The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1600 Beauty

Here is a group of geniuses in the practice sword.

They are not in the age of 20, but the realm is very high.

Basically, it is full of cultivation to the Yuan Baby.

However, the most powerful or a glamorous girl with butterflies.

She is about 178 years old, high picking beautiful, Wu Haras like a cloud, big eyes like a lake, sparkling.

She cultivated to the beginning of the symptom, revealing strong percentage and momentum.

Although they are practicing swords, they are lazy.

In your hand, it is

And they have closed space, not super powerful masters can't hear.

Look at their expression, it seems to be what bad things.

"Miss, I found a substitute. But this guy doesn't seem to speak."

Yes, now Zhang Bin can understand.

Because his gods covered a large area, he heard a lot of monks' exchanges, even he also heard a lot of mortal discourse, so rabbits will soon be translated software.

Zhang Bin divided a heart god to study quickly.

On his current memory, learning language is too easy.

You can use it to describe it.

Therefore, Zhang Bin quickly mastered the language of this planet, and he had a certain understanding of this planet.

This planet name is Dagu Star, which is about six times the earth.

This planet lives about two billion people.

Many races, the strong is like a cloud.

This is a planet without a country.

The powerful martial art is divided into the land of the planet.

And this martial art name is a golden door, with more than 30,000 domestic amenities, countless foreign disciples, is a second-class mission.

"So powerful martial arts is just a second-class martial art. How will the first class?"

Zhang Bin is dark and happy.

"Can't talk? That is not very good." The beautiful girl nobbed, "It is easy to reveal the flaw."

"Miss, I see the old man in fishing, not necessarily come." That kind, "You go back, then there is no matter what happens."

"To right, we will come back soon."

"Hurry up, get late, you can't get it ..."


"What are you doing me?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"You can't talk?"

Susan falls on Zhang Bin's face on Zhang Bin face.

"Miss returning, I can talk, just, I don't like to talk."

Zhang Bin opened.

Of course, it is the Dawei Star language.

"you liar……"

I am so angry, what is this bastard? I just pointed to my mouth wow wow, now I can talk, is it, do you say this kind of virtue? I am interested in beauty, I don't want to talk to ugly women? I am really ugly?

"That's great." Susan is surprised, "What is your name? How old is it? When starts to practice? Why didn't it become an internal dop disciple?"

Inner-door disciples have special clothing, Zhang Bin is wearing ordinary clothes, nature is a foreign disciple.

There are too many extempration disciples, and the interior disciples are of course not all.

"My name is Zhang Bin, I am 23 years old, the qualifications are general, so I haven't become an inner-door disciple. I will come to test, I want to advance to the internal door disciple." Zhang Bin dripped the water and replied.

This has to benefit his huge sensation, soon, it has mastered a lot of information on the Golden Gate.

Even, he is not worried about wearing the identity.

The site occupied by the Golden Gate has approximately 500,000 square kilometers, which is very wide.

There are many monks in this area, you can go to the Temple to learn the practice.

As long as you can practice the true gas, even the outside disciples.

Of course, the disciples of the outside doors are also recorded, which is recorded in a very low grade.

Rabbit and Zhang Bin's brainwa net, has invaded the brain and joined Zhang Bin's information and information.

Only by becoming the internal door disciple of Big Golden Gate, there is a possibility to listen to the fallen of the Tianguo.

"You are 23 years old to cultivate into Yuan Ying's medium, to advance to the domestic disciple is a bit reluctant." Susan said, "But as long as you do one thing to help me. I will give you a way, let you advance to the inner door Disciple. How do you see? "

"Susan is the super genius of the Golden Gate. It is also the first beautiful woman. It is not a small, and she pulls the relationship." Zhang Bin is in the heart, shells a little hesitation, hesitate Say: "Well, I promise you."

" ... ..."

This group of girls excitedly and sent a pleasant laughter.


So this group of girls pulled Zhang Bin to a room for resting and changing clothes.

Start to Zhang Bin makeup.

"What makes me do? Say."

Zhang Bin felt something wrong.

Because the girls began to give him a powder.

"It's very simple, that is, your makeup is my appearance, and I have practiced the knee in the practice area. In the evening, even the task was completed." Susan is smiling.


Zhang Bin took a headache, a little regret, just promised too fast.

Hurry and ask: "Don't you come out?"

That immediately said: "Susan is the top genius, will cultivate the peak of the flying situation in the future. How can you come out? You don't even know? Are you not our Golden Gate? disciple?"

Susan is too famous in the Golden Gate, no disciples don't know her.

Zhang Bin said this to show a little bit of flaws.

However, Zhang Bin is a disciple of a foreign wear, it is not clear about the rules, or it is still possible.

"It turned out to be the super genius of the martial art, just like Yang Xiong, which is too clear, is not allowed to go out, and there are many masters protection. Because I am worried that the enemy is calculated, there is no longer gains. Super genius, once the fall is the huge loss of the martial art. But they don't want to be bound. So Susan wants to use this way to run out to play. "Zhang Bin suddenly realized that there is worry: "My realm is not high, it is easy to be seen, if you are seen, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, supervise the old man in fishing, even if he comes in, seeing makeup, you are trying to practice, of course, you will not care." Susan's face ghost.

"okay then."

Zhang Bin still agreed.

Anyway, just came here, the knee is cultivated one day, secretly uses the gods to observe Dawei Star, collect information, and it is also necessary, and can't delay what you do.

After that, under the help of Susan, you can become an inner-door disciple.

And you can also listen to the fall of the sky and the fallen of the heavens and the book from Susan mouth.

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