a joy. It seems that this evil spirit is not ridiculous. As long as it is not ridiculous, now he can freely rid the monks and evil spirits below. Of course, if there are special means of monks or evil spirits, we must consider the long-term.

Eliminating the unexpected factors, in this age of last law, he can be regarded as the strongest monk under the metamorphosis. And if there is not a transcendent monk or demon in this world, then he is the strongest person on the whole earth.

Of course, if you encounter large weapons, you still can't run away. As for the pistol weapon, although it still cannot be resisted, he has a strong consciousness and is even more sensitive to dangerous smell. As long as someone holds a gun at him, he can detect the danger and dodge in time before firing.

Although he smelled the breath, what puzzled Kimura and Shuji was that this breath was quickly dissipating, which made him hesitant.

It should be known that after a large number of statistics, although the breath of the evil spirits will pass over time, the breath will become weaker and weaker. But if the evil spirit's breath should be completely dissipated in one place, this time is basically more than three days. And if the evil spirit stays in one place for a long time, it will also form an aura pollution zone. Such a polluted area must be eliminated by special means. If the polluted area dissipates itself, it will take a long time.

So Kimura and the tree were very puzzled. The evil spirit's rapid dissipation made him feel a little bit wrong. Thinking, he looked at the Dazhu police department and asked, "How long has Gao Liuli died?"

Otake didn't speak, he looked to the forensic doctor who reported to him. The forensic doctor glanced at Kimura and Shushu, and when he saw Otake signaling to him, he truthfully accused him, "We rushed over when we received the alarm call the first time, and Gao Liuli died two hours ago."

The ghost's breath dissipated too quickly for two hours. Even if the evil spirits are dying fast, the breath does not dissipate as fast.

With this problem in mind, Kimura and the tree came to the living room, and at first glance they saw Gao Liuli lying on the ground.

Unlike the previous photos, Gao Liuli's body was still lying on the ground, his eyes widened, and the fear in his eyes was fixed at the last moment of his life, as if he saw something terrifying and he wouldn't stare. He looked back slightly, and Gao Liuli's body was cut off, like Sanshangqin and Anyuan chestnuts.

The messy parts were scattered on the ground. Some newcomers saw this scene, and their faces were extremely pale. In addition to being frightened, the chance was that the corpse's miserable appearance caused physical discomfort. It ’s even worse for Ito, who is next to Kimura and the tree. He followed to the living room, took a look, and immediately grabbed a bag from other police officers. He waved to Kimura and the tree, his expression was horrified, his face paled to signal that he was going out first

It was the first time that Ito faced the body, and the intense **** smell and horror of the body made him extremely uncomfortable.

Kimura and the tree came to the corpse, and no action had been taken. Dazhuliang followed, and like everyone else, his mood was a little uncomfortable. But anyway, it was the Deputy Police Department, so he was quite calm. When Kimura and Shu observe the corpse, he quickly said, "If the corpse is to be turned, remember to wear gloves." After that, he looked at Gao Liuli's corpse, which was quite tricky.

It should be noted that since the installation of the Skynet system in Japan, law and order have been very good, and homicides have rarely occurred. Like detective animation, scenes of death every day are basically impossible, after all, just art processing.

"I'll take a look." Kimura and Shu finished speaking, feeling that the odor completely disappeared, and he frowned slightly.

At this time, Da Zhuliang's phone vibrated. Looking at the phone call, Dazhuliang really didn't want to answer this time. Now every time he answers the phone, bad news comes. But he finally answered the call.

"Hey, who."

After half a ring, Dazhuliang hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Kimura and the tree next to him looked at each other in doubt, did someone die again?

Otake Liang understood the meaning of Kimura and Shuki. He said in an awkward tone, "There is no fourth deceased but I just received news that the murderer had already started committing the crime before Misangin, Yasuhara, and Now, besides Gao Liuli, three women have died before that, six months ago, three months ago, and one month ago. It is exactly the same as the case in the last two days. The deceased were all scum women, and the killers all took The photo was sent to the deceased's boyfriend's phone. "

Speaking, instead of waiting for Kimura and Shu, Otake continued, with a distressed tone, "I have already secured the case like the police station ~ ~ so I want to solve the case within a week, so I have a mind. I investigated the previous case and wanted to see if there were any similarities.

"Why guarantee one week." Kimura and Shu are puzzled. Now the case is suspenseful, and it is reckless to vouch for the ticket at this time.

"My father is retiring from the police station. I have to hurry up, and this case is my only way out."

After listening to Kimura and the tree, his face became clear. Then he didn't ask about it, but groaned for a moment and said, "Why did the former killer kill each other so long, but now he kills three people in two or three days?"

According to the information, the killer killed three people six months ago, three months ago, and one month ago. The day after San Shangqin's death, they soon died.

"Perhaps the murderer was not used to killing, but now he is familiar and experienced, so it is easy to kill." As a police officer, Otake was more realistic.

Hearing this, Kimura and Tree shook their heads slightly. He had determined that the murderer was not a human, but a ghost. Goblin killing, also need experience this impossible

But he didn't say much, but he said, "The murderer's motive is obvious, that is to kill only the scum woman, and we can act from this to lure the murderer."

At this hearing, Otake came to Kimura and the tree, and whispered, "Actually, I had this idea before, and there were women in the police station, but they refused to hear that they wanted to attract this kind of murderer.

There is definitely a policewoman with a sense of justice. But apparently, not in the police station under the jurisdiction of Otake. Life is only once, and everyone cherishes it.

"I'll be the bait."

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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