The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1065, cultivated fierce, and become stronger!

"The monks who cultivate to the flying misery have a complete inheritance. They have mastered the secret laws that don't know how many cultivation. How can I see a moonlight box and a pages of paper and some heavenly demonic medicine? They They are all closed and cultivated, sent to the world, look forward to it. "Yunyu said.

"Since there is no flying monk shot, after the World Strong Competition, we will kill, kill him a blood into the river, shock all the small generations." Zhang Bin said.

Night deep.

Zhang Bin is sitting in a small green belly.

It is trying to absorb the energy of the moonlight box.

His whole body is filled with light like a moonlight, and it seems that it is extraordinarily sacred.

He is not worried about the enemy.

Because he arranged two blades in the room.

Cabolerate the layer of the hotel.

What's more, this layer of the hotel lives with many Chinese masters and giant.

There are two in the fit.

There are more than a dozen monks in the Yuanying realm.

This strength is terrible.

The enemy is impossible to sneak into the array.

The mouth of the soul in the moon is open, and the energy source of the moonlight treasure box is inseparable.

Enter the soul, run quickly.

Finally, I entered the mud pill.

In the mud pill palace, the strange energy is also crazy, grinding the moon sword, and issued a sound of rumbling.

The moon sword becomes more frightened, and the dark golden rays are burst.

The soul is also slowly getting bigger.

Zhang Bin's face revealed a touch of smile.

Now he finally understands that the energy among the Moonlight Box is like nutrition, can grow up.

Let the soul become so strong.

However, just like people eat, can't eat a big fat man.

Only eat a meal, after you have a certain amount of time.

Basically, one energy can be swallowed once.

Finally, the soul phagocytic energy is again reached.

Stop the swallowing, and once again grow up one year old.

Zhang Bin took the moonlight box.

I realized my own changes.

He felt that he became extra spirit, and the connection between heaven and earth was more close.

Even, you can see the space.

The space is like a small lattice, there are countless illusory lines.

If you can fold these plaids, you can work in space.

Speed ​​will increase multiple.

"If you continue to cultivate this, I don't think about it to the small tree. You can understand the space of the space." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "Now my soul is strong, it has strong spiritual power." A lot of times, perhaps, I can practice the fourth floor of the Golden Gong Gong. Once the cultivation is successful, my body's defense ability will be fully improved. Because the fierce bodies are cultivated and all blood vessels Bacon, the enemy's attack, it is difficult to destroy the veins and blood vessels, and any part of the body can continue to get the strength of the air and blood. The defense ability naturally increases the boat. "

He immediately tried it.

The huge spiritual is coming out. Array a large array in a large meridians.

Not too difficult, put it out of the big array.

All such spirits have enlarged how many times they have become a huge celestial body.

Zhang Bin's face floated, he began to quickly adjust the distance between cells using secret law, while allowing the cell division, growing rapidly, and then divided.

His mind is always moving, and 100,000 excellent Lingshi will fly out.

Fall on the ground.

Then crush rapidly, and chemically became aura.

Being in a crazy swallowed in the crazy, it was delivered to the cell.

The cells have received adequate nutritional support.

The aura of the best Lingshi contains a lot of Hongmeng. The efficacy will not be parallel.

Cells are of course greedily engulfed and absorbed.

Xiaoqing and Xiaoyong in Dantian are also trying to intercept Hongmeng Ziqi escape, so that Zhang Bin's body can slowly absorb.

Zhang Bin's body burst into purple light.

A huge Hongmeng Zi gas is also covered with Zhang Bin.

It looks special mystery.

A strip of meridians, a blood vessel, including capillaries, have become a bulk structure, and the speed is very fast.

The sky is bright, and the purple light group that is shrouded Zhang Bin completely disappeared.

Zhang Bin also opened his eyes, and his face floated with a satisfactory smile.

Because, after a night of cultivation, he finally cultivated into the fourth floor of the Golden Gong Gong.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin's heart, blood and arrogance flow in the blood vessels and meridians, respectively.

I sent a sound like Danhe Tao.

In the past, Zhang Bin did not dare to let the weather and blood so quickly, because the blood vessels and meridians can't afford it, they will quickly break.

Blood and infuriating can flow so quickly, the power and attack power of the outbreak will certainly rise boat.

Zhang Bin suddenly slammed a punch.

"Bang ..."

Air explosion is just like a cannon roar.

This horror is extreme.

Zhang Bin's hands appeared again, the topped blue-ray sword that has been refined by him, rapidly.

"Hey ..."

Just one moment, he tadded out thousands of swords.

It has become a dense blue light curtain.

People are shocked.

Obviously, the speed of his stabble has also been greatly improved.

The power is of course very terrible.

"It's good. Now my dominity is finally cultivated to the hide, the war is fully improved. Now I don't need to use the Thunder and God Red Day, you can break the space forfeeding the Yuan Baby monk." Zhang Bin said to the road And his body also burst a moment of .

It is true that the BAK is a super magical refining method, but it is only cultivated into a golden clock, the kingdom body, the contusion, and can only improve the defense ability, and there is not much effect on the improvement of the power.

However, once cultivated into a soft branch, not only improved its defense, but also greatly enhanced the power. This is the small gold god.

However, if it is cultivated into a blood circulation, let the blood become like a liquid like mercury, you can carry more nutrients to cells, and make a larger force.

That will be strong again.

Zhang Bin grades this fact, so he has begun to try to build a large array in the blood.

Unfortunately, there is no success.

Obviously, although he is now strong, it is not enough to cultivate the blood circle.

"Waiting for me to absorb the energy of the moonlight for a period of time, and then quented in the dragon blood. Perhaps you can practice the fifth floor of the blood circle." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "The only thing is to worry is the moonlight The energy in the treasure box can not support that day. "

(Busy for the New Year, Chapter 1069 turns four thousand words, repeating the 1070 chapter, now editing is not going to work, can't be modified. Let the brothers spend more money. Sorry here.)

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