The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 196: The murderer's body was found

I found the dead body of a murderer in Tokyo Chapter 196


Otake Liang was a little surprised, he looked at Kimura and Shu whispered, "If the deceased are all women and men, there is no precedent."

Kimura and Shusao said indifferently, "It is enough for men to dress up as women. This case is a spiritual case. It is not convenient for ordinary people to get involved. Let me say it."

In the past life, there were many missions at the spiritual seminary. There were a lot of weird tasks. Men also dressed up women's clothing, and Kimura and Shuji had done similar tasks.

Of course, the most dangerous task is that when the spiritual institute was just established, there were some secret missions, or some dangerous places, which required volunteers to participate.

The so-called volunteers are actually serving as dead men. Such tasks are largely unattended.

However, Kimura and Shu participated in two similar missions. At the beginning of the resurgence of energy, he could not cultivate, and he lost hope in life. But after taking on two extremely dangerous tasks, they all survived. When he was about to take on the third voluntary task, the teacher of Fu Lingke, a spiritual institute, found him and gave up his task on his own initiative.

"I know that you don't think you can cultivate, and you renounce yourself. I think it must be the world of cultivators in the future. But your idea is wrong. Although the spiritual institute is an official monk organization, we are mainly for the benefit of ordinary people. You can I am very pleased to participate in two missions for the dead, and I will be in Fuyuke. I will enjoy my new life, and I will not take the dangerous mission again. "

Fu Yike's mentor was not very comforting, but the mentorship of the other side made him obliged to listen. In the back, he gradually dismissed the idea of ​​taking on those dangerous tasks and lived well.

Later, his plan to activate the sword spirit was put forward, and it was quickly approved. This was because his curriculum vitae was recognized by the seminary so that he could approve his experiment so quickly.

Now that he is a monk, naturally, ordinary people will not be involved in danger. He knew that if Otake took the ordinary policewoman to seduce evil spirits, the policewoman who seduced him would die 100% of his lives. If he were to protect him by the side, he would be very scared.

Therefore, he feels that he is the best choice to seduce evil spirits. As for girls who know him, such as Shiba Chiba or Chunyang, he has no idea at all.

"But" Dazhuliang was shocked. He looked at Kimura and Shu up and down, and whispered, "The deceased are all beautiful women. Your male characteristics are too obvious and your temperament is too prominent. Even if you forcefully play a woman, it is not Not like it. "

The fake mothers online are so beautiful. It's because of its feminine looks, male and female looks, and makeup. Kimura and Shuki are not suitable for girls.

"Rest assured, I have a way," Kimura and Shu Tuk determined, "but it is not the time yet, you two days to get me a fake identity certificate, you must have real information online. Wraith can browse detailed information on the Internet This must be true. "

"Okay." Otake nodded, and since it was decided, he didn't have any pretense, "I will help you prepare. These things can be left to the police station, we have experience."

Kimura and Shu nodded, and then asked Otake to wait for his notification. After that, he didn't stay at the scene. After all, he wasn't a detective. The reason he came to the scene to detect the bad smell of evil spirits, and now I can't find any clues, so I can only use the simplest and most effective way. At risk.

Ito finished vomiting outside and didn't go in again. When Kimura and the tree came out, he looked pale and curious, "How did I find the clue?"

Kimura and Tree just shook their heads and didn't say much.

Seeing this, Ito gritted his teeth and said, "Then we will go to Natsume's house again to look for Mr. Natsume in the evening." He said his face was sore and he asked Natsume Sanjiang for help. He asked for too much money. The previous five million was his private house money from childhood.

Kimura and Tree frowned slightly. "The other's seven emotions tracking technique has no effect on this grievance." Seven emotions tracking technique is still very strong, but now this evil spirit can enter the Internet, and seven emotions tracking technique will Stretched out.

Ito was undecided. He lowered his head and had a low voice, so that ordinary people could not hear it. "I think there should be other techniques for adults Natsume. I did n’t know when I went to Natsume ’s house when I was a kid. Looks like this, Yunzi has grown up as a ghost in the past six or seven years. "

Hearing this, Kimura and the tree's footsteps paused, he looked at Ito Shi, his eyes were deep, "You mean, the little girl named Yunzi died six or seven years ago"

"Yeah," Ito nodded, "I haven't heard of ghosts yet. I can grow up, so I think Lord Natsume must have developed other techniques. We can help each other, maybe we can catch this one. Wraith. "

Kimura and Shuji pondered, and at last he shook his head and did not respond to Ito Sei's words.

Time passed and soon came to night.

Just as Kimura and the tree were going to bed, his heart moved and the fuze was crushed. He immediately got up and saw that the time was almost zero. Now if he goes to Lingxian District, he can catch the last train. Of course, even if he didn't take the tram, he rushed to Lingxian District at his speed ~ ~ only half an hour.

Kimura and tree's waking up scared Guqiao Sakura in nineteen. "What are you doing?"

Glancing at the ancient bridge Sakura Jiu, he said lightly, "I have something to do, and you slowly guide your daughter yourself. I won't take you."

Guqiao Sakurajiu kept talking, but at this time Kimura and the tree had already gone out. Looking at each other's back, she sighed deeply and murmured, "There is simply not enough time to start from the emotional side."

Soon after, Kimura and the tree came to Lingxian District, and he drove to Qingshui Shrine on the Qingshu Road.

Before reaching the statue, Kimura and the tree had not yet opened their mouths, and the water purifying spirit appeared.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, Kimura and Tree looked at each other, suspiciously, "I only let you find it yesterday, and you have a clue today."

Jingshui Diling smiled, "Master Kimura, it ’s a coincidence that the dead you are looking for is in Lingxian District. So I did n’t spend much time at all to find it directly." A flash of light flashed, but for a while, a black cat meowing like black charcoal came to the two very well.

"Xiao Mi, lead the way."


Soon, Kimura and Shu came to a private house and saw Xiaomi stepping in through the wall. He did not hesitate to follow directly.

As soon as he came in, he saw Xiaomi turning around under a tree ten meters in front.

Seeing this, Kimura and the tree came under the tree, and the aura in his body surged forward and probed under the trunk. Going deeper than five meters, I saw a human-shaped body, but the body was broken and began to decay.

Looking up slightly, looking at the darkened private house, he lifted his phone expressionlessly and dialed Otake's number.

After switching on, he spoke directly.

"The body of the killer has been found."

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo https: //

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