The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1619 Terrorist

Ze Tianmen.

Ze Tiantian stood in the garden of Wanhua, and the face was full of color.

The mouth is also muttered: "Su Dongshi Su Dongliu, you will be able to see the heavenly magic to see your own life as your own life. Let me not get it. However, You can't look at the Golden Gate is destroyed by me? You can't watch your daughter being killed? Hahaha ... I gave you such a big face, let me go to your daughter four genius son. If you still don't know, you can't blame me. "

He took a beautiful flower and appreciates finely.

But he suddenly took this flower into a smashing, and he was proud: "From today, the Tianmark, Bao Jin Tiangong, the treasure god, is our master of our Ze Tianmen, since it is our Ze Tianmen's skill, absolutely Allowed to spread out, so I can only kill you. From then on, there is no Big Golden Gate in the world. Only more powerful Ze Tianmen, the Golden Gate completely disappeared in the long history of history. "

He burst into the murderous murder.

"The door, the elder and the young master come back ..."

A frightened expression is rushing in, and it is reported.

"Ha ha ha ... The magic , the treasure gods, the golden day, finally arrived. Come, immediately died in Susan, immediately destroyed the Golden Gate, one did not stay." Ze Tang was madly laughed. .

"The door, they did not bring back Susan, and did not get that kind of practice."

The guard is weak.


The smile on the face of Ze Tong became stiff, and the lightning was rushed out.

More than 500 masters are now standing in the garden at the head of Tower.

A wolf is like a dog, and the face is full of horrifying.

Even, some people keep shaking and twitching.

One is a panic and scared, one is because the moon is broken, there is very painful before the repair.

And to fix, not that easy, need super good heaven and earth.

They can don't be so bullish, and there is no practice that is not cultivated without death.

"what happened?"

Ze Tong said angryly, his face floated to the extreme anger.

"Dynasty newsman ..."

The rain bruises the stars to talk finely.

"It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible, as Susan is a 17-year-old girl, how can it be so powerful?"

Ze Tong Tian sent a big shouting.

"Dad, is true, Susan is too strong, only cultivating the beginning of the advice, but she mastered too much power, space abilities, sound canal ... all are extremely extreme. The most terrible Yes, her smashing the two swords, the sharpness of our five hundred people, but also a sharp man is still ... She also said that she wants to kill our Ze Tianmen, kill a blood into the river, the bones are like a mountain. "

Big Grand Grand Grass was froc and said.

"A hoe film is actually a deep genius and master that are not delaid. I dare to say so arrogant?" Ze Tong weather was in a hurry, violently jumped, and the body burst into richness as the substance.

"The door, Susan is very talented, and it is very powerful. Perhaps, only you and the young doors will be able to make her."

The rain is blowing the star.

"What? Want me to be a hand with the young door?" Ze Tong Tian was angry and angry. He felt that he was smashed by a girl. I have been waiting for many years today. Such a good plan is that it is destroyed by a gimmick? How did the girl think so powerful?

"Dad, or wait for the three brothers to go, let the three brothers defeated Susan, and everything will be water."

The five masses have hesitation.

Obviously, he still felt that it may be difficult to defeat Susan, and the Ze Tianmen lost his face.

"For the right, the young door is the sky, the soul is very strong, the moon is indestructible, the moon double the sword must be . The young door must be easily defeated Susan."

"The young door is the peerless genius of this era, suppresss a time, Susan again, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the young door."

"Let the young door shot, kill Susan ..."


Many elders are also empty, and their faces are filled with laughter and confidence.

It is really a small door Lord to leave too many legendary colors, too mysterious, too talent, too powerful.

Let them only have a film.

When the small door Lord is in five years old, it has already mastered more than a dozen powerful abilities.

The wind is light, the space is five lines, and it is all right.

The most amazing thing is that he has mastered the unparatorable cultivation knowledge.

Twenty years ago, Ze Tianmen is a second-class mission.

At that time, Ze Tiantian was only cultivated to the future period, and the war is general.

However, since the three less grandpac, all have changed, everything happened.

He revised the practice of Ze Tianmen, and even he pointed to how Ze Tiantian cultivated.

Let Zieden day can practice more than dozens of exercises.

Also let all brothers become a peerless genius, one can practice more than a dozen exercises, more than ten times better than the monks in the same realm.

Soon, Ze Tianmen became the hegemony on Dagu, side by side of the fairy medicine.

Since then, Dagu Star has two super-intensive martial arts.

And the three young grandparents have been strong, and he is invincible in the world when he is in the same way.

Lianxian Pharmaceutical door main medicine is not dare to fight.

At that time, Ze Li was only 10 years old!

Nowadays, the three young grandpics are still 27 years old, and they will be cultivated to the peak of the flying.

What kind of point he will be strong?

Such a peerless genius is definitely easily crushed in Susan!

"How do I explain to the young master?" Ze Tong's roar, "He said that the Tianguo is very magical, even in the fairy world, the moon sword law is ranked third in the senior world, let me go out Before, you must get the talents. However, you can not complete the task! "

"Door, if we gather all the strength to attack the Golden Gate, Susan can't resist, you have to be killed, but there may be a lot of casualties. And, Susan's strength is so terrible, maybe there is anything . The main situation is the most appropriate, perhaps, the small door owner will not be angry, but also very happy. "Rain blowing star suggestions.

Ze Tong Tianyi thoughtfully took a moment, drink it coldly, "It is still waiting for some time, after the same number of mains, then paying the Golden Gate. But now give me a golden gate. Every move, prevent them from escaping. "

"Yes, the door."

Everyone agreed, and the desperation of the face was swept away.

Even, the face of the four young masters floated, they seemed to see the beautiful scenes that Susan was trampled by the mainmentergers.

Today's humiliation of humiliation is also reported.

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