The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1613 Huangshui, bloody

"The door is not good, not good, Ze Tianmen four young masters come to pick up, carrying the flower bridge, with the hiring, magnificent ... Do you want them to come in?"

A guard fly is rushed to the garden, shouting for Su Dong, who is cultivating on the plate knee.

"Miss ... is not good, not good ..."

That also reported to Susan in the first time.

Susan's face became pale, "What? Is it coming to the four jams in Zemotian Wuxie? Also carried the flower bridge, bring the gift?"

There are five super geniuses in Ze Tianmen, all of Ze Tiantian's son.

In addition to the above, another is of course the small door Lord is left.

They are all geniors, only more than 20 years old, but they all cultivate to the flying.

Of course, the most talented or three young masters, that is, the small door is the main look, only 27 years old, cultivate into the late stage, it is said that it will break through the peak.

It is a horror master that can kill the enemy.

The other party sent four hands, it is a must.

Zhang Bin re-talent, there is no way to resist.

Why should I send a weakest?

Why don't you come to the rules?

Soon, Susan went to Zhang Bin's Dongfu.

Zhang Bin is refining the medicinal medicine.

From the site of the Golden Gate, there is such a water atmosphere of the world.

Pharmacular analysis is similar, now the creation of a Dan party, refining the medicine.

Ma Rufei and Chen Chao Yue Zhang Navy's three cultivation of water attributive skills three clear troops, but there is a blessing, becoming the object of the test.

Therefore, they have a breakthrough in three, it seems that they can break through the meditation of Yuan Ying.

I'm too happy to have three functions.

Every day, in Zhang Bin's central Dantian crazyly runs the air, refining the medicine of the drug, looking forward to breakthrough.

"Zhang Bin, this time you must save me ..."

Susan said horror.

"How do you let me save you?" Zhang Bin said, "Ze Tianmen is so powerful, now come to four hands, you can kill the enemy, you can even kill the enemy, do you still expect me to defeat them? "

"I know that you have no way to defeat any one." Susan said sadly, "So, this time, it may really escape. I can only marry. But, I really don't want to marry them any one. Ah. Because, their purpose is to get the talents. As for me, it is an excuse. I married the past, I didn't use the value, the days will naturally be very irrabilled. I may even die. So I ... "

When she said, she paused, and her face had hesitially colored colors.

"If you have anything, let's say it, otherwise it will come in, people come in."

Zhang Bin reminded.

"Zhang Bin, you see that I am so good to you, what do you want? What do I give? I have a medicinal material, other places of medicine, I have given you. You will help me again, makeup I look like it. Ok? "Susan pleaded.

Zhang Bin is stunned, watching Susan, looking at the monster, and can't say it for a long time.

"I know that it is very much, but I really have no way, you can't watch me in the fire pit, and this is actually a weight." Susan said, "The people in our martial art I will escape to another place. After you marry, you can escape, you can escape, you have to escape. If you can escape, I will definitely repay you, I don't have to be you in the future. Daughter-in-law, never yet, "

After that, she was shy, and she looked forward to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin also looked at Susan, but he couldn't see that she said that the truth is still fake, this girl is too ancient spirits, her mind is too difficult to guess.

However, Zhang Bin can still judge that Susan is not bad, just a bit.

So, he finally agreed, "Okay, I will help you."

"Zhang Bin, you are so good to me ... or not, is it? Or I married?"

Susan moved to tears, grabbed Zhang Bin's hand, reluctant to let go.

Because she knows that Zhang Bin married her, he was too dangerous, they two, it was likely to have no goodbye.

In addition to his father, there is only this boy in front of her father.

"Don't worry, I will help you, everything will pass."

Zhang Bin was a little mustard in his heart, but she saw her true feelings, and the mustard fly. He made a variable property, turned into Susan's appearance, replaced Susan's practice clothes. "You hurry to make a look, we go out, but how arrogant?"

Practice the martial art.

Big Golden Gate almost all disciples and the elders are coming.

An angry pole, and it is extreme.

As for the people of Ze Tianmen, of course, it is also proud to stand on the martial arts.

The talents of the four pointed monkey are like the sword of the four out of the sheath, and they stand there.

Excorps the perpetual pressure and momentum of extreme terror.

Yesterday's Zeming and them, it was simply like an ants.

They brought at least five hundred people, carrying the flower bridge, lifting the routing, blowing the , knocking the drum.

These five hundred people are very powerful, most of which cultivate into the fit.

A small part is cultivated to the flying.

Plus the rain blowing star and four strong young masters, this strength can be rushing to the Golden Gate.

This is ambiguous!

Su Dongli and the Director have also come over, their face is blue, and it is weak.

In the face of Ze Tianmen, the aggressive offensive of Ze Tianmen is exhausted.

Today, they can't pay anything.

Even if you start the big array, it is difficult to defeat the masters of Ze Tianmen.

What's more, Ze Tianmen has many powerful masters not coming.

Once the war has, the masters of Ze Tianmen are flattering.

Big Golden Gate can only be detained.

"Is it, today I can only marry Susan, use the sky magic, and how to make a downtime?"

Su Dongli and the director are full of despair. However, they still have a bigger concern, the Tianguo is too magical and precious, and the Ze Tianmen who got the Tianguo Then, the disciple of the Golden Gate may not escape.

Therefore, Ze Tianmen did not get the talents, and the Golden Gate is safe.

However, Ze Tianmen is a must, how can I find the reason for Susan not marry?

"Sumen Lord, I am coming again today. You still prepare your dowry, let Susan choose a young master to do husband, and immediately marry Susan immediately. Today is her big days."

The rain is smiling and smiling.

Su Dong sent a mouth, but it couldn't say anything.

It is not as good as the strength, it is true to slaughter.

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