The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1602 Small Catcher

Even the small door of the Golden Sea also covered his eyes and couldn't bear to see such a scene.

Because the consequences are very serious.

Susan and this pretended disciple must be punished.

As for Susan that is stealth, I almost cried.

However, the magical thing happened.

The fat powder and easy to accumulate cream on the face are wiped.

It is still a flower like a flower, delicate skin, beautiful sparkling.

It looks like Susan's appearance.

There is no difference.

"How can this be?"

All the genius girl who knows the internal feelings is almost crazy, which is too incredible.

It is clear that a tall teenager, the skin is also bronze.

How can you become a woman's skin, Susan's face?

Even the eyes are exactly the same, there is no flaw.

"Susan, how hard you, do you dare to tease me?"

During the old man jumped, the fire was three feet.

Obviously he was lured by Zhang Bin.

"Hey ... I have no magical, I have not cultivated to a very deep point, but I can't show anything, but I can do it with easy to accommodate. Even this powerful elders can't see. Zhang Bin whisped in his heart. The mouth is said: "During the old man, I just make your own makeup, but I haven't thought about it."

"Do you still want to argue?"

During his old man roar, "I see that you have never been embarrassed, you have to accept punishment."

"I am very hard, really hard."

Zhang Bin installed a little fear.

"Work hard? Very good, I will give you a chance. If you can pick me a sword, you will free your penalty. If you can't help it, then you will be closed for a year." During his old man and said.

He is going to find an excuse to punish Susan, because he was joined by Susan.

"One year?"

The stealth Susan is scared that it is very terrible. It is terrible. How do you live in the future?

"If I can pick up your two swords, is it a reward?"

Zhang Bin not only didn't be afraid, and asked seriously.

"What? Contact me two swords? Do you want to reward?"

During his old man, looked at Zhang Bin like a monster, and he couldn't believe his ears.

As far as his horror strength, don't say Susan, it is difficult to practice the elders in the early days of the flying, it is difficult to pick him a sword. It's more no need to say two swords.

"This boy is really a new cow, not afraid of tiger, dare to say this?"

All genius girls are stunned.

The small door of the Lord Golden Sea is also awkward, staring at Zhang Bin, as if the first time I know Susan.

Obviously, he is also a little doubt, and Susan may be a counterfeit.

"Of course I said is a sword, can't be repaired, and it is said that" Zhang Bin added, "Do you dare to gamble with me?"

"Of course, use sword skills, is it still use of magic and arrogance? Otherwise, can you pick me a sword? To throw out ten holes in your clothes. "

Ordinary swords can't be used in a lot of freighter, and it does not use true strength.

Only show skills and swords, and the magical sword move.

So, he used the ordinary sword.

"During the defined, the senior swordsmanship of the old man is terrible to the extreme, so that it is dazzling, Zhang Bin is absolutely unable to block." The genius disciples are sighed in my heart.

"What is the one-year conflict, how?"

Susan has no god, and his face is full.

Zhang Bin grabbed an ordinary sword, standing in a dead, a calm, "said the director, start?"

"See the sword ..."

The old man of the old manager made a vast momentum and shouting.

The sword in his hand stab is stab.

I pierced a thorns.

Almost at the same time.

Ten swords became a huge lotus, it looks beautiful.

Obviously, he said a sword is a sword.

And it is the most powerful trick in the Diamang sword method - lotus sword!


The blanked sound sounded.

Ten swords of the Lotus Pattern .

Such as light.

If it is Susan, it may not react.

Clothes should be pierced out of ten cavity.

However, this is not Susan, but Zhang Bin.

His god sprinkled, the sword in his hand stab.


His sword turned into a ten sword, stabbed the past.

"Dangdang ..."

The intensive voice sounded, and the old lotus sword pattern completely collapsed.

I don't have to stick to Zhang Bin at all.

"How can this be?"

The director is old, and the face is full of attention.

Many disciples are like a fool.

I can't believe my eyes.

Zhang Bin actually blocked?

Easy and easy to stop?

What swords did he show?

"During the manager, the first sword, I can't wait, come, start the second sword."

Zhang Bin's face is light, there is no pride color.

"Peacock open ..."

During his old man is a little ujari, yelling.

The sword in his hands suddenly stabbed, and instantly missed a pattern of peacock tailings.

It is simply to make anyone lost.

This is not the sword trick in the Diamang Cambrian, but the sword move that is the old man who creates himself, but also uses the optical system. It became super powerful tricks, almost no one can break.

Zhang Bin sprinkled with a slight sprinkled, the sword of the right hand tatched.

A sword turned into a few swords.

Just listen to the sound of the sound.

The peacock open screen is broken, and even, the manager is not allowed to retreat.

Because Zhang Bin's sword broke his peacock opened, he continued to sppen, if he was not withdrawn, throat, the heart will be worn by the hole.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

Everyone is shocked.

Especially Susan and other genius disciples, but also stunned.

A foreign disciple in the district, actually mastered such a magical sword law?

Easy to break the old lotus sword and peacock open?

"Susan, what kind of swords do you have?"

Looking at Zhang Bin, looking at Zhang Bin, looking at Zhang Bin, breathing.

"This is the priest, not worth it, it is worthy of the creation."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Not worth mentioning?"

During the old age, I got almost vomiting blood, easily broke his peacock on, not worth mentioning?

The face of many disciples is also revealing a weird expression.

"You must not Susan, I don't know what is the cattle?"

The small door of the Golden Sea shouted in his heart.

"Elder, our betting is what I won?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"If you win, what reward do you want?"

During the mans of supervision.

"Just reward me to go out and play."

Zhang Bin said that he didn't want to continue to pretend to be Susan here.

He also wants to go out with Susan and others.

"Row, but do not leave our Golden Gate."

During his old man, he said, it's flash.

"Great, we are walking."

Zhang Bin put out a very exciting look, and immediately surrounded many genius girls.

Fly away from outside.

"Wow, haha ​​... I am also free? During my old, I didn't time to manage me?"

Jin Xiaohai laughed, immediately chasing Zhang Bin, they went, the mouth was also called: "Teacher's sisters, beauty, etc. I ..."

As for the real Susan, it is also an exciting and exciting color, and the ghosts touched out and quickly chased it.

(Ask for the recommendation, thank you brothers.)

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