The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1070 Head hammer defeats the enemy (first more)

"Ha ha ha ... kid, you are weaning in five years old? So you don't drink your mother's milk for six years? I don't believe it, I am clearly smelling you, so rich ..." Said and say.

"I have a milk on my body? Why don't I know?"

Yang Xiong was arrested, and his face was puzzled.

"Lying ... This is a fool."

All monks smirked again.

The Hua Guo monk is a lot of anger, and it is also crazy.

"Yang Xiong, he is laughing at you, don't worry with him, kill him ..."

"Yang Xiong, let him know your power?"

"Yang Xiong, rushing him, you are invincible."


Yang Xiong finally understood it, and the face floated on his face, and he went angrily: "Betting, you dare to laugh at Yang Xiong? I want to explode you."

"Kids who eat milk, you still have yourself. Otherwise, I have to hurt you, your mom is coming to me trouble, then I am afraid." Basheng said.

"Breast, you are lying down!"

Yang Xiongran is anger, he rushed over the same place as a bull.

Don't have a fist, directly hit a hammer to Baheng's chest.

It seems like a child with a child.

"Lying in the trough, what is this attack mode?"

The monks on all counters are stunned, and the face is full of ridiculous colors.

Also, if it is in life and death, use the head to attack the enemy, the enemy is playing directly on the head, isn't it to explode your head?

After all, the head is the most important place in the human body and is one of the weakest places.

However, here is the World Strong Competition, not allowing attack heads, so attacking is also reasonable.

Moreover, Yang Xiong has mastered a strong defense, and he also repaired into a golden hood and a strong gold body.

Defense ability is naturally outstanding.

"Kid, you will give it to me."

Baheng smiled, his two hands were suddenly explored.

Grab the two shoulders of Yang Xiong.

Because the arm is very long, before Yang Xiong's head hammer, you can grab your shoulder first.

Then he can lose Yang Xiong to the air, then Yang Xiong will definitely wow down.

His speed cannot be said that it is not fast, really like lightning.

Seeing his two hands must catch Yang Xiong's shoulders, but the two hands of Yang Xiong will raise the two hands of Baheng.

"Not good, this silly boy is very strong."

Basheng is not bad, and immediately retreats.

But when he was angry with him, Yang Xiong's two hands were arrested, and he grabbed his two arms and let him not retreat.

Then, Yang Xiong's head hammer took advantage of the power of the power, and he hit it on the chest of Baheng.


Just like Mars hit the earth and set off a typhoon.

The dust on the ground is over half.


Baheng issued a painful scream, and his pain is twisted.

The power of this impact is too big, just like a mountain impact on his chest.

But he is worthy of the super genius of Tianwume, and the effect of the refining is shown.

The stern is still there is still a break.

" ..."

However, the two hands of Yang Xiong were suddenly fallen, just like two sheds, crazy, in the chest of Baheng.

"Hey ..."

The stripped sound is ringing.


If you kill the pig, you will be able to get out of the mouth of Baheng.

He is really hit by Yang Xiong this series of attacks.

I didn't understand how I was defeated.

How can I break the sternum, I can't move on the ground?

The monks under the stage were all stunned and became a fool.

The laughter is also as abrupt, just like the ghost.

Especially the monks of Tianwumen, the smile on the face is instantly stiff, and a face is forced.

This result is that they are not expected, and they don't want to think.

A small car with only 11 years old, actually used a strange trick, and a trick defeated the powerful Baheng, how could this.

"Before playing ..."

"Yang Xiong, I love you ..."

"Yang Xiong, you are too hot ..."

"Yang Xionguan ..."

"Yang Xiong sweeps everything ..."


Three invasive and all Hua Guo's monks were excited, and they shouted with enthusiasm.

Even, even Zhang Bin's face exposed a satisfactory smile.

He has been trying to cultivate Yang Xiong, and this silly kid really did not let him down.

"It's a rare genius."

"The future is not limited."

Even Yunyu and Yunkun admire them.


Yang Xiong was buzzing on Baheng, and he was proud: "Intercourse, dare to laugh at my grandfather?"

"Ah ... I don't dare, I accept ..."

Baheng has sent a pain, and shouted in an emergency.

"Said, do you continue to laugh at me?"

Yang Xiong also looked at the disciple of the world, and shouted.

"Kid, you are looking for it."

When you stood up, you should teach Yang Xiong.

But it is hugged by another disciple.

Now rushing up, equivalent to destroying the rules, and is eligible to be canceled.

Yang Xiong is likely to step down.

Like the big generals that are victorious.

Got all Welcome of all Huazh monks.

"Sonance, I have to participate in the game."

Liu Ruo Mei envy the extreme, holding Zhang Bin's arms shake.

Since there is only three places, and the strength of Liu Ruomei can't enter the top three, there is no qualification to participate.

"Who let you don't work hard?"

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

Although Liu Ruomei is also working hard, he is very heavy, it is mad every day.

However, even if she tried to cultivate as Yang Cheng, because the Tianhui is not as good as Yang Cheng, it is impossible to meet Yang Xiong.

"I must be strong, I want to eat peach, I have to eat the dragon, I have to go to the Dragon Palace ..." Liu Rumei is eager to shout in my heart, "Next World Power Competition, I must Participate, like the stupid kid Yang Xiong is like the wind. "

After the Baheng was lifted, the game continued.

Soon, the first round of competition is over.

The two people are selected, one is Yang Xiong, and one is Zhang Wei.

The second round of competition is not stopped.

There are only more than one hundred people left now.

Still electronic lottery, then capture the fight.

Just just over an hour.

Yang Xiong and the day of dragging are very eye-catching.

It's all in a trick.

The third round, the fourth round, the fifth round, almost also.

Soon, the game has arrived in the sixth round.

There are only four super masters left.

Yang Xiong, drag the day, Mikang player Mickey, Powers in Bai Swan.

After the lottery.

It is Yang Xiong to Miqi and drag the day.

(I killed the thirtieth of the recommended ticket list last week, I broke out the chapter today, continue to ask for a ticket, if this can also kill the top 30 before the recommended bill, continue to explode next Monday.)

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