The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1616, 1623, to treat their people

"How is this? How could it be? The Bolden Gate actually made a enchanting girl? It is even more difficult to get the Tianguo." Many Ze Tianmen masters are shocked, and the heart is hidden. This to the duck seems to be It is going to fly away.

"Susan, your genius exceeds my estimate, now I am very interested in you." Da Yezawa left out step forward, his face was full of cheering, "I want to marry you to do Xiaolu, you now Take me, otherwise, I will make you dying very hard. "

"What do you have? Although it is displayed."

Zhang Bin still has no expression, not angry, and it is very flat.

"Spatial chain, tied me."

Zhilan is also angry with Zhang Bin, shouting crazy.

His voice just fell, countless space lines appeared in the air, rapidly wrapped together, and became a huge tough and destroyed chain, and Zhang Bin bundled Zhang Bin into a scorpion.

This space of the space is really sharp, terrible.

It is not unable to resist and defense.

Zhang Bin made a power to earn it, but did not break it.

His face is surprised.

"Hahaha ... Tipped, Susan turned into a captive, which would take back to the cave."

"Still is the most powerful, the mastery of space has arrived at the top of the peak."

"The grandfather is only weaker than the young door. In addition to the young door, no one can be his opponent, the king of space, that is not fake."

"The king of space, all ..."

Many disciples of many Ze Tianmen shouted excitedly.

"Hey, Susan can't go back against the sky."

Su Dongliu, the director, and the other elders, all sighed.

They are the horror of the space law of Ze's space, that is, it is Gaiu Genius.

In space road, no one can go right.

Zhang Bin, fast counterattack, you will fight against it, don't lose a loss. "

"Zhang Bin, you, you, you must defeat him ..."


Susan, Jin Xiahai also has many talents and young people, they shouted in my heart, and their faces were filled with sadness, but they were desperate, because they premedited, Zhang Bin should have no way to break away, he wants to take it Tianmen and Ze stay in the child, but, »is a man, what is it?

"Hahaha, Miss Susan, isn't it very arrogant? How is it?"

Ze is laughing.

"Brought into the flower bridge ..."

The rain blowing the star is also proudly ordered, and then he put his gaze to Su Dongshu, and said: "Sumen Lord, hurry to take the dowry. Tiantian , , there is a treasure gody, Not as little as it is. "

All the branches of the Jinmen are angry.

The disciples of Ze Tianmen are proud of laughing.

However, their laughter is abrupt.

Because, "Susan" locked by the space lock chain suddenly twisted the body.

She will easily out of the chain.

Just as the magic is displayed.

"How can this be?"

Not only the disciples of Ze Tianmen, even the Jinmen disciples are stunned, and the eye beads have eaten.

The space chain of Ze Suit can lock all things, and there is never no monk can earn the chain, and there is no such monk to easily take off the chain as Zhang Bin.

This is incredible.

They don't know, Zhang Bin cultivated dozens of skills and cultivated dozens of abilities. The abilities are each other, and it is impossible to use a single power to tie him.

The space of Side is really very powerful, and the general monk has no way to deal with and resist.

However, Zhang Bin made a higher level of time attribute exercises - Taiyin Shenong, cultivating time abilities.

It is just possible to restrain the spatial abilities.

He just used time to make time suddenly paused a moment.

He shrinks the body and takes off the chain.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you break free?"

Zexiao sent a big shout that did not bother.

"You also pick me up, the space is cage."

Zhang Bin's right hand one finger.

The spatial intervene in the empty body, appeared in the glass wall.

It makes up a small cage and leaves the empty shut down inside.

"Give me ..."

Ze stayed in an emergency, crazy, a boxing on the wall of the cage.


Wall shaped wire does not move, no damage.

Hey ...

He crazyly attacked, and took out sharp magic weapon cut.

Then use a wide range of horrible magics, thunders, light, flames, ice, space blade ...

However, there is no effect.

It is indestructible.

I can't shake it.

To say that Zhang Bin's most powerful should be that there is a space.

Because there is a strong connection between spatial abilities and spiritual power, his soul is condensed out so much, and mental strength is of course super.

Plus he cultivated the moon god of the spatial attribute, and cultivated to the Medium-Baby Medium.

Space abilities are also more sharp.

Therefore, now he fully implements the space law, with the timing of the time law, makes a cage, and the horror genius and masters of Lianze remain in the air cannot be broken.

Of course, if there is any other master to attack Zhang Bin at this time, then this cage is difficult to stabilize.

The other party still can break out.

"Give me the old man, the space chain, lock ..."

Zhang Bin waved coldly.

In an instant, a huge spatial chain appeared in the space cage. I word into a scorpion.


Ze stayed in an emergency, crazy struggle, but there is no use.

Locking lines are not movable.

His face is full of anger, and it is full of retreat.

The face became blood.

Such a result can't accept it.

Originally he hosted the other party with a space lock chain.

Spatial abilities are also his most proud and powerful.

However, he was actually defeated by the other's space, and it was locked in a bage.

This face is too embarrassed.

"How can this? How can this?"

The rains looking at the rain is also a bieval, the shock and fear of a face.

The Golden Gate actually had such a enchanting girl, four sky funds, strong and terrible young masters were easily defeated.

There is no ability to even counterattack.

As if, in front of her, they are all ants.

The door owner has issued a command, and it is necessary to bring the heaven.

What should we do now?

As for the rest of Ze Tianmen, it is like a fool, and the gentleness is desperate, and it is coming to grab a woman and exercise, but now it is so humiliated.

"Zhang Bin, you are too big, what kind of enchanting? I must be dreaming."

Susan, Jin Xiahai, and many disciples who know the interim feelings look at Zhang Bin, how can I go back?

"Is it really dream?"

Su Dongliu, the Director, and many elders are also full of confused.

Such a strange thing, there is no way to explain.

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