The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1608, a sword kills the devil

"What? Do you want us to kill us?"

This is not just golden sea, and there is also jumped, and their face is full of angry and horrification.

There is such a truth in the world, such a meritorious monk?

"You are all committed. So I do it."

Rain demon said with an unquestionable tone.

"Suicide you paralyze."

The gold small sea is in a hurry, and his two eyes are angry.


Two crushed gold swords were taken as lightning.

In an instant, on the two temples of the rain, it is easy to break his flesh.

No, it is easy to pass through his flesh, you are in his two moon.

"Dangdang ..."

The moon is very hard, and there is no cracking.

Just shake slightly.

His eyes shot fierce, "It's good, I didn't expect that the Bolden Golden Gate of this way was finally a genius, and he cultivated Herk's murderous moon double sword. Unfortunately, unfortunately, genius falls today. The Golden Gate has no hope. "


Golden House roar.

All beauty disciples include Susan yelling in anger.

The sharp magic weapon in their hands.

Crazy murderous to the rain.

Unfortunately, everything is futile.

The rain is suddenly flying out of the crystal rain.

Out as the same arrow is in the same manner.

Instantly take the magic weapon in their hands.

Dangdang ...

Ah, ah ...

They can't hold the magic weapon in their hands, all of them flew to the air.

People are also retreat, even, most of the beautiful women fall into the ground.

Even the powerful Susan also retreats later, a fell in Zhang Binhuai.

As for the golden sea, it is most miserable.

The rain shot several holes in his limbs.

The sky is on the ground and twist the pain.

"Quick escape ..."

Dodge is shouting immediately.

Asked the disciples of the door, flying together, escaped in all directions.

However, gravity suddenly changed, just like countless big mountain pressure on them.

Just turned out, rolling on the ground, screaming.

"Zhang Bin, we will continue to retreat, escape from the sea, the point is sneak, go back to move the soldiers ..."

Poured in Zhang Bin's Susan's voice.

"Users who are useless, he is awarded the road to cultivate the road to the horror, jumping into the sea, there is no possibility of escape." Zhang Bin said.

But he didn't even sound, so everyone heard.

"What is the so stupid person in the world? I actually said that the way the escape is said." Everyone is very urgently corrupted, depressed to the extreme.

"How are you so stupid?"

Susan is also almost vomiting blood.

There is really no way to do this, because the Rain Devils have heard it.

"Hahaha ... You are fun, really interesting." The rain devil laughed, "In fact, you are very smart, more smart, know that it is not my opponent, there is no attack. I know that the sea cannot escape," Instead, I have to kill it easily, so I don't have a stupid thing. You come over, let me see, is it a genius? "

"Don't go, he will kill you."

Susan pulled Zhang Bin and said horror.

"He won't kill me, because I will kill him."

Zhang Bin said.

Everyone is awkward, I can't believe my ear, just cultivate Zhang Bin in the middle of the Yuan Ying, and even said to kill the horror of the world?

It is important to know that Rain demon is cultivated to the mid-term.

And he also repaired several kinds of extremely horrible abilities.

Even if you are old, it is impossible to be the opponent of the rain.

Only the door is coming, there is only a hopes.

Zhang Bin pushed Susan and walked over step by step.

There was a bright ancient sword in his hand, it seems really to kill the rain.

"Hahaha ..."

The rain is laughing, and the face is full of play. "I want to see if you are genius, kill you. Where is it, you are a idiot. You said, what do you want to die?"

"Do you dare to pick me a sword?" Zhang Bin said.

"There is no thing that I don't dare to do in the world." Rain demon smiled and said, "If you have a sword, I have to use your sword to knew your head. Do you like this kind of death?"

Zhang Bin said that he said, the sword in his hand stab.


The rain is a cold laugh, and the right hand is lightning, directly grasping the sharp Jianfeng.

However, his face suddenly floated.

Because Zhang Bin's sword suddenly turned into two swords, another sword, looked into his eyes in the blink of an eye.

It's so faster that his body armor has not started.

I have to let him join the retreat.


The sharp compound swords broke out, and he destroyed his moon palace instantly, killing his soul.

" ..."

Rain demon's majestic body is on the ground.

Pull the ground out of a big pit.

The blood has eldered and reddish the ground.

Everyone is completely earthquake, dumbful, looked at the blood of the blood and lying in the bodies of the emperor. I can't believe my eyes.

Invincible, using a water drop, you can kill the early monks of the flying mortar, and commit the sinful rain demon, it is actually a silent, just cultivated to the Monk of Yuan Ying, kill the sword?

How can this be?

"God, you really kill the rain magic?"

Susan shouted shouted.

"Really dead? It's easy to kill it?"

Jin Xiahai also climbed up, exclaimed.

"God, rain is really dead."

Dodge is also rushing.

The rest of the people are surrounded, shocked to the extreme.

Finally, they all projected the doubtful eyes on Zhang Bin's face.

"How did you do it?"

Susan asked.

"I am a sword, then he will die, it is estimated that it is also a false name." Zhang Bin shrugged.

"Wave is wrong, it is impossible, it should be the rain magic, not putting you in your eyes, but your sword is very magical." Susan said.

"Ha ha ha ... must be like this, the rain is this is covered in the ditch, and you will die."

Golden Sea is excited to laugh.

The rest of the people also sent a cheer.

Because the rain demon is dead, the danger will be released.

"All the things, the Rain Devils were killed by Bin Ge, and the elders in Lianmen could not be disclosed. Otherwise, Ze Tianmen came to retaliate, and the consequences were unimpeded." Susan said seriously.

Everyone nodded and had guaranteed some.

Zhang Bin took the emperor's space ring, and then took a sharp sword from the Dantian of the rain.

This is a super sharp topping magic.

"Swing of the sword ..."

The face of everyone has a fear.

Former rain demon, use this sword, in the horizontal world, kill how many giants don't know.

"Not bad, harvest a lot."

Zhang Bin took out a helmet again from the body of the body. This is also a very powerful top magic weapon. He also looked at the space ring, and found a lot of heaven and earth drugs, and there was an experience of cultural practice.

He still has another harvest, killing the devil, got a lot of merits.


Golden Sea's mouth spurting a cyan flame, crazy burning the body of the rain.

Soon, it will become ashes.

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