The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 298: Curse lifted

Seeing this, Asuka is a little speechless.

He said a lot, not as good as Kimura and Shu.

Well, girls in love have no IQ. Of course, let me say this in my heart.

Seeing that Chunyang's mood improved, he didn't bother much anymore. He turned to look at Kimura and Shu, and he stopped talking. He hoped that when Kimura and Shu saw themselves like this, they would take the initiative to speak, because of this kind of thing, he was not good at speaking.

How to speak? What about Kimura Junfu? Any new Fu Lu is the lifeblood of the Yin and Yang division, even if Fu Lu has little effect, but as long as the new Fu Lu is developed, basically everyone will hold it in their hands. What if it will be useful in the future?

But Kimura and the tree ignored the look of the birds, but ignored them.

After all, the two were not very familiar, which is why Asuka didn't speak, and Kimura and Shu naturally would not mention it.

The three were very fast, but even if they were fast, they still took the tram on the way. It took about two hours to get down to the place where Otome Sakakami was shot and killed by the arrow.

Ogami Sakami did die.

She never imagined that this world really had the power to kill her.

However, Kimura and Shuki thought that this should be the layout of Maru Sakagami.

Although this guy was pursuing longevity, he was obsessed with the negative emotions and was almost turned into a grudge by the negative emotions. At the last moment, he became a non-spiritual god. However, at the time of the initial seal of Ogami Sakakami, the other party should have considered how to deal with the other party if Ogami Sakami had escaped.

After all, accidents like this can easily happen.

The Four Souls' Jade should be the key.

If there is no one in charge of the Four Souls of Jade, only the internal force can directly suppress Sakagami Otome. What would happen if that pure power was brought into play? Bu Yi gave the answer. Although it also has the effect of breaking the magic bow, the real thing is the four souls' jade.

He also wanted to use the pure power inside, but found that he couldn't use it. The bud clothing was used, and he confiscated at that time, which meant that he had not been recognized by the Four Souls.

And if you want the recognition of the Four Souls' Jade, I am afraid that there must be no impurities in my heart!

There is Mai, he doesn't.

This is the same as the legend says that a unicorn must be a virgin to ride.


The jade of the four souls groaned in his heart, and Kimura and the tree soon discovered the legacy of Ogami Sakakami.

Ogami Sakakami died on an unknown hill bag and did not die in the city. Otherwise, it would likely cause riots. And Ogami Sakami may not want to be noticed by human beings. After all, if she is in the news, it is very likely that other yin and yang teachers will find something different and come to suppress her.

In the end Otome Sakakami was shot dead by three arrows, and even Kimura and the tree did not expect it.

After all, the strength of Buddhism is not strong, and it has also established a dual state of foundation.

"This is ..." Chunyang was curious as she looked at the drop-shaped spar in the senior's hand.

Seeing this, Asuka was also excited. After all, Otome Sakakami was killed by his sister, so this is his sister's booty.

Kimura and the tree sensed with aura, and found that this blood-colored water drop spar contains a lot of aura inside, but there are a lot of impurities, so it shows blood color. But even so, the amount of aura can be called a huge amount if the impurities are removed.

But since he is cooperating with He Maosheng, he naturally will not greedy this spar. Otherwise, he won't let Asuka follow him.

Throwing the spar to Asuka, seeing each other's happy appearance, Kimura and the tree looked around again, and found that the breath of Ogami Sakakami had completely disappeared.

After that, the three went back again.

It took two hours when I came, and it only took about an hour when I went back.

When the three returned to Banshang Village, Kimura and Shu found that Maru's body had disappeared. Seeing this, he knew it.

During these three hours, He Maosheng also calmed down the people in Sakakami-mura. But Sakakami-mura still had six people dead, five of whom were elderly and one young man. He Maosheng said that the young one was scared to death.

After Sakakami experienced this incident, the atmosphere of the entire village was in a low state. Even when he was comforted by He Maosheng, when Kimura and the trees came back, people in the surrounding Sakakami village could cry from time to time. The most uncomfortable estimate is Grandma Sakakami, who did not expect her granddaughter to have been parasitic by the devil.

And ... she saw her own granddaughter shot dead with a broken bow.

Although she also knew that her granddaughter had already died. But still don't want to face Kimura and Shu and his party, which makes Bu Yi very embarrassing. Fortunately, He Maosheng has comforted her, and the appearance of Bu Yi is also normal.

Of course, it is not all bad news for Sakakami-mura.

As soon as Ogami Sakami died, the curse inside them was lifted.

At the beginning, the curse of Otoko Sakagami was to pollute the blood of Sakakami-mura. As long as she existed for one day, the curse could not be undone, and as long as she died, the curse would be undone automatically.

This is great news, and it's why Sakakami-mura is not too sad.

This curse has been on the villagers of Banshang Village for about a thousand years and can be undone at this time. Banshang Village also knows that this is fortunate.

In the future, their children and grandchildren will be able to lead normal lives, be admitted to prestigious schools, and succeed in the city. They will no longer need to be illiterate in Banshangcun all their lives.

After He Maosheng received the blood crystal from Asuka, he glanced at his granddaughter, saw the other nodded, and handed the blood crystal to Kimura and the tree. Seeing the other person's doubt, He Maosheng smiled slightly, "Sakagami-style God killed you Yes, it is naturally your spoils. But although Sakakami-style **** dies, for He Mao's family, it has a great research effect. I wonder how this blood crystal will be exchanged for Sakakami-style god? "

Kimura and Shuki thought the other party would exchange the four souls' jade ~ ~ and then exchanged something for Sakakami-style gods. But did not expect the other party did not do so!

He Maosheng also wants to do this, but he also knows that the inner strength of the Four Souls' Jade contains pure power. This power can be seen from the increase in the broken magic bow. Although their He Mao family has been passed down for thousands of years, there is nothing comparable. On the jade of the four souls.

However, He Maosheng apparently did not know that Kimura and the tree could not use this power inside the Four Souls' Jade. Of course, Kimura and Shu will not disclose, he took the blood crystals, nodded cheerfully, "Yes!"

He knew that this Sakakami-style **** was handed over to the He Mao family, and for the He Mao family, it was another force.

Because He Mao's family has something that resurrects the **** of death, but he doesn't know what it is ...

Anyway, the body of Sakakami-style **** is useless to him, and his cultivation system is fundamentally different from that of the Japanese yin-yang division.

He pays attention to the increase of himself, and after practicing to a certain level, the yin and yang master will place the direction of the increase above the **** of style.

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