The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1064 Crisis

However, Zhang Bin also found that although this paper is exactly the same as the material of the Sky, but is not a page of the Magic and the book from another.

This book is definitely not the product of the Earth, at least there is no such material on the earth.

It is precisely because of this, Zhang Bin is more expected.

After all, he clearly knows the clues of the next book in the Sky, that is, the monk of golden civilization is taken to another planet.

In the future, he has the possibility.

Now get this piece of paper, he is equal to a page of another odd book.

You can also get enlighten from it, and you can use this for clues in the future.

Soon, the auction at the third day is over.

It is also announced that auction will end thoroughly.

The monks started to retreat, and they flooded like a tide.

Most monks are very satisfied, because this auction will appear in the world of heaven and earth, and they all buy the treasures they want.

There are small some monks are very angry because they look at the treasures of the wealth, being photographed by others.

Some people are full of murder, and the strong murderous is also emitted from them.

They began to track their goals and prepared to kill their treasures.

Of course Zhang Bin is of course Zhang Bin.

So, I don't know how much powerful monks have a lot of love, and I keep watching Zhang Bin.

Obviously there is a truncation.

However, when you see Yunyu and Yunkun, there are many Chinese masters that are hidden from Zhang Bin.

They dare not shoot.

Some people scattered.

But there are still a few most powerful experts who have not given up.

Continue to track Zhang Bin with a special method.

Zhang Bin seems to have not felt any danger.

He walked slowly in the crowds of everyone.

It seems like a coming.

He tried in his heart. This time, I took two most precious treasure moonlight boxes and unnamed paper, and there were many precious Tiandi Terminals. Therefore, it is refining Ziyun Dan, breaking through the condensation. It is a pity that it is still nothing to make up, and it is still the lack of five kinds of: thundering fruit, cold and soil grass, deep water and beauty, millions of pearls, deep valley. Thunder fruit grows in the thunderous place, maybe you can go to Lei Shendong to find it, the cold and soil grass grows on the frozen soil, the Antarctic may exist, and Lei Shendong is also in the Antarctic. It seems that it is imperative to go to the Antarctic. As for the deep water, the banana, millions of pearls, can only go to the depths of the sea. Dark Valley is in the deep valley, perhaps, in the abyss in the Big Qingshan.

Waiting for this next World Strong Competition, I will go to treasure hunt. At the same time, I feel that the world is natural, and I feel the mystery of seed germination, and prepare for cultivation to the small tree.

He is bright in his heart.

But if the other party has mastered the soul secret law, it is difficult to kill each other.

Also, you can also resist the attack of the body monk.

When the other party is to show the most horrible attack, he will be seriously injured.

The reason why Lops was tilted by Zhang Bin, and he was too bad. He did not expect Zhang Bin to master the gods of attacking the soul. Moreover, he knew that Zhang Bin received huge merits, did not dare to kill Zhang Bin, so he didn't dare to kill, and did not dare to use the most horrible attack.

Otherwise, people who die are likely to be Zhang Bin, not the big man.

Therefore, enhance strength and become strong rapidly, Zhang Bin is currently doing.

Otherwise, as long as the Magic Tuli and Jing Jiu Shi can restore the strength of the fit, even higher.

Of will come over and revenge, and the next thing of the Bin can foresee.

Because I got the magical moonlight box, Zhang Bin's moon palace's defense ability was raised by nine times, and his soul was strong. In the future, he can continue to absorb the energy of the moonlight box, and will continue to quench the moon and soul in the dragon blood. The soul and moon palace will naturally continue to become strong. In the future, even if you face the soul attack of the flying midn, you should also resist.

Instead, Zhang Bin has been proud of the body, which has become the weakest.

He couldn't resist the attack of the top magic weapon, and resist the attack of top flame thunder cold ice.

It is also resistant to the attack of the space crack, space collapse, etc.

Therefore, strong body, enhance the realm, cultivate new abilities, is most urgent.

The hotel's presidential suites.

Yunyu and Yunkun are sitting on the sofa.

And their opposite is also sitting on Zhang Bin.

Since tomorrow, I started the World Power Competition, so they still didn't leave the white swan.

Continue to stay in the original hotel.

"I have induced, at least ten embarrassment, there are three idiots, I can't trace the source." Yunyu said seriously, "Different seven condensation came from seven years of infantful monks." "

"Maybe there is another super master to peak. No return to Hua Guo, the danger has always existed." Yunkun said seriously.

"Lying in the trough, so many masters? So much greedy generation?"

Zhang Bin's face is also a surprised color.

At this time, Zhang Bin also understood that the masters on the earth were unexpected.

In the past, he was an ordinary person. I didn't know the earth and a strong monk at all.

"Xiao Bin, you still take the flying saucer back."

Li Taiqing standing on the side said.

"Even if you go back, you also have to go through a big evil battle." Yunyu said, "There is a horrible master blocking space, the flying saucer can not go out. The treasures on Zhang Bin will be ah."

"Wonderful, we can transfer it."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"The space is blocked, the transfer array can't start." Yunyu shook his head.

"Is it so powerful?" Zhang Bin slam.

"Yes, if the space road is cultivated to extremely deep, don't say blocking Bai Swan City, the whole earth can also be completely closed, even a mosquito can't fly. Transfer is also unable to do."

Yunkun said.

"Is it a flying metro?"

Zhang Bin's face has been vigilant.

"It's not a meal monk, it should be a successful monk." Yun Yu said, "Because if it is a flying monk, they can come over to win the treasure. There is no scruple. Instead, it is a symptom monk, they don't have Grasping us, robbing the horror war in the city, may have been destroyed by Bai Shu City, then I don't know how many ordinary people will kill. Get huge faults, I don't have to get lost. "

"Why doesn't the flying menstruation?"

Zhang Bin still has no panic, and asked faintly.

Everyone looked at Zhang Bin, watching the monster, and the unique monk is already extremely horrible. He still doesn't care, but also asked why the flying monk did not shoot?

(I wish all book friends a happy new year, financial resources. New Year's first, continue five chapters, seek recommendations.)

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