The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1614, a punch

Seeing Su Dongshuo, the rain blowing star is more proud and arrogant, walking to the makeup into Susan's Zhang Bin, whispering: "Miss Susan, you are very talented, it is very powerful, yesterday The young master is playing. Today, I have brought four young masters to come, you will pick one. Yes, do you want to try it with it? "

If he didn't finish it, he laughed again.

Its Yu Ze Tianmen disciples are also smirk, and their faces are full of contemporary colors.

"And four young masters, what is Susan?"

"Susan is a genius in the Big Golden Gate, but in our Ze Tianmen, the stupid materials in the stupid materials."

"Four young masters are only using a finger, and you can easily crush her."


As for the four young masters, it is a sense of contempt and contempt, that is, I don't look at Zhang Bin.

If it is not to get the Tiandou, they will not have any meluo with a mediocrity.

A lot of Jinden disciples have a good job, and the face has become iron green, and some people are even angry.

Ze Tianmen This is bullying the door, naked nakedly to grab the Phoenix Susan in their doors, and also robbed three magical exercises such as treasures in their doors, even, still humiliated again.

Can't help it.

However, if you can't help it, it is the descent.

So, even if you bite the teeth, it is still afraid.

It can only be angry and regarded.

"It's still a test, who knows that they are embroidered?"

Zhang Bin said.

The disciples of the Golden Gate were stunned.

Susan is crazy? It is still to try with the other party? This can be Ze Tian 4je, all stronger to incredible, more than the test, to be humiliated by the other side.

Jin Xiahai and so on knowing that the disciple of the intermity looks at Zhang Bin, just like the monster, and does not understand why he is so stupid?

"The situation is not right, don't say it, replace me, give us time to escape? What is the trial? Itchy?" Makeup Cheng Zhang Bin's model Susan touched his forehead, and his face was stunned.

Su Dongli and the Director are also stunned, face each other, can Susan can't help?

"There is a good show, sitting in the young gorges to crush and humiliate her."

The disciples of Ze Tianmen are happy, and I laugh one by one.

"Miss Susan is really a peerless genius, and the district is 17 years old and cultivated to the beginning of the symptom." 13 Shazi Zhu Yan Mountain stepped out, came to Zhang Bin, smirk and drink, "in Lowerze Roses," It is the weakest in our brothers. If you can pick me up, the Malaysi Tiger, I will marry you to do Xiaolu. I will love you. If you even can't help it, then you can't afford, you I only have my , I can only sweep the floor. "

"It's so arrogant, so happy!"

All Bin Golden Disciples are completely angry.

However, I dare to anger.

It is really 13 young master Search Mountain too much genius and powerful, although it is only cultivated to the early days of the flying.

However, he can easily defeat the giant hugeness in the middle of the flying, and even beat the subsequent giant.

It can be said that even if the director is old, it can't resist the 13 young master.

Perhaps, only the main Su Dong is alert to him, but it must also use a slap in the moon.

Susan only cultivated to the beginning of the symptom, although the sword law is very powerful, how can it be the opponent of 13 young masters?

"Don't say nonsense, despite the attack."

Zhang Bin didn't care about the hook.

"Eat me!"

Ze Sanyshan was furious, and his Dantian suddenly released a lot of strange light.

Gold, silver, green, white, there are 11 colors.

His body is also suddenly pulled, the back is high, and the skin turns into steel.

The pressure and momentum is also a hundred times enhancement, so that the world is shocked.

Then, his right box suddenly slammed.


Space is broken, a black hole appears.

The fist instantly became bigger, hurricane roaring, covered with Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's back is solidified, and there is no way to escape.

He is actually a boxing of Zhang Bin!

Because he was completely irritated by the attitude of this woman.

As soon, he can't get the talents, he also can't take care, kill again.

"During the end, this is the murderous boxing of Ze Tianmen - the earthquake, you can make people live in a rare powder. Susan is dead." The disciple of Big Jinmen is desperately shouting in his heart.

"Be careful……"

Susan dressed as Zhang Bin almost scared, and shouted in a big shouting.

"Shan Shan ..."

Su Dongli sent a sadness to the extreme shout, and the flash will fly over the rescue.

However, the three young masters and rain blowing stars suddenly intercepted in front of him, and their faces were full of laughter.

As long as Su Dong flows, they will be siege, and then all disciples from the Golden Gate will be killed.

Su Dongshu had to stop, look desirably.

Zhang Bin has no expression, his right hand lifts, and he is on the other's fist.

"Hey ..."

Ze Sanyshan's fists instantly crushed, and then his arm was brought half an shoulder, and it was also chemically produced.

Blood explosion, meat splash, bone shot.


Ze Sanyhan made a scream, and the body floated in the same way as a burst.

Flying out of a few hundred meters, taking it to the ground.


The power of the lady is still not retreat, his neck is also crashing.

The head is like a watermelon who is kicked by a foot, keeps rolling.

Leave a blood.

It is shocking.

Anti-view Zhang Bin, still stopped there, standing there.

As if he is a punch, it is an ordinary person, not Ze Sanyi Mountain, one of Ze Tianmen.

The whole audience is generally quiet, and the needle can be heard.

How can this be?

Super powerful, invincible Zemushan is actually exploded by Susan?

Always I can't keep it?

"My daughter is so powerful? I don't know if I actually?"

Su Dongshu was shocked to drop down.

"Is God in bless? Otherwise, how can Susan be able to fight a punch?"

During the old man, I didn't bother to yell in my heart.

Susan and Jin Xiahai, etc. I know that the disciples of the interim are also facing each other, the eyes are big enough, and the face is full of ridiculous and dare to confuse.

An exterior disciple in the district, no, now it is the internal door disciple that is coming in the back door, it is actually a strong and genius of super cow? A punch is easy to explode Zemushan?

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The rain blows star and the other three young masters are shocked.

"How can you so powerful?"

Only one of a head of the Zhidai, who is not treated, is amazed.

He has been in the world for more than 20 years, except for his own brothers, he has never been defeated.

Never use to say such a miserable.

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