The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1069 Yang Xiong appeared

The game is not going on.

More than 100 countries and martial arts, there is only more than 300 players.

And each pair of players are not long, often a few seconds.

Therefore, the competition is also exceptionally exciting.

"Soon, drag the day to go to the stage."

Ma Rufei shouted.

Sure enough, flew over the ring and flew over the ring.

Like a mountain, standing proudly.

The momentum is horrible to the extreme.

His opponent is a super genius of Bai Swans, named Qiysiev.

The same is very high, the momentum is also very good.

"Qi Siyef is the super genius of Bai Swan Guoff, just 17 years old, cultivated to the Liquefal Great. It is said that there is also a strength to defeat the golden monk, is one of the seed players. These two people have a battle, absolutely Wonderful. "Li Taiqing has done a detailed study, and the door is clear, and it will be explained.

"Eating me a punch ..."

Si Siyev suddenly shouted, he was squatting on the ground, only hearing a big sound, he shot like a cannon bomb, issued a sound of the space, the right arm suddenly, the whole body The power is collected to the right hand, crazy a punch to the chest of the day.


The space seems to collapse and issued a super loud sound.

The murder is also like Tao's river, it is running out.


"Eat me, ..."

Turing the day, smiled and shouted, he stepped out, the ground shook, the platform was shaking.

His arms like a big tree suddenly bombed, a pointing head suddenly rose, and it became a sharp cone.


The sound harsh, almost did not shock the eardrum of everyone under the ring.

Everyone is secretly shocked.

This guy actually used a point to deal with the fist of Qi Siv.

Isn't it afraid to fight by the horrible fist?

Qi Siye is also anger, what is the power he is, when is this?

It is crazy to put the fist like the top of the Taishan.

In an instant, the fingers of the drag day and the fist of Qi Siev were bombarded.

"Hey ..."

The broken sound sounded.

What is broken.

"It must be that the bones of the day is interrupted."

Almost everyone is in the heart.


And the screams of the screams also sound immediately.

However, it is not a drag day, but Qi Siev.

Blood is also shot.


Everyone is shocked, look carefully.

The fingers of the dilate day were not damaged, as with a super powerful magic weapon, inserted into the fist of Qi Siev, never until the root!

The fist of Qisiyev naturally broke a deep cave, and the bones were broken and pulled.


Qisiyev screamed, rapidly retreat.

The horror of a face is not a letter.

"Where to escape?"

I yelled in the day, I quickly stepped out again, and I crossed the space between each other, as if I move, the speed was so good that there was no way to describe the ink.

And his point turned again.

Painting in the chest of Qisiyev.

And it is a heart site.

A set of armor quickly slammed the son of Qisiyev.

Blocked this point.

However, Qi Siev is still like a Thunder.


His five senses bleed, people have no longer stabilized, and they have been playing out by a horrible perspective.

Flying over the ring over the rolling, then smashing in the ring like a dead dog.

I can't climb it.

Looking carefully, you can find a deep depression on his armor, and there is a crack around.

"I have made me two fingers, it is not bad."

The day is proud of the stage, and a despised voice is issued in his mouth.


Almost all monks under the stage pumped a cold, shocked to the extreme.

At this time, they only realized the horror of the day, and they deeply understood the power of the refinery of Tianwumen Monk.

And so that I can crush the fists and the following products of Qi Siev, what is the force?

What is his finger?

Even three teasings also can't speak, the face change, because they feel that Yang Xiong is also difficult to defeat the day, such strength and speed are too horrific.

Yang Xiong's eyes are shot a hot radiant, a war is in the heart, and the mouth is also muttered: "Finally, there is a mask of the same level, waiting for me, I must defeat you, let You know that I am in power. "

Zhang Bin's face is also revealing the color of appreciation. Of course, I am appreciated Yang Xiong. I have a strong mentality of my little scorpion, and I am afraid of any strong enemy.

After this World Strong Competition, it is estimated that you can step into the Golden Dan.

"Trust the day mighty ..."

"You have invincible in the world, sweep everything."

"Turing the day is a champion, crushing all the opponents."


The Tianwumen monk made a big shout, the sound of the sound, the sound of the sky, and the momentum is too powerful.

And the monks of the Okawa State is an anger, and the face has become difficult.

The game continues.

There are more than 30 pairs of opponents to fight, very exciting.

Finally, I turned into Yang Xiong, and his opponent was a disciple of Tianwumen.

The name is Balheng, 21 years old, is equally high, just like metal pouring.

Standing on the stage is like an iron mountain.

And Yang Xiong looked at the burly, but his face was not taken off, and it was a child.

One of the two men, on the big screen, also showing the information of their two.

Yang Xiong, 11 years old, Hua Guo Qingmen disciples.

Many monks under the stage were stunned, and the face was full of not born.

It is a child who is only 11-year-old. This is too absurd.

Although some young players have appeared in the last World Power Competition.

But the smallest is 15 years old, and it is already shocked.

Bathing does not know how many people's eyes, Baheng and Yang Xiong are opposite to each other.

"Ha ha ha ... kid, are you only 11 years old? Are you still eating milk?"

Ba Mengjun can not help but laugh.

"Eating milk? Hahaha ..."

A lot of monks under the stage have laughed, laughing, and laughing forward.

In particular, the Tianwumen monk, smiled even loud. Even some people shouted with a whisper.

"Kid, your mother called you to eat milk."

"Silly kid, wait for you to use the strength of the milk."

"Silly, it is not a place to eat, you are wrong place."


Yang Xiong actually didn't know that people were laughing at him, he seriously said: "I am fine in five years old. I don't lie to you. Now I just drink milk."

Everyone listened to a stunned, then laughed again.

Laugh at the gas.

Three invasive and Zhang Bin are also very speechless. How did this silly kid stupid?

(Now the recommended ticket list is 31st, just a step in the 30th step, entering 30, next Monday, continue to break out, ask the brothers to recommend the recommended ticket.)

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