The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1620 Wenwu Pharmacy

Immortal Pharmaceutical City is located in the area of ​​the fairy medicine.

It is a bustling and a population of 30 million.

It is the largest and most prosperous city on Dagu.

It is a full star's economic and cultural center.

The city is Dan medicine shop, which is everywhere. The whole city has floating a rich medicine.

Of course, most Dan medicine shop is open.

It is not to open the relatives of the disciples of the fairy medicine.

Occasionally, there are other pharmacies that are opened, but they are not large.

The business of all pharmacies is very good.

After all, the Dawu Miaces were manipulated and many monks. The demand for Dan is huge.

Dagu Star is large, and heaven and earth spirit and many plants.

The martial art has its own secret law of cultivating heaven and earth.

Therefore, the medicinal materials of alchemy are basically indispensable.

Various reasons have caused the prosperity of Xianpi.

There is also a new drug store today.

Hanging a plaque, writing: "Wenwu Pharmacy" four big words.

The slogan on the wall is a bit funny: high price acquisition of medicinal materials, free alchemy.

No other else.

If you follow this, this pharmacy is doing loss of business, or it is a liquefied thing.

So, many people passing the monks are finger.

The opposite pharmacy, the boss of the drug store next door is also a whistling, where is the fool? I also dare to open the medicine shop in Xianpi City? If it is a liar, then this liar is absolutely alive.

The management of the Immortal Medicine is very strict.

If the store is a big deception, a deceptive medicinal material, or a waste of people's medicinal herbs, it is to be punished and compensated.

Wenwu pharmacy.

Zhang Bin lying on a lounger, blinking, the mouth is also muttered: "Sure will be busy, now take a good time."

Ma Rufei, Zhang Navy, Chen Chao Yue three teasing is standing at the door, while looking at the beauty of the street with a sensuality, crying on the street.

"Master said that it has been found to find the sky, just in the golden door ... However, he can be very easy to get a book, why don't you say anything?"

"It is estimated that the master is a long-distance fishing beauty. He left, Susan will deeply fall in love with him ..."

"I feel that the master is now right. If staying there, delaying the cultivation of the big brother, but also let the Golden Gate depend on the master, and the cultivation will not work hard, but our master is Go back to the earth, it is impossible to protect the Golden Gate in a lifetime ... As for the Tiandou Month, the master can go to get ... "

"But what is the meaning of the master's drug store? And this is the trading of this."

"The master has got the inheritance of the Too Old Jun. Master must fully master and understand, must refine the medicinal medicine, and there are many kinds of medicinal materials of Dagu, a lot of Danfang, very suitable for the big brother, so he Engage a pharmacy, free alchemy ... "

"But, how can he do a loss of business, I still don't believe it."


However, they quickly attracted the beauty of the street, and began to discuss the beauty on Dawei Star.

"That beautiful woman is good, at least one meter, her chest is really big."

"Box, it is definitely super Bao."

"My God, I love this Baojin."

" ..."

Ma Ru Fei couldn't help it, rushed out, stopped in front of this Bachelor woman, he enthusiastically: "Beauty, do you want to refine the medicine, our store will refine, quality pack you satisfied."

"Yeah, yeah, beauty, come to our store to try it, you will never regret it."


Chen Chao Yue and Zhang Navy also yelled.

They are of course the language of Dagu Star. After all, in Zhang Bin Danya cultivated seven days, they also learned the language of Dagu Star through language translation software.

"Free refining Dan medicine? How do you say it?"

The wave of beauty is not afraid of three teasings, and she is much more powerful than three.

Because she cultivated to the middle of the affection.

It is a very powerful master.

"If you refine, you will lose your stove."

Ma Rufei said his chest.

"Do you hear it? He said that it will pay me a medicinal material?"

The big wave of beauty shouted.

"I heard it. We give you testimony."

Many passers-by weird and.

It can be seen that the temptation of the Baoges is really big.

If it is not a beautiful woman, but an ugly man, it is estimated that no one is a problem.

"Beauty, can you go in alchemy?"

Ma Shi Fei looked at the Baba beauty, and swallowed a few mouthfuls.

It seems that he loves this big wave.

"Wait a minute, I have to ask, what is the standard of your store?"

The big wave of beautiful women asked again.

"What is the standard of refining? How do I know?" Ma Rufei suddenly, his mouth said: "You talk about it, what is your satisfaction?"

"I am satisfied with the standard?" The beauty of the woman showed a strange expression, "the quality of Shang Dan is refining."

"Little means. Press this standard."

Ma Rufei said.

"Have you heard it?"

The big wave of beauty shouted excitedly.

"I heard it, I will give you a test."

Many monks smile and shout.

"This pharmacy is going to close today."

The alchemist and boss near the nearby pharmacy were heard, and they laughed.

In Dawei Star, Dan Medicine is divided into four qualities: order, Chinese products, topped, and Tianji Dan.

Shangpin Dan medicine is difficult to refining, even the Master of the immortal door, no one is full of refining and making tops.

Now a small pharmacy dares to say such a rhetoric, the refining of the medicinal medicine is not topping, even if it is abnormal, it is necessary to compensate, then don't lose your pants? Don't go down.

Big Wave Beauty entered the civilwater pharmacy under the cluster of many passers-by.

Three teasings were also very happy, they pulled a business.

Most importantly, they pulled into a big wave.

I can enjoy it for a while.

Zhang Bin climbed up from the lounge chair, glanced at the big wave of beautiful women, saying faintly: "What Dan medicine do you want to refine? Medication give me a look?"

"I want to refine the bits of Dan, this is a medicinal material? I ask you again, is it free? I will pay for me?" The big wave of beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Bin, a little hesitated, this is a Very young alchemist, it is estimated that there is no more than 30 years old. It is more terrible. He is only cultivated to Yuan Ying's medium, and this iron is not allowed to refine.

"It's really free, refining will compensate you." Zhang Bin said.

"What kind of pay me?"

The beautiful woman asked worriedly.

If this refining Dan teacher is a poor egg, he will not compensate.

And her stove medicinal materials, that is, she is tensible.

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