The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 297: Sakagami Otome's death

As soon as Otoko Sakakami ran, she flew over half of Kyoto.

As a cloud-shaped body, she can use the wind, even if there is no wind, she can consume energy and blood, and perform a wave of extremely fast retreat, this speed exceeds the speed of sound.

So when Ogami Sakakami disappeared in situ, Kimura and Shumei frowned, and the other side's breath disappeared without a trace. However, he can use the tracking characters, so he is not in a hurry.

His gaze was fixed on Bu Yi, trying to see what the other party did.

She didn't do much, she just pulled up the broken magic bow and shot the second arrow with the power of the four souls' jade. This arrow shot, and Mai's body wobbled as if to fall at any time. But her face showed a smile. Otome Sakakami ran away, and she didn't kill the people in Sakakami-mura, which made her feel very good.

Even though she was tired, she rescued the villagers of Banshang Village. Endless gratification erupted in her heart.

And Kimura and Shu watched the arrow with golden brilliance shoot out, ignoring the rules of science at all, and soon disappeared at the end of his eyes.

"Ma Yi!" He Maosheng saw this. Although he was worried about his granddaughter in his eyes, it was more comforting. He threw a transparent glass bead to Buddy and motioned to his granddaughter to continue.

Looking at the bead, Kimura and the tree knew that it was an energy bead, but he called it an aura bead.

There is an aura inside the beads, which can be absorbed at any time. At first, the Ma family offended him, and the original owner claimed that he would be compensated ten times. At that time, when Ma Wenren and He Maosheng visited him, they compensated him with ten aura beads.

Each Aura Bead contains a lot of aura, which is equivalent to a resentful aura.

Of course, for the current Kimura and the tree, the ten aura beads have been absorbed, and his cultivation and growth can only be said to be a waste of money.

Now he is the sixth base of Zhuji. The higher the realm, the greater the demand for Reiki. Even if he had absorbed all the auras in the Four Souls' Jade, it is probably not enough. This is why he will form a small group ... he hopes to use the forces of the family elites in the group to find grieving spirits, not bad grieving spirits, they can directly solve them. But if he can't handle the grieving spirits, he can ask him for help, and he only needs to charge a little aura tax.

This tax naturally depends on the difficulty.

And now the two birds, the bird and the clothing, obviously can also invite him to form the x group.

When thinking about it, Buyi had absorbed all the Reiki beads' auras, and then successfully shot the third arrow.

It seems that the arrow shot by the opponent's broken magic bow can obviously be tracked. No wonder, He Maosheng was able to deal with the incident on Sakakami-mura.

Thinking, Kimura and the tree took out a tracking charm, came to the place where Otome Sakakami stayed, stained it, and then lit the tracking charm with aura, and the tracking charm turned into a white dove the next moment.


The dove was so spiritual that he shouted at Kimura and the tree, and flew in the direction of his arrows.

When Asuka saw this, his eyes were bright again.

What kind of falcon is this? His paper crane charm can only be transformed into a paper crane, but not a living creature. But this unknown Fu Yu turned into a snow-white dove. At this moment, Asuka wanted to ask Kimura and Shu about Fu Yu, but he finally resisted.

At this time, even He Maosheng could not help his eyes. He hadn't seen many of the amulets used by Kimura and Shu.

You must know that He Mao's family has also been passed down for thousands of years. What Fuyu has not seen and recorded. He does not say that he knows all the Fuyu in Japan, but he can still know about it. It can even be drawn. Even if some families hide some runes, it is impossible to have so many.

Is it Fu Xun over Huaxia? Thinking of Kimura and the Royal Sword of the Tree, He Maosheng fainted a guess.

"Her Excellency He Mao, would you like to go with me?" Although the pigeons flew away, Kimura and the tree did not keep up. He and the pigeons were connected with each other, so they did not need to chase tightly.

He Maosheng saw this, and saw Kimura and Shu are not in a hurry to follow. He was a little curious about Fu Fu, but when he heard the words of the other, he looked at his weak granddaughter and groaned for a while. Knowing if there are any variables here, I stay just in case. "

"Let Asuka follow me." Kimura and Shu nodded, then pointed at the excited Asuka and smiled.

After all, the two parties cooperated, and Ogami Sakakami was completely hit by Mai, so Ogami Sakakami was a spoil of Mai. But now Buddy pulls off, so he asks Asuka to follow, and the other party in the province suspects that he has hidden booty. Although he didn't think that there was any spoils for Otoko Sakakami, after all, the other party was just a mourning god.

"It's okay." He Maosheng nodded readily, without refusing.

At this time, sitting on the ground with no image of the bud, it was reluctant to return the four souls of jade to Kimura and the tree.

The pure power of the Four Souls' Jade is, in Buyi's opinion, a perfect match for her broken magic bow. That power can greatly increase her strength.

He Maosheng also knew, but he opened his mouth and did not know how to speak.

He thought about some things in the family, with Kimura and Shu's current strength, I am afraid it is not necessary.

Kimura and the tree also saw the lost look of Mai Yi. He smiled and didn't speak.

Then he took the birds and sensed the direction of the pigeons. Of course, he also brought Chunyang. He wouldn't let Chunyang stay in Sakakami-mura. If Sakakami-mura really changes, it would be dangerous to stay here. Only by following him can he protect Chun Yang.

On the way, Kimura and Shu noticed that Chunyang's mood was a bit lost, and he smiled slightly, "I feel that I haven't helped anything, and I'm in a bad mood?"

Chunyang nodded slightly, a little unwilling. She followed the senior, but she didn't do anything, she felt the same as the fringe person ~ ~ Naturally uncomfortable in her heart.

Asuka followed Kimura and the tree, he was quite excited. He would like to ask Kimura and the tree about the funerals, but he also knew that it was difficult to speak.

Now seeing Kimura and the tree opening to Chunyang, he saw that Chunyang's mood was not high, and he comforted, "Classmate Guqiao, I didn't do anything. My grandpa asked me and my sister to come just to make us go up. It ’s a good idea. If my sister could use the broken magic bow, she would have to be a marginal figure. You do n’t even have to think about the **** of style, you can help. This is basically impossible. I want to solve an incident alone. It requires rich experience. Even if my grandfather receives a request from the **** and ghost Fuming Palace, he is always seeking the help of powerful people. Therefore, let you have a long experience, which is probably why Kimura Jun brought you here. "

Kimura and Shuki glanced at Asuka, knowing each other's thoughts, but nodded obediently, "The incident of Sakakami-mura is really of low help. Don't be discouraged. How long can you cultivate, you can have the present Strength has surpassed most geniuses. "

When Chunyang saw the senior praised herself, although she was happy, she shyly, "I'm still far behind."

Seeing Chunyang adjust her mentality quickly, without being caught in an inexplicable mood, Kimura and Tree nodded slightly.

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