The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1609 Crisis

Zhang Bin Susan and others returned to the martial art.

"All to the kitty hall, accept penalties."

Just entered the door, a cold voice sounded, and it was the supervisor's old.

East window is incident!

Many talents disciples immediately install a very afraid.

I walked into the lift hall.

Zhang Bin is also one of them.

In the kids, not only, not only on the stage, but also sitting on the stage. There are also many law enforcement elders.

Moreover, the main Soviet stream is also cold and cold.

One of them killed, suffocating.

"I have seen my dad, I have seen my uncle."

Susan hippie smiles, not afraid at all.

"It turns out that she is a door of the door, and it is no wonder that the big sister can be big."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, while taking care of the main Soviet Soviet.

Then he was a little disappointed. Although Su Dong was very powerful, cultivated to the peak of the flying, but the body was revealed, and a faint death atmosphere.

That is to say, Su Dong's life is exhausted.

Just like the past wolf.

It is difficult to help him to deal with black prison.

Because the life of the monk is exhausted, it is almost impossible to spend a big success.

Even now, I have a variety of exercises, and I have no great hope.

At this time, Zhang Bin has finally understood that why hegemony is a second-class martial art.

It is because the life of Su Dong is exhausted.

There is no peak monk.


Su Dongli took a palm of the table and saw: "Say, who has stolen so many precious Tiandi deals?"

"Dad, you are wrong, not stealing, take it. It is I took it."

Susano said with a drop.


Su Dong traffic almost did not mad.

He is old to give birth to such a baby daughter, too pet.

There is no way to do it now.

"The door, don't be angry, I will deal with them."

After the director of the old man, he smiled and drinked: "Drag down, play one hundred boards."

These repairs are very arrogant, good, and most afraid of being ass.

"Who dare?"

Susan took advantage, "We took the heavens and demonstrations this time, it was going to catch the wizard.

"Fishing Elf Baby?"

During the old and the Su Dong flow almost spurted a bite of old blood.

So many precious Tiandi demon drugs are wasted by their fishing wits, the spiritual medicine is simply miserable, is the elf baby can be caught?

"Playing, giving me a slap."

Su Dong's hard work and murdered.

Today, he wants to clean up Susan, otherwise, wait for him to fall, then there is more unable to day.

"We caught the elf baby."

Susan proudly opened his head, and there was a container that was installed with the elf baby. I am proud to say, "Some spiritual medicines in the district, caught in a wizard baby, is it worthwhile?"

The whole game is quiet, the chop is silent.

All elder eyes are projected onto the elf baby in the container.

Su Dongshi also wiped his eyes and wiped his eyes, and then looked at it, it was found to be true.

He is also shocking on the spot, saying that it does not speak.

This group is caused by a harmonious second generation, which is really caught in a wizard baby?

How can this be?

how can that be possible?

You know, many martial arts, including their Golden Gate, often go to the big sea fishing elf baby.

But it is basically unsuccessful.

So, for so many years. Only the shackles of Zeminmen's Shamen Lord are famous.

"Dad, supervisor, can we leave?"

Susan is proud, almost excited to shout.

This feeling is really cool.

" ..."

Su Dongli, the Director, and many law enforcement long and flying.

Looking at the elf baby in the container.

Their face is full of joy.

This is a treasure of super precious, with this wizard baby, Bao Jinmen may have a crisis of the destruction.

"Shanshan, you caught to the elf baby, there is anyone else?"

Su Dongfi finally calmed down, asked seriously.

"Asked the Dao Dao, etc., but they promised to keep confidential." Susan said, "Never say it, you can rest assured."

"Since some people know, it can only be sent to Ze Tianmen." Su Dongshu said, "Shanshan, you dress up, and go to Ze Tianmen."

"Dad ... Are you crazy?" Susan got up, "Ze is so bad, I will never marry him."

"This is your life." Su Dongshu said that "Ze Shao Doctor has repeatedly sent people to send people, I have been refused. But Dad will be fallen. If you don't agree with this marriage. We must be covered by Jinmen. Many people have to be killed, Dad can't bear to see this thing. When can you grow up, can you understand? "

"We are not afraid of Ze Tianmen, I can soon be fast, no fear of any martial art." Jin Xiaohai shouted angrily, "We don't want to use Susan's happiness to change and steal."

"Yes, we don't want to use Susan's happiness to change and steal."

Many disciples shouted angrily, and the momentum is a lot.

"Dad, I must be obedient in the future, I must try to practice. Don't worry again. We will be so strong, you can guarantee your safety, keep us Jin Gate." Susan said seriously.

"The door, and see if they will work hard in the future. If there is no way, they will marry from Ze Tianmen." The Director said.

"That will wait for a while." Su Dong was sighing.

Susan and other repairs are secretly long, and the face has also launched a smile.

"Shanshan, listening to the old man, you have created a special sword method, breaking the old lotus sword and peacock open screen, is it true?" Su Dongshu suddenly rumored.

"Of course, it is true." Susanshan's face has floated a strong pride and pride.

Anyway, Zhang Bin is her avatar, and it has mastered the magical swordsmanship, and it is equal to her own master.

"That is showing me?"

Su Dong is looking forward to it.

"Dad, I have no mood today, a few days."

Susanshan said.

"After five days, it is the master assessment. At that time, I will take your swordsman."

Su Dongshu said, "Take care of the baby, communicate well, go."

Susan and others cheered away.

Su Dongli and the Director of the Director are relatively speechless.

Their face is full.

"During the old man, after three months, I will impact the flying promotion. In the future, the martial art rely on you to support. How are you going to Ze Tianmen?" Soviet.

"I plan to block the message, win the time. The Susan and Jin Xiahai may all be cultivated to the flying misery. There is nothing to worry about, the genius of them, the ability to defeat the enemy ..." said the director, "said" The only thing to worry is that they don't work hard. So, I have to spend more time to supervise them. In addition, I have to pay more than a lot of tricks in Ze Tianmen ... "

"Ze Tianmen is actually peeping is our heaven, always wants to get it, and they are also interested in our Baojin Tiangong and treasure gods. Once we are weak, they will do not hesitate to swallow and we, put us It is not enough to eat bones. So, they will always explore the strength of our Golden Gate, and to conceal my death, it is not easy ... "


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