The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1617 Whole moon double sword, killing, killing chicken

" ..."

The rain blows the star to Zhang Bin, saying that Susan, you are really powerful, but you can't fight against our Ze Tianmen, you are still going to the sedan and marry our Ze Tianmen. , I will tell the door, let you be a young woman. This world, only the young door owner can match your genius. Otherwise, I will order, you will not exist, and fly ash. "

The picture is poor!

He still has to complete the task of Ze Tiantian, to grab it back to the Tianmark and the other two skills.

And he brought more than 500 super masters, and three young masters were also injured.

The plus door will be assistant at any time.

It is indeed a grasp.

"After the end of the verge, Ze Tianmen torn the face, to be grabbed, we may really cover the Golden Gate."

All the disciples of the Bolden Golden Gate are angry to the extreme, and the face is full of desperation.

"Do you know what is the most powerful attack secret law?"

Zhang Bin still has no expression, and asked faintly.

"I heard that it is a slap in the moon. However, the power of the moon double the sword is also limited. It is difficult to kill the second person." Rain blowing the star and said, "I hope you have some self-knowledge, don't find it yourself. "

Ze Tianmen has already spent almost the secret law of the Golden Gate, and the moon is really such a shortcomings. If you attack one, you will become so sharp, you must sharpen it for a while, you have to kill the second person. ability.

"My broken moon double sword, you can kill a lot, don't believe, can we try?"

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Zhang Bin, you are so good, there will be blown birds, but it's best to blow them."

Susan shouted in his heart.

She taught the Tianguo to Zhang Bin seven days. Zhang Bin reached the day, and it could not cultivate the moon double sword. Even if she cultivated, it is impossible to say as bad as he said.

"Miss Su is really a peerless genius, but also cultivated the moon double sword." The rain floated on the face of the star, "the genius of the genius, the moon double sword, may be really different. However, I still want to try it, I don't know if there is any good way to test? "

"Good way to test? Of course, you have a test product. I use the broken moon double sword to break your moon, remind you, the soul is hidden to Dantian. I don't like to kill, I like the most Or embroidered. Yes, you can also attack me. This is fair, isn't it? "Zhang Bin looked at each other and his face was indifferent.

"I rely on, I have to fight five hundred experts? And say that he doesn't like to kill, just like embroidery? This cattle is big?"

Susan, Golden Sea, also knows that the disciples who know the inner feelings are almost fainted.

Su Dongli and Dao Director are also crying, Susan, this cowhide blows, may not be scared to each other.

"Haoyi dry cloud, Miss Su, you are really female, admire."

Rain blowing the star, and then acknowledged, a waving, and the five hundred masters surrounded Zhang Bin Group.

Their hands appeared sharp magic weapon, and burst into the murderous murder.

I really want to be siege, I don't want to Bin.

"All prepare for fight ..."

Su Dongli's face is sad, ordered.

"Dad, you don't do it, everyone doesn't have to do it, I will have to deal with them."

Zhang Bin said, just shouted, "the moon double sword is the magic ..."

His two eyes are angry, and the dark golden moon double sword is taken out from his eyes.

With a murder and horrible to the ultimate pressure.

"God, it is a slap in the moon, but the super powerful smashing moon double sword, how is he cultivated?" Susan Jin Xiahai and others were surprised to be with a fool, and the face was full of confidence. color.

Such a strange thing, how do they have no way to explain.

Can I cultivate such a strong moon double sword for seven days?


The rain blows the star, and shouts horror horror.

Among his eyes shot a cyan light, shot a cyan thunder in the ear, spurting the cyan flames, and the mouth is also a sharp magic weapon.

The other master is also the same.

Send a horrible magic, sharp magic weapon, attack Zhang Bin and the moon double sword.

Because they know, the moon double sword can be against the gods of the flame, Thunder.

In addition, if you kill Zhang Bin, the moon double the sword will naturally collapse.

However, these two moon double swords are extraordinary, and they are not afraid of such horrible magical attacks.

Each of it.


The rain blows a sharp scream.

Yang Tian fell to the ground, holding his head, kept rolling.

Because his two moon palace was broken, the double sword became a fragment.


Fortunately, he listened to Zhang Bin, hiding the soul to Dantian.

Otherwise, he has become a body.

"Ah ..."

The scream of the scream continues to ring.

13 Young Master lie down again.

The seven young masters lie down.

Five young masters are also lie down.

The big grandfather just broke with the space chain and the cage was also overfolded.

More masters are also in the same way as cutting wheat.

Just a few breathing time.

Five hundred masters are all lying on the ground, holding the head and rolling.

The sound was shocked.


And Zhang Bin still standing there.

Many magic can't hurt her, even his clothes are safe.

Many magic weapons are even solidified in the air, and they have a few meters from the distance.

One person is as easy to win, and the chicken kill duck is as easy to win.

This strength is too scary!

"My God, this is what kind of monster plus å."

Susan, Jin Xiaohai, all the old age, the exterior door, the main Soviet, all the woods.

Looking at the Ze Tianmen master lying on a place, I can't wake up.

This is a dream!

Otherwise, it is impossible to happen!

"The rain is old, how do you see my moon double sword? Can you kill one?"

Zhang Bin put the shameful moon double sword with a sharp rhite, step by step by step.

"Ah ... you are a devil ... don't come over, don't come over ..."

The rain blowing star scared the bitterness, shouting horror.

"Don't be afraid, I just like embroidery, don't like to kill, otherwise you have become a body." Zhang Bin stepped in the chest of the rain, "Go back to tell you the door, let him be honest, don't think We bullied our golden door, if you provoke my anger, kill your Ze Tianmen, kill a blood into the river, the corpse is almost, then it is not fun. "

"Yes, I must tell the door."

The fear of the rain blowing the star, and I promised it.

"Leave your space ring, then you can go."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

Many masters don't have a dare to refute, all of them take the space ring.

Put it on the ground and then hit the roller climb.

After one by one, if Susan does not remind them, then they have become a corpse.

It turned out that the most powerful masters of Big Golden Gate were not Soviet, but the little girl who was only cultivated to the initial situation.

"Susan, you are amazing, you are too powerful, just, you are so good ..."

Many disciples include Makeup into Zhang Bin's Susan, as well as a small door of the Golden Sea, all rushed to Zhang Bin shouting.

Their face is full of enthusiasm, full of excitement, full of pride and pride.

They sent a super genius, crushed all the genius and giant.

(Push book: "full-time bodyguard", author: Jun day drunk Introduction: Invincible Wang Bing, suave, all enemies kneel, lie down and have beautiful ......)

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