The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1610, Tianguo

"Bin brother, you will live here in the future, my Dongfu is next door ..."

Susan really did not lose, turned Zhang Bin to an internal door disciple, and helped Zhang Bin to go to a cave.

Then she took Zhang Bin to Tibetan Tibet, said seriously: "Our Golden Gate is the practice of cultivation, you can read and learn finely."

"I want to learn Jin Xiahai's moon two sword attack, it seems that it is very cow, is there?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"That fault is called the Tianguo, this is not. Save in my dad, you want to learn the day of the magic, you must pass my dad and supervise the old experience." Susan said.

"How do you test? Is it defeated them?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"..." Susan smiled, "You think that you can break the old man who can defeat the director. Too big? I said to you, strong is not relying on the priest, but is repaired. And the realm, the strong somatic soul is really powerful. During the supervision of you, of course, it is not good to see your talents. The test method is too much. "

"Then you have learned the magic?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Of course, I haven't cultivated the moon double sword yet. So he did the young door." Susan said.

"Then you don't have to teach me? Or let Xiaohai teaches me?" Zhang Bin said, "Then I am a secret weapon, sweep everything, the protective tyrants will rely on me."

"It's right, anyway, the latter is the most powerful master in the future, I am not a violation of the martial arts. Gigle ... At night, you went to my cave ..." Susan Shanjiao laughed.

Zhang Bin began to read the Jade Jane in Tibetan Tibet.

There is a rabbit to help, copy all content directly in your mind.

These contents involve the history of Big Golden Gate, as well as many cultivation experience, and research experience on many of the multi-master practices of Dagze Star. Of course, there is also a golden merits and treasures. The most useful thing is a Pharmacopoeia, which records a lot of heaven and earth demonstration, and has a drug-based description.

"It turned out that the Bolden Gate was founded by Sujia's ancestors." Zhang Bin was satisfied with the Tibetan Tibet, "It can be seen that the golden star is invaded by the magic, which is 300,000 years ago. Things, not too far away. Unfortunately, Tibetan Tibet does not have a record of Golden Star by the magic invasion. There is another database, maybe hidden in the Soviet Union, and maybe hidden in the old man. "

Soon, Zhang Bin went to Susan Cave.

The door is that , , face full of vigilance.

"Zhang Bin, you see, my little flower is good."

Susan urgently took Zhang Bin into the secret room.

This secret room transformed a swimming pool, filled with spiritual water.

The elf baby is very happy in the water, and it is also flying out of the water and Susan from time to time.

Obviously, it is for such a while, she has established her feelings with the Elf Baby.

If you completely take the wizard baby, it will be possible to grab more water elves.

Because it can induce other elves.

Of course, that probability is not very big.

Then Susan took Zhang Bin to her study.

She started her eyebrow dance to explain the magical power of the Tianguo, it is really tone.

"Such a powerful day magic, who is founded?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"The Tiang Magic is too mysterious, even my dad is not very clear." Susan said, "Even, the book is lost. We only have a book. Of course, there is also the experience and experience of the ancestors. Therefore, we can practice the secret law of the book. It is said that it is more magical, the people have different qualifications, and the content learned is not the same ... "

"Ha ha ha ... I finally played the news of the Tianguo, although only a book, but it is also a huge gain, until I can't get 12,000 guidelines, I can have a follow-up to practice, it can be much stronger. Deal with Haowei may not be enough, but it is enough to deal with the magic. After I have nearly a hundred years. You can also find the following book. "Zhang Bin is dark."

Susan began to pass the cultivation of Zhang Bin Tiandu.

I didn't understand the external plus that she realized, and a brain passed to Zhang Bin.

There is no doubt of Zhang Bin at all.

"It is still a 17-year-old little girl, and there is no heart. Fortunately, I am not a bad person. Otherwise, the cultivation of the Tianguo's book is leaking, maybe it is a big disaster." Zhang Bin sigh in his heart. "

Seven days of swaying.

Today is the day of Su Dongchang testing many genius disciples.

The sky is still not bright, Susan came to Zhang Binongfu, said: "Bin brother, today you must help me, deal with my dad's inspection. Otherwise, I am dead, because I still didn't understand you in the past few days. Teach my sick sword, it is too difficult. "

Zhang Bin was seven days of excavating the heaven and earth debris and plants on the site of Big Golden Gate.

Detecting medicinality, refining water attributes, preparing to make your own three clear mouth breakthrough.

At the same time, he worked hard to understand the secret law of the Too Old Jun, and wanted to create a Dan attribute.

In addition, Susan still learned his sicking pride, and wanted to pay attention to Su Dong.

Zhang Bin did not have a jealous, taught her ...

"How can you help you?"

Zhang Bin screamed.

"Your makeup is made into my look, will n't it become?"

Susan said.

"I can't protect you forever, you have to learn to protect yourself."

Zhang Bin sighed.

"Betting, who wants you to protect? I am much better than you, it is much better than you. I am making your makeup into me, I cope with my father to check my sword law." Susan's feet.

"That have you worked hard in these days?" Zhang Bin is a bit helpless, there is a feeling of Zhang Le Le, Zhang Lele is also so arrogant, and it is so cute, he is a bit refusing.

"Hey, you still tubed me? My dad is not careful. What is your tube?"

Susan said with a rapidity.

"Well, okay, I don't care for you. But you have guaranteed your dad to try hard. I will help you blind him, this is wrong." Zhang Bin said.

"You are too embarrassed. I am trying to practice, you can rest assured." Susan urged said, "You make makeup, otherwise it is too late."

Zhang Bin is bitter, shakes the body, turned into Susan's appearance.

It seems that it is exactly the same, the height is the same.

Skin is the same.

"It's amazing, this is too powerful."

Susan saw it stunned.

Soon, they walked out of the cave.

Susan Makeup into Zhang Bin's way.

As for the realm is the medium term of Yuanying.

Of course, it is used in secret.

Zhang Bin is speechless, this child is familiar with the makeup, and makes makeup into him Zhang Bin, there is no flaw.

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