The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1615 Lion Raw to Sound Sword

"Who is the second?"

Zhang Bin did not pay attention to Zemishan, said faintly.

"I will talk to Su Miss."

Seven Shaolu left a step by step to Zhang Bin, and his hand had a sharp machete.

Body burst into the stress and murderous murder.

A dead breath is also emitted from his body.

"Dead knife, the knife will be dead."

Some people in the disciples of Ze Tianmen have laughed. "This time, the seven young masters are completely angry, and it is estimated that Susan is not live."

The disciples of many Jintmen are also secretly worried, and the face is full of nervousness.

Because Zeoshang is much stronger than 13 young master Shuishan, cultivation to the mid-flying medium, the abuts of death.

And people are trying, never leave, so any monks who are defeated by him have become the body.

Won the title of the dead.

He shot, Susan is dangerous.

Zhang Bin is still a face and calm, there is no nervousness.

"Death 18 knife, deviation is very uniform, head and limbs, heart liver and lung ..."

The death of the dead gods filled with strong confidence and smiled and shouted.

The knife in his hand suddenly came out.

Hey ...

Instantly cut out the eighteen knives, almost simultaneously.

Crossing, shrouding the world.

The knife broke, and the cold glare.

The murderous rolling, covered, covered everything.


A scream suddenly sounded.

Said to the extreme.

The radiance of the sky is also retreat, and the knife is also eliminated.

The weird is that no one has become a corpse.

They stand there in both still good ends.

The only quirky thing is that the knife in Zidao has been "Susan".

Suddenly, a red line floated from the neck of Zemai Road.

Then, blood appeared.

The head of Zemai is also sloppy, then separated from neck.

The slap in the ground, rolling a few times.

And Zhang Bin still stands on the end of the end, there is no, and it is interested in playing the dead knife, a good toy.

Everyone was shocked again, staying with a wooden chicken.

Can't say something.

Strong terrible, Lianmen Su Dongshi also did not grasp the defeated seven young grandparents, using sharp to the ultimate dead knife, show the most horrible death of the 18th knife to attack "Susan", but it is inexplicably " Susan "took the knife, then cut his head down?

"This is not Susan, it is absolutely not, what is her high?"

Zedong stream and supervised the old people shocked.

To be honest, they have never seen such a strong girl.

"I am going crazy, Zhang Bin, are you scared to death?"

Susan is also shouting in his heart, and his face is full of confidence.

"Rid, ridiculous, our Golden Gate has hidden a giant dragon. What qualifications do I do?"

Jin Xiahai also looked at Zhang Bin as a monster, shocked to the extreme.

"I am ghost, Susan is only 17 years old, only cultivated to the early stations, how can it be so strong?"

The rain blowing star and many Ze Tianmen masters are also shocked and fearful.

"Susan, you are so powerful, have you been playing pigs to eat tigers?"

The broken head of Zemai is shouting.

"I never think that I am very strong, you are arrogant." Zhang Bin said, "There are two people, you will go together, so you have to embroider."

Everyone is thoroughly speechless, Susan is actually pair of two? The purpose is to save time to embroidered?

That is, the super genius of Ze Tianmen, five grandpicles, Li Yun, and Little Grand Grand Grand Grass.

They are all cultivated to the later period of the flying, and they are famous for many years.

Sweeping the world, there is no enemy, weaker is weak in the small door of the main.

Any one in them, has the strength of the confrontation with Su Dong.

Two people teamed up, they are their father Ze Tiantian, and they don't necessarily resist.

However, a girl who is only 17-year-old, only cultivated to the early days of the affection, dare to deal with them two?

"You are too arrogant, let me teach you. As long as one sword, you will make a meat sauce. Who will let you sin? Ze Tianmen? I can only send you."

Five Shazzhu stayed with a smile, and his hand had a red sword that exudes a rich bloody.

Step stepped, I went to Zhang-, the sword in the hands shock.

I suddenly raised horrible to the ultimate .

This sound became a horrible fluctuation, with a murder of the sky, rolling like Hongli, Zhang Bin.

Where you have, the space is collapsed.

"God, the five masses have used his most magical sympathoid swords, Susan is about to become a powder."

The disciples of Ze Tianmen shouted in a fanatics.

And the disciple of the Golden Gate is a fear and despair.

The sound wave sword method is Zemaiyun's own sword law, a sword stab, the sound is rolling, can make people's physical cells resonance, then chemical into a meat sauce.

Once he was sword, the sound wave rolled, let more than a dozen mountains become the same gravel, instantly collapse, dust cover the sky, three months can see the sun.

To be honest, the most taboo of the Golden Gate is the five grandfather stayed.

Because of his horn attack, they didn't have a way to resist, and even Su Dongshu couldn't resist.

Now, Zemaiyun uses a trick, "Susan" is still life?

Seeing that terrorist surgery is going to be bombarded.

Zhang Bin suddenly screamed, "roll ..."

This is the lion scorpion in the big days!

Previous Zhang Bin has not found the magical thing about the lion, but when he created the civil education work, he gradually realized the mystery and terror.

The horrible sound waves out of his throat, like a sharp shell.

Bombards on the sound wave coming.

Suddenly, like the mortar, defeat the sound, and slammed on the buddy of Zemaiyun.


The scream of screaming, the eardrum of Ze Liyun is broken, the five senses are bleeding, the head is roaring, and the sky is turning.

Like drunk, a slap in the ground.

I can't climb it, I am afraid, my eyes are gone, just like lost the soul.

And Zhang Bin is still standing there.

As if, defeat Zemaiyun, for him, it is not worth mentioning.

The surrounding silence, space seems to be solidified.

Everyone is stunned and can't say.

It seems that their neck is embarrassed by ghosts.

Intention, strong terrible Ze Liyun, using the most horrible sound wave sword law, saying that a sword stains Susan, but actually can't resist "Susan"? Directly in the ground became a fool? What domineering is this? What horror is?

What kind of strength she is?

"Is this really my daughter Susan?"

"This is really a girl who is not sensible in the past."

Su Dongli and the director of the old face, and it was a surprise.

"Zhang Bin, who is you? How can I be so strong?"

Susan, Jin Xiahai also has a lot of disciples who know the internal feelings, also face each other, completely scared.

A little disciple, there is such a horrible strength.

Don't the real genius never?

"Well, Miss is mighty ..."

Many Jin Golden disciples were excited, and they made a big shouting.

Lianze's retaining cloud has also been easily defeated by Susan, what are they afraid?

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