The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1618 does not speak


Su Dongli and the Director were flying over, landing in front of Zhang Bin.

The rest of the elders are also hula, and the disciples who cheers have sided it.

"Are you really Shan Shan?"

Su Dong traffic asked with a trembling voice.

"Of course, dad, what you doubt."

Zhang Bin puts out Susan's expression, and vividly.

"But how can you be so powerful?"

Su Dongshu is still a bit dare not confidence.

"I have long said to you, I am a super genius, you don't believe, then what do I have?" Zhang Bin said, "Hey, I am going to take care of my baby."

After that, he flashed without a trace.

"Hey, this child is getting more and more can't ..."

Su Dong stream sighed, but where there is a depressed look on his face, smile, like a chrysanthemum.

The supervisor is not so optimistic, hesitate to say: "The door, I still feel wrong. Shanshan although genius, but, how can her character, how can it be hidden?"

"Yeah, if there is such strength, if there is such strength, I have long hated it every day. Where can I show it now? But today, the abilities and exercises in today are all our doors. In the middle, the most horrible or smashing the moon double sword ... What is going on here? "Su Dong's face floated the color of confused.

The two of them discussed a while, shouted the golden sea to a secret room.

"How is the small sea, Shanshan is going? I think you must know ..." Su Dong said seriously.

"This matter is concerned about the life and death of our Golden Gate. If you are still concealed, it is the deceivement of the ancestors." During the old man said seriously.

"This ... I don't say it?"

Jin Xiahai is a little hesitant, as a friend of Susan, of course, should not be said, but he is still a small door, but it should be said.

At first glance, there is a play, and you will work hard to lobby.

Jin Xiahai is unable to say: "In fact, in fact, that is not Shan Shan, is Shanshan's substitute."

"What? Is it Shanshan's substitute?"

Two big jumped highly, and the face was full of colors.

It turned out to be such a powerful substitute, and can you make makeup so realistic?

Switch, Su Dongshu asked in confusion: "Who is she? Is it a female disciple in our door? Otherwise she can't cultivate the Tao Magic and the other skills in our doors."

"This, he is indeed a disciple in our door, but it is a man, and he is a boyfriend of Shanshan." Golden Xiaoyao said.

That time, Shanshan wanted to get the elf baby, promised Zhang Bin's conditions, he misunderstood today.

The rest of the disciples have misunderstand today.

"What? There is such a genius in our door? Which elders are he?"

"What? Shanshan still talks about boyfriend?"

During this time, Soviet, this time is higher, almost brought the roof.

"He is not old, but a foreign disciple, 23 years old this year, cultivate into Yuan Ying's medium-term ..."

Jin Xiaohai aliened his teeth, and explained things in 1511.

"How is this possible? A foreign disciple, just cultivate into Yuan Ying's medium? You can defeat so much master? You must know that most of them are cultivated to the flying misery, and they are all over the genius." Su Dongli and supervisor Sketch.

"I don't know, he is amazing, when he gently caught the elf baby, gently kill the rumor and kill the rain, now the spectrum, hanging the genius of Ze Tianmen and giant. I am still confused now. "Jin Xiahai also said confused.

"Since he is seven days ago, I didn't have a domestic disciple. I didn't have the opportunity to learn to be a heaven. How did he repair so horrible meal?"

Su Dongshi asked again.

"It is Shan Shan to teach him seven days ago. He may be a monster."

Jin Xiahai is depressed, and it is advisable.

"There is a foreign disciple Zhang Bin in our door?"

Two big still can't believe, and immediately check the computer file.

What makes them surprised is that this is actually a fact.

"Ha ha ha ... we have a super genius in our door. He is the genius rushing this era, maybe no addition to Ze Lifeng."

"Hahaha ... Although Shanshan does not work hard, it is not very sensible, but the boyfriend found is extraordinary. My family is good. My Soviet son-in-law did not give me a face."

During his old and Su Dongxun, he smiled excitedly.

"Others, from the boyfriend to the son-in-law. I completely lost Shanshan."

The depressed and sad of Jin Xiaohai, his tears are almost flowing out.

Su Dongli and the Director did not have any delays, and immediately went to Zhang Binongfu.

When I saw "Zhang Bin", the two big men shouted excitedly.

"Zhang Bin, since you are so talented, why do you want to show your talent today?"

"Zhang Bin, tomorrow is a big days, I decided to give you and Shanshan tomorrow."

"What? Dad, what do you say?"

Susanshan's eyes are wide, and the face is full of attention.

"Zhang Bin, you don't install it, we all know, Jin Xiahai said everything."

Su Dong was smiling.

"Jin Xiahai, you idiot ..." Su Sanashi is angry, "But I am really Susan, not Zhang Bin. He has gone, nor he still returns back."

After finishing, she took out a note behind him. The paper is on the Dragon Fei Feng dance. Several words: "Cloud tour world, there will be a period."

The money is Zhang Bin.

"What? Go? Go chase."

The two big madmen flew out the mountain gates and released the knowledge.

However, where is Zhang Bin's trace?

"He left, no longer coming back, dad, supervisor, old, why do he want to go? Do not talk to me?" Susan said depressed.

"He ... should go to the cloud, will come back, he is not saying, will it be a period?"

Soviet said bitterly.

It's hard, there is a super genius in the door, and there are many Tianmen in Ze Tianmen, and this super genius seems to be closely related to Shanshan, but from this situation, he did not put Shanshan at all. On, I didn't put him in Su Dong in my heart, so I didn't care about it.

Also, he is only 23 years old, but strength has exceeded the super giant, who has been cultivated for thousands of years.

How can he care about their father and daughter?

How can I stay in the Golden Gate?

He is the dragon in heaven, and now it is back.

"The door, the situation is not wonderful, if Ze Tianmen will come to play our skills, how to deal with?"

During his old man said.

"Blocking the news, immediately send people to find Zhang Bin, there is any movement of listening to the sky, everyone gives me efforts, especially Shanshan and Xiaohai ..." Su Dongshu.

"I must work hard to practice, I am so strong, I can walk into his world ..."

"I must be crazy to practice, I have to exceed Zhang Bin, and Shanshan will like me ..."

Susagen and Jin Xiahai shouted in his heart.

The rest of the talents are also swearing in their hearts, and they must be crazy and will soon.

Because in their hearts have an idol, it is Zhang Bin.

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