Fairy medicine door.

Chamber of Deputies.

The door owner is sitting in the dragon chair in the cold, and his eyes are shot.

Many powerful elders are also an anger.

"There is a teenager in the district, it has destroyed the rules, ruining my fairy medicine door roots. I can't bear it. I will go to you." The old old age of the temper is like a blood angry.

"Oil, it is easy, but our reputation of our fairy medicine is full."

"This should be careful, otherwise, the impact is very bad."


The rest of the elders are also speaking.

They are all very powerful, all cultivated to the flying misery, even, and cultivation to the peak of the flying peak.

The fairy medicine door is the oldest martial art in Dagu, since ancient times, it is a first-class martial art.

The strength of strength, the thickness of the heritage, is not the Ze Tianmen to match.

"I have a plan, let him close the door, then become a bitter in our door, give us Dan medicine every day ..." Wisdom Tongtian's elderly medicine far said faintly.

"Good care ..."

Many elders shouted excitedly.

Even the door of the door is also a ferocious smile.

Wenwu pharmacy.


Three teases were proud of the pole, because they became a lot of beauty.

The beauty monks are looking for them three lattice.

This is not, a beautiful monk pulls the favorite sleeves of Ma, and said: "Handsome guy, help, I have an urgent matter to do, I can't wait too long, but this person is too much ..."

Ma Rufei did not agree.

Beauty hugged his arm and swayed, and continued to take the sky.

Where is Ma Rufei to resist, because this is a big breast beauty.

He let the beauty take the medicinal material.

He took the medicinal material to Zhang Bin, who was in alchemynum, put the medicinal material in the first position.

"This little brother, you are foul, you all give five beautiful women ..."

"Yeah, yeah, then go, we can't wait until next year."


The monks who were waiting in line couldn't help but drum noise.

Ma Ru Fei is going to pack them, Zhang Bin is talking, "Maybe I can refine two furnace medicines at the same time, and use this medicinal material."

"Refining two furnaces?"

Everyone is stunned, and the face is full of colors.

I have never seen such a thing.

Do you do this?

However, they don't worry, anyway, Dan medicine is broken, this boy will compensate.

That thunder is still in the counter.

So Zhang Bin took out a Dan furnace.

At the same time refining two furnaces.

He actually is very easy, no busy.

Soon, the two furnaces of medicinal drugs refined, they were all the sky.

And Zhang Bin also swallowed again to the residual robbery cloud.

"This is too incredible, you can refine two furnaces at the same time?"

Many monks were shocked by Zhang Bin.

However, let them shock still behind.

Zhang Bin began to simultaneously refine three furnaces, four fresses, five fresses, and finally, he also refined 81 furnaces.

He is used in the heart of 81, adding medicinal materials with a separator, released and manipulating various flames, which turned into an orderly manner.

There is no refining, and the quality is still being improved.

Eighty-one furnace medicine, now there is a 50 furnace now is the sky.

"How is this possible? How is it?"

"Is this a goddess to do something?"

"The big man of the immortal medicine door is estimated to have this level?"


Many monks have been stunned and completely dumbfounded.

Don't say they, even three teasings are also shocked.

Do you have a big brother to understand the alchemy inheritance of Tai Shang Laojun?

"I don't have much time to alder, but it is difficult to quickly reach too much old dragon's alchemy. However, I am in anxiety, while alchemy, simultaneous feelings, but a shortcut, let me alder The quantity and experience rapidly, then I can understand the true meaning of alchemy, completely understand the secret law of the Old Old Jun, and then understand the renaming technique after reincarnation, create a Dan life method ... not to mention, Can be swallowed to more robbery, let the soul condense more guys. "Zhang Bin's face floated and looking forward to the color.

He is more struggling to refine the drug.

I saw that the medicinal material flew, and many flames were crazy.

The sky robbery is also coming.


In this way, it refines about five hundred furnaces.

Zhang Bin felt a bit exhausted.

He stopped refining, knee cultivation, and restoration.

Even, there are two beautiful monks to take the initiative to massage Zhang Bin.

He won the respect of all monks.


The heavy footsteps suddenly came from the outside.

A monk wearing a red robes, with two sorrows that have followed from the outside.

He burst into a stress and momentum on his body. He stepped on it, and the ground must collapse.

"God, this is the old age of the fairy medicine door. Is this going to find trouble?"

"Not good, this pharmacy is closed."

"Not just closing, maybe this boy is still worried."


The queues of the queues are fearful, and they have escaped.

"What do you want to do?"

Ma Rufei three teasing bars before the medicine, there is no fear.

"Rolling ..."

The medicine is shouting.

The horrible pressure and momentum shot.

Three teasing is standing unstable, and it is far a few tens of meters long.

The demon world smiled and walked to Zhang Bin, drink: "Xiaozi, I want to refine a kind of medicinal medicine - feathering Dan, must be Shangtai Dan medicine."

After that, he took out a medicinal material and put on the counter.

"Feather Tan? What is the medicinal medicine?"

Zhang Bin's heart is a doubt, there is no record in this medicinal medicine in the pharmacology.

However, there is nothing to panic.

He stood up and taking care of herbs.

There are more species of medicinal materials, there are more than 3,500 kinds.

Moreover, most of the medicinal materials are very precious.

Some of the age of herbs, even more than 100 million years.

It can be seen that feathering Dan is a super precious medicinal medicine.

May have a magical effect.

"What about the Dan? Let me see?"

Zhang Bin's eyes flanseed in the eyes.

As an alchemist, for any magical prescription, it is eager to see.

The Danfang records not only the type and component of the medicinal materials, but also the techniques and special instructions of alchemy.

"You don't know this Dan party?"

The medicine is sneaked in the world.

"A nonsense. Any high alchemy teacher is impossible to know all the Danfang in the world."

Zhang Bin refuted coldly.

"This is one of our most amazing Danfang in our fairy medicine. Feather Tan is also one of the most precious medicinal herbs, and there is a drug effect of anti-day." The drug is directly taken out, giving Zhang Bin, His voice is very high, the sound is passing thousand, and all monks in the Immortal Pharma have heard.

Countless monks flocking, or paying attention with the gods.

Such a wonderful play, they are of course not willing to miss.

The elders of the fairy medicine door are deal with an unknown cum, it is a big head.

"Since Feather Tan is so precious, why do you not refine?" Zhang Bin saw the Danfang, saying, "Could you refine yourself?"

"God, this boy dared to talk so much, is this this is not impatient?"

Many monks have secretly shocked, and the face is full of wipes.

"Of course we can refine, but let you refining is not more insurance? If you abide, you will compensate a medicinal material? Not? Wow haha ​​..." The medicine is smile and said.

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