The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1612 Terror Ze Tianmen

"He is still much stronger than me?" Jin Xiahai shouted in his heart, "a foreign disciple, which is so talent and powerful? How is it possible."

"I seem to be very miserable, I am so miserable?"

Susan is also shocked.

"When is Susan so powerful?"

Su Dongli, the Director, and the other elders face each other, shocking inexplicably.

"Well, Sumenou has a good daughter, always hidden, the strength is so strong." Rain blowing the star, I still want to attack Zhang Bin's Swings, and I said, "I also want to ask. A few tricks. "

Su Dongli immediately blocked in front of Zhang Bin, saying faintly: "Where is the little girl might be the opponent of the rain? Is it better to use a few moon priests?"

"Sumen, what do you mean? Is it a marriage?"

The rain blusted on the face of the rain slammed the color.

"It's not refused. But your Ze Tianmen is too sincere. Change a person who can better than my daughter." Su Dong said coldly.

"Very good, I will go back to the newsman, let the thirteen young masters, or the seven young masters, five young masters, big masters, even, may make the young door to come. You will prepare for dowry. I hope that the dowry can be a heaven. Bao Jin Tianmin and treasure gods. "Rain blowing stars and said," Say. "

He has a quick departure of the Semin of the Roaring.

"How much time can this be delayed? I hope to have a month."

Su Dongli muttered, hit, and looked at Zhang Bin with a singular look: "Shanshan, how much your strength is so much? It seems to have changed? What is going on?"

"I have been trying to practice, so the strength has improved."

Zhang Bin said.

"The door, it seems that Miss's talents far exceed us. If we can delay some time, Miss may become more powerful, and our Golden Gate's crisis may be released." During his old man said excited.

"Ze Tianmen is too strong, we can't get it." Su Dongshu shot the ice and murderous, "But if I am out, I don't hit the big realm, I can support more than a period of time."

"Miss, you must work hard, don't live up to your father's expectations, but he wants to give up the fairy chance." The director looked at Zhang Bin and said.

"There is no chance to don't give up." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "even delays what time."

As far as his experience is concerned, Su Dongli, which is exhausted is, but also, in addition, since Zemai is famous for many Dantian, and the name of Ze is the son of Ze Tianmen, the son, then Ze Tianmen's strength is terrible, it is definitely not a golden door to resist, and the other party will not be able to go to the Tiandou.

Ze Tianmen is situated on a hillside, the building is high, as the dragon hovering on the peak, the two big characters of Ze Tian also are dragon flying dance, showing swallowing weather.

Although Dawei Star's martial art is much, the first-class martial art is only two.

One is Ze Tianmen, and the other is the fairy medicine door.

Therefore, Ze Tianmen is one of the overlords on Dagu.


A sound of the table suddenly sounded from the Ze Tianmen's Mandish.

The horrible pressure and momentum is also disclosed.

People are shocked.

The gate of the door is sitting on the world of luxury domineering dragon chairs in the hall.

His two eyes were shot, and the face floated on the face.

In front of him, I stared respectfully to the rain blowing star and Searle.

There are more than a dozen super powerful and deputy owners on both sides.

"Bao Jinmen doesn't know how to make a good turn, it will take a reappearance, but it is in cultivation of genius disciples and enhances the strength. It has cultivated a super master, and it is Susan. This time, he humiliated 19 young master. Door, look Come, they are sincere and don't want to marry us, and they are not willing to use the Tianguo to make a dowry. "The deputy director said angrily," simply, the Golden Gate is over. "

"The Tiang Magic is the practice of the magical cultivation of the soul, we must get, the owner and many of the masters that cultivate the peaks of the flying peaks can spend the horror of the great bid, flying in the fairyland. But if we attack They ruined this practice, then we still can't get it, this relationship is too great, so I want to be solemn. "The long-elderly rain said seriously.

"Su Dong's life is not much. For up to one year, he is falling. At that time, we have to get the talents. It is easy to think about it." The two elder and rain of the rain. "


Many giant began to discuss countermeasures in detail.

They are all cultivating the terrorist masters in the late flying and peak.

In particular, the giant huge names, but also strong and terrible, it seems to be much stronger than the general flying peak monk.

"The strong attack is the next policy." The door is the same as the day, "but, the night is more dreams. We must get the tale as soon as soon as possible. So, to Susan is the best way. Su Dongshu is not to say, let us change a defeat Susan's genius? Just satisfell his wish ... Let the 13 young masters, five young masters, seven young masters, Ma Grand master. "

"The door, if the young door is from the horse, but not only is it full, but also gives the largest face of Su Dong, he will happen to take out the moon to make a dowry." Deputy Diens .

"It is a bit more than 17-year-old girl." Zedang Tian said, "As for the young door, it is closed and impact the peak of the flying-rising, and it is not appropriate to disturb."

"The young door is too genius, only 27 years old, actually to break through the peak of the flying, he is the most talented Tianjiao in this era, and there is no one after the ancient people will be suppressed."

"Door, although you are strong, the young door may already exceed you ..."

"Shamen Lord is flying in the fairy world, it is easy to be in charge."


Speaking of the young door, many elders and deputy doors are extremely exciting.

Soon, four arrogant teenagers were called in the hall.

Of course, it is 13 young master Liushan, seven young grandpac, five grandpathers, Li Yun, Little Grand Grand Grand Grass Levels.

A sharp monkey woman.

But it is a mountain, and the pressure is like a sea, a powerful and genius.

"I have seen the door and the deputy owners, and the old."

Four teenagers hug, the momentum is like a mountain.

"Go to the Golden Gate, Ren Susan's gimmicks pick you one person, then you will teach the girl, then marry her back, the dowry is the tag. Well, with the flower bridge, prepare some of the mortgage. Rain Blowing the star, you will go with yourself. "

"Yes, the door."

They agreed.

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