The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1601 catchs up

Many female disciples continue to give Zhang Bin makeup.

The action is very familiar.

Obviously, such things have been done many times.

"Yang Xiong is likely to escape from the same way."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, and immediately called the Tinta, let him stare Yang Xiong.

Less no safety issues.

Now Yang Xiong has been cultivated to the early days of Yuan Ying.

I have never taken the flower Dan, but use the baby to break through.

He is only 12 years old, which is terrible.

However, Zhang Bin still did not give Yang Xiong.

Because the monks must wait for the monks to be suitable for 18 years old. Yang Xiong old, the body is not developing complete, and Dantian's attributes are also in gestation.

It is too early to build, and the number of possible Dantian regions may be reduced.

Soon, these girls put Zhang Bin makeup into Susan's appearance, wearing a wig.

Zhang Bin also transported the sprinkle function, narrowing the body, put on Susan, ready to practice.

It looks like Susan.

If you practice the martial arts, it's hard to distinguish it.

"Zhang Bin, please, come back at night, I will help you advance to the interior disciple."

Susano smiled and immediately showed stealth.

Directly hidden in the air.

And this group of girls are surrounded by Zhang Bin.

They pointed to Zhang Binyi's knee sitting in Susan who likes to practice, is going to leave with stealth Susan, but they suddenly stopped.

I started to practice the sword as for the stealth of Susan, that is, the air is not dare.

Because, I was still in the Fishing of the Director of Fishing, and the pen moved to this martial art.

His doubt is falling on Zhang Bin's face, and his mouth is angry: "Say, who are you? Susan? Where?"

All girls and Susan are frightened.

Even Zhang Bin is stunned, this is the old old, this is so old? I saw it so soon.

He looked up and curiously told the old manager.

It was found that he was a middle-aged person, the eyebrows were thick, and the face was also very dark.

Tall, the momentum is like a mountain.

The realm is also very high, and it is actually cultivated to the medium term of the flying.

"So powerful, so majestic, no wonder these genius girls are so afraid of him."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He stood up, the fierce property was really arrogant, and the blood said: "During the old man, I am Susan. Are you too old, your brain is a bit confused?"

The sound actually was exactly the same as Susan, there is no difference.

"How is this possible? Zhang Bin actually has such a magical ability?"

Many genius girls acute Susan are very surprised, and they are secretly sweating.

Zhang Bin actually dared to talk to the old man?

Looking for death?

The old face floated on the face of the cold, and his right hand lightned.

I got a wig on Zhang Bin's head, gently pulled it, and the wig was separated.

Out of Zhang Bin's short hair.

"Ok, completely finished, this extempration disciple should be punished, it is not good to be detained." Many young disciples are full of face, fragrant sweating.

"Now, you dare to say that you are Susan?"

During the old man, the old face is clear.

People are shocked.

"Hey ... I am Susan, just to make a joke with the director."

Zhang Bin still did not admit that using Susan's voice and said.

His mind, his short hair began to grow quickly.

Several breathing time becomes a kind of Ufa like a satin, looks like Susan's long hair.

"Good, good, the ability to control the body is very deep." During his old man, sigh, "But your realm is the medium-term boy in Yuanying, how is it possible to make a mist? Otherwise, I will directly discard your repair. "

"During the manager, you see, is my realm?"

Zhang Bin did not panic, transported to deceive the abilities, and the breath of the breath was powerful.

It seems that it is the realm of the initial situation.

Since removing the bullying God to the early days of Yuan Ying, his deception has also improved too much.

Plus his strength is very horrible, you can rush to the peak monk.

So, it seems that there is no flaw.

"My God, what kind of monster I found to find?"

"How can we have such a discipline of such a bullion?"

That kind, and all genius girls are secretly shocked.

But they all worked hard to prevent themselves.

That may be difficult to make it.

"How can this be?"

The old eyes of the Director have grown around Zhang Bin.

Then he laughed, "You show the fox tail, you will be the small door of the small door? Isn't it right? Hello, even a few tricks, this time, I have to close you for three years."

The small door of the small door, the whole name is Jin Xiahai, only 18 years old, and also cultivated to the early stations. Jumping jumping, character jumping off. And like to mix with beauty. Refining is not very hard.

I have made a big mistake in a few days ago, and I was closed.

There are a little quirky, secretly laugh.

This time, the old man is looking at, and this teenager is not a small door.

It is a foreign disciple.

"The Director is old, your suspect is really too heavy. I am Susan, not a small door."

Zhang Bin said with Susan's voice.

"Do you still want to argue?"

During the old man, "What is the disciple of law enforcement? Go to the small door of the owner?"

Soon, a law enforcement disciple took off the smashing small door to the small door.

This is a teenager who looks like ancient spirits, and the eyes are dripping, and a smile.

When he came, he said excitedly: "Is the Director, isn't my confinement?"


The supervisor's old mouth sent a surprised voice. He also reached his hand to pinch on the face of Jin Xiahai, and said that "is not a fake, a bit weird."

The small door main gold small customs banned, and I like to find someone to fake, but I escaped to play.

So, he will come over and want to reveal the avatar of Jinhai.

However, this is actually a genuine small door owner.

"During the manager, can you not doubt me?"

Zhang Bin said.

"You still have a fake, joyful, come, erase the fat powder and easy to accumulate on his face."

The old man shouted.

There are two female law enforcement disciples to rush, and wipe the face of Zhang Bin with a wet towel.

Sure enough, it is easy to get out of the vessel and lipid powder.

Many female disciples have lost color ...

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