The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1621 Special practice, rapid energy

"What is this?"

Zhang Bin's hand has a green thunderice fruit.

"God, the green thunder, this alchemist culture is rough."

There is a monk exclaimed.

"Well, you can give me alchemy."

Big wave beauty is extremely happy.

Zhang Bin took detailed medicine, found that there is no problem.

He took out the furnace and placed on the ground and started with alchemy.

Everyone is awkward, isn't it going to refine the alchemy room?

How to refine here?

This guy doesn't know how to refine Dan?

"This beauty is cool, you can get a thunderice fruit."

"This is a newbie, it will not be alived."

"Waiting for us, let him alder, but also get a thunderice."


Many monks are talking about.

"If he can refine, I will walk around."

"If his pharmacy is not closed today, my pharmacy is closed."

"If he can refine the top of the goods, I can refine the sky."


The alchemist of nearby pharmacies also watched the lively, and the face was full of color.

Zhang Bin released a variety of flames, burning Dan furnace, and throwing the medicinal materials slowly.

He read the Pharmacopoeian of Golden Gate, which records a lot of drugs for alchemy and medicinal materials, and there are many Danfang.

The Dan side of the Dan Dan also recorded.

He got the inheritance of the Tooo, as long as there is a Danfang and herbs, most of the medicinal herbs can refine.

So, although it is the first refining, it is hard to live.

He used a heart refining, with a mystery of the heart of the alchemy, but also used a heart god to see the alchemy video of Too many old monarchs, and also studied the content of the old monarch alchemy.

Too many old princes said with him, let him refine the drug, and it is likely to create a Dan. Big Zexing, such as the immortal conditions, he certainly knows.

In just twenty minutes, a furnace is successfully refining.

Dan furnace cover opens.

One Dan medicine flew out and went to go.

"Bang ..."

A strong red cloud suddenly appeared in the air.

Ombourning a red thunder, bombarded in Dan.

Dan medicine screamed, falling from the air, falling in Zhang Bin.

Rotate, the other eight-day medication repeats this process.

Thunder, shocking.

"My God, he actually refining the sky," "

All the lively monks, including large-wave beauty, all completely dumbly, face full of compliance.

The sky robbery, said that the Tan medicine that he has robbed it is to surpass the Dan.

The value of the sky and the value of Shang Dan, the former is ten times the latter, and even higher.

Undoubtedly, the Tianji Dan is not an ordinary alchemist to refine, and must be an alchemist.

Even the alchemist of alchemists can only be used occasionally.

No wonder, they are so shocking.

Those alchemists who have previously sneered Zhang Bin have a shame, flew back to their own pharmacy, and then dare not come out.

Just now, their gambling swear, not to walk, it is to close the pharmacy, or to refine the more advanced medicinal herbs.

This is equivalent to a big mouth, playing their shame to die.

All of the medicinal herbs have been robbed, Zhang Bin is crazy.

Just swallow the rest of the red robbery cloud.

Although only red robbery, it also contains special drugs and energy.

It can make his soul condense the guides, or may not be condensed, or even, half of it is also condensed.

However, it is also very considerable to swallow the robbery cloud.

If you condense three guidelines a day, there are 90 months.

Therefore, Zhang Bin gave it a free refining Dan medicine, but Zhang Bin not only wants to create a Dan attribute skill, not only to invent more magical Danfang, refining special medicinal herbs, let him break through the bottleneck, he still I want to improve my soul intensity, I want to condense 12,000 guidelines as soon as possible, so I can transform another month to time machine, pass through time and space, and the time of cultivation is unlimited.

This can be said to be a good thing to do.

"Strike the cloud?"

Many monks are stunned.

Such a slave, they still have to see.

However, this is just a red Thunder robbery, very low.

So they are not too surprised.

"This is your medicinal medicine, take it."

Zhang Bin handed the medicinal herbs to the Bagge Beauty.

"Thank you, thank you ... What can I do for you?"

Boba beauty is grateful to the point where it is not added. She didn't pay anything, but wealth has a surge in surprising ten times. I feel conscience and ask.

"Then you have given me several plants or medicinal materials, I have to be intact." Zhang Bin took out the jade jade recorded in the Tianzhi spirit and plants on Dagu, so that the big wave of beautiful women read it again, "those The plants and medicinal materials that are labeled in the red line are what I want to get. "

Dawei Star is too broad, and there are too many heaven and earth spirits and plants.

And it's all martial arts, he certainly can also invigorate, but there is too much trouble.

The efficiency is also low.

The monk launched a monk to dig, the efficiency is high.

"This is too easy, I am at least for you to dig a hundred plants and medicinal materials."

The big wave is very happy, and I will leave immediately.

"I want to refine a kind of medicinal medicine ..."

"I also want……"

"I first, I first ..."


And many monks who read the lively have taken out the herbs to let Zhang Bin refinered.

Three invasons have been done, they queued by these monks regulations, and they must not join the team.

If it is a beautiful woman, it is of course preferential.

This work is really happy for them.

Zhang Bin continued not to panically refined to refine, and started special practice.

His medicine for him is approximately half of the talents.

The other half is also Shangtan, no refining.

Therefore, he is alchemy, swallowing the cloud, and then refining the Dan, and then swallow the cloud, unlimited cycle.

The monks who got the Tan medicine were actively read the jade jade, and then left, then sent some plants and medicinal materials.

Zhang Bin's speed is getting faster and faster, it can refine a furnace ten minutes.

However, the number of monks who can't stand the wind.

Therefore, in the pharmacy, the three team monks were discharged, and they have been rushed to outside.

Quickly extends on the street.

There are thousands of people to not.

The business of other pharmacies will naturally be greatly affected.

You can use the door to describe the Rock.

Zhang Bin refined Not only free, but also the quality of Dan medicine.

It is a fool that will not go to other pharmacy.

"Nima, where is this born, is it to mess?"

"This is a head blue, it is estimated that it is rushing through the fairy medicine. There may be a good show."

"Sitting to see the fairy medicine door to clean up this kid."

"I gamble these four bodies live for three days."

"For three days, they live a day."


Other pharmacies' alchemists and bosses run out, refer to point, face full of sneers.

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